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Everything posted by CataPvE

  1. 100% wont help,i reinstalled like 20 times aleardy windows 10 and 11 still problem..
  2. i did that,fresh install on windows 11 , had problems,my friend who runs a internet caffe in my country,always use clean and fresh windows 11 installs and still have problems
  3. Well the problem on windows 11 is that u don`t get any error or crash,it just close without any error.
  4. We had only briliant storms,roses , royal beer,dragon since 2020 now last 3-4 p2w events we get only normal ones after there are thousands on the market. second its also 3-4th event with dragon accesorry , comon lol.. u can do put there wings or anything else except dragon accessory we need dragon weapon aug stones,we need dragon claws , we need splendor fragments All 5-6 months events we had dragon shirt aug stones,dragon accessory and same items over and over again...
  5. Think he left aleardy .... after he saw whats going on... Last visited Friday at 08:10 PM
  6. I didnt had a problem with old CPU and GPU,now i upgraded a little end and i got only crashes each few hours...
  7. I REALLY cant understand how is possible such a big company to dont have a smart dude who can fix things, i mean wtf is going on.. pretty sure there are some guys who can do it for free but they aint allowed,why dont u hire a smart guy to fix this ? i mean people complain since 2-3 years and u can get it fixed for a few $.... why is it so complicated MAN wow.. Im not even sure how many ncsoft west employers have but pretty sure one of them is captable to fix this. Let's say there aint anyone but they can do a contest for people in-game who can fix that problem , reward a med item and problem fixed for "free" . Its not normal for a such a big company to dont have a decent support, to dont fix anything so people can play without disconnects or crash.. U like people to complain 24/7 ? alot of threads out there for random dc's , for crashes,nobody doing anything.. u just ignore instead of fix them for a super low ammount. @Hermes@Wissp
  8. would be cool if they fix on windows 11, maybe there i will stop crash,i dunno wtf is going on
  9. Well in EU Prices will go super crazy.... it will help 100% ...
  10. i did that too and seems ok now,but why should i play on low when my pc can handle all top games... its kinda wierd but whatever..
  11. Hermes said they will fix all missing items on next maintance,can u chill ?
  12. welcome @Wissp. U really seems a nice dude ,but u wont be able to change anything. i know u will try because i can see it in your "eyes" . You are not like others thats 100%. Cata gaming l2 on youtube , alot of gambles & enchants and how i made it f2p to be decent If ur not a complainer pretty sure u can make it even f2p in this game. I know alot of dudes who did it and one of them is me. GL!
  13. I keep get alot of disconnect since database problems,anyone have same problem?
  14. Dunno whats going on >.< i have to relog each few hours and its kinda lame
  15. We want free 3 stage weapons and unlimited adena . And all the server 125 , thanks
  16. I think is the smartest thing i ever read,but it might be true,i use same windows 10 exp as before, same drivers up to date.... with old card no crash,with new one - alot .... kinda sux
  17. I had a trash PC before same version of windows 10 installed didnt had a problem, i updated to i9-12900kf,32 rams with higher mhz , rtx 3060 and problems started. I have no clue what to do,windows 11 closes without a reason,windows 10 crashes .. if anyone knows i would be forever gratefull,thank you Error: m_pConstantTable->GetConstantDesc( m_pConstantTable->GetConstant(NULL,ConstantIndex), &ConstantDesc, &NumConstants ) failed at D3DShader.cpp:441 with error D3DERR_INVALIDCALL Protocol: S_STATUS_UPDATE(18, 47) <= C_VALIDATE_POSITION(24, 67) <= S_EX_RES_ENCHANT_ITEM_FAIL_REWA(21, 68) <= S_TARGET_SELECTED(27, 74) <= S_EX_CHANGED_ENCHANT_TARGET_ITE(29, 74) <= C_VALIDATE_POSITION(24, 79) <= C_EX_REQ_ENCHANT_FAIL_REWARD_INFO(9, 79) <= S_EX_PUT_ENCHANT_TARGET_ITEM_RE(9, 79) <= C_EX_TRY_TO_PUT_ENCHANT_TARGET_ITEM(9, 84) <= S_EX_FISHING_END(10, 93) History: ProcessConstantTable_InitParams <+ ConstantIndex:7, Constants:14 <- FD3DShader::ProcessConstantTable <- FD3DShader::Init <- FD3DPixelShader::Init <- InitShader <- FD3DShaderManager::GetShader <+ Shader:27 <- GetPixelShader <- FD3DRenderInterface::GetAppliedShader <- FD3DRenderInterface::DrawPrimitive <- DrawSection <+ StaticMesh=Superion_S.superion_20_floor_02 SectionIndex=0 <- RenderStaticMeshLod <+ StaticMesh=Superion_S.superion_20_floor_02 Owner=22_22.StaticMeshActor2079 Instance=22_22.StaticMeshInstance13931 <- FDynamicActor::Render <+ StaticMeshActor 22_22.StaticMeshActor2079 <- RenderActor <- NonBSP <- TranslucentRendering <- RenderLevel <- FWaterSheetSceneNode::Render <- RenderWaterSheet <- TranslucentRendering <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- SceneNodeRender <- Draw <- UGameEngine::Draw <+ GRenDev = fd900000 <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop
  18. No clue why always at rewards we dont get briliant storms,roses,shining nevits,only normal ones... u removed them from game ?
  19. i think the top rewards must drop from second 1 , not always the last ones,since all bots,clickers and stuffs wait always the last,make them spend the adena.. just saying
  20. Well we all had that problem,we lost alot of hours,maybe days of exp missing while we was disconnected,lagging. I think @Hermesis aware of this and maybe we will get another week of exp
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