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Everything posted by muash

  1. not gonna drop items from freya ( 83 ) zaken (80 )? no more appearence of top-grade/semi-top s80? =X
  2. YES, NO more subclass, u will get all subclass skills when your dual class reaches 85... if im not mistaken
  3. the best way to make jewels cheaper, is allowing to ppl to buy it with adena, like in core... 5 GE + 5 EOD + 5kk... if ppl can buy in mammon, the prices will drop, and ppl can get jewels @ decent price...
  4. They already started maintenance on chronos? that was fast
  5. i always wanted to know, how ppl make to pick alot of items in such a short time... i just saw a guy pick 5 items in less then half second... was insane...
  6. im not a GM, but i can answer for them. -Soon -Soon -Never
  7. IMO its the only right path, heres a simple solution: DONT GO AFK!
  8. im sorry, my korean sucks, and the google translator isnt very good... i read this : Field boss monsters' drop roots permission rules have been changed. - If the last attacker is solo, only the last attacker will be given the right to execute. - If the last attacker is a party, give the party members the right to be rooted. - If the last attacker is a federation, grant the routing member the appropriate federation member. i didnt c the part where every raid boss will be 118, only baium.lilith/anakim/orphen, maybe im reading in the wrong place
  9. Field boss monsters' drop roots permission rules have been changed. - If the last attacker is solo, only the last attacker will be given the right to execute. MEANing that u dont have to do all dmg on boss? only last hit to get loots?
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