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PK how they do it


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Hello . This morning one player try to put me in  PK to can steal my items . I don't make video (big mistake) becose i think is a old system with no names . but i watch him waht he do. I was farming with macro but not AFK.
 They was a tri charechters , one healer , one tank and one without equipment. This man without items kill the Healer's summon and get Karma .
After  that he come to my Sigel knight which is still farming in macro mod  (he use one AOE skill in macro "Chained Death Scythe"  and next target is only for monsters) and clear his Karma with Reputation scrol from Clan shop (THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM  to use this scrol is no need to be in Floran villige) in a moment when my Sigel cast this AOE skill  and  hi die and  my Tank get Karma .
Please delite this scrols from clan shop or make it to can use only in Floran , or just make players to get flagged when clear Karma( doesn't matter how).
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The process is not so important, our point is: to appoint these BUGs, not to teach other ppl ho to use them :))

At least 3 Bugs (obviously) present:

- These bugs have nothing to do with the macro system.

- They work in the exact same way if You play ACTIVE as well.

@Devs need to fix them.

@GMs supposed to support the public services, which NCSOFT provide and chasing ban ppl, who use bugs. That's all..

  • Why we hit the karma-player with non-flagged AOE skill, when we target a mob???!!!!. We don't hit flagged players in the same situation. Karma or not, its still player = PC not NPC, so its obviously a BUG FOR SURE
  • Even with the previuos bug, this illegal karma shallnot be possible without this one: Somehow the game decide to hit the karma instead of any logic, but the player click the reputation scroll in this VERY moment (during your skill casting time). He go out of karma but we HIT him .. Its very unpleasant BUG as well.
  • Why we can use reputation scrolls out of Floran?!?!?!
  • Why when i kill someone;s PET i get only Karma, without PK point?

Bugs appears and need to be fixed: its a normal process..

The GMs attitude is not normal: They protect scammers, bul***** us all the time.


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51 minutes ago, NinaChucholina said:


  • Why we hit the karma-player with non-flagged AOE skill, when we target a mob???!!!!. We don't hit flagged players in the same situation. Karma or not, its still player = PC not NPC, so its obviously a BUG FOR SURE
  • Even with the previuos bug, this illegal karma shallnot be possible without this one: Somehow the game decide to hit the karma instead of any logic, but the player click the reputation scroll in this VERY moment (during your skill casting time). He go out of karma but we HIT him .. Its very unpleasant BUG as well.
  • Why we can use reputation scrolls out of Floran?!?!?!
  • Why when i kill someone;s PET i get only Karma, without PK point?


I tried to explain it in some other topic:

  • People with Karma are considered as Bad people, so you can hit them in any occassion.
  • Yes, whether the player should be hit or not must be determined when the damage to that player is about to be applied, so this is probably a bug.(maybe it works that way, and problem is between server <-> client... I can't say, this is really a question for the DEV team)
  • Good Idea, the scroll that can be brought from the Clan Shop should be restricted to Floran Village aswell.
  • Pets/summons are not players, that's why.
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Dawe: you said " People with Karma are considered as Bad people". And now these "bad people" must be able to scam ANYONE? Its that you want to say?

Because that is the obvious truth now.

But most important, as i said is: The GMs attitude is not normal: They protect scammers - deny to confess the obvious truth, delay ppl's compliance's as match as possible..

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Its not easy to be " non-biased" in such situation: LOT of ppl scammed. hundred. Lot of them cant speak English smoothly and dont spawnt tickets.

They just stop playing.

The previous time when game bug appears in the mechanic, was related with targeting: every one was able to get your target out of town. Everyone Everywhere.

So the results was obvious: LOT of players in ILLEGAL karma = huge amount of scammed items.

GMs refuse to confess 2 months.. LOT of ppl stop playing.At the end, DEVs fixed that, but what happened with all these ugly scammers? NOTHING!!


This time will be the same. The "NON - BUG" will just magically disappear (probably after the next update) without any in-game consequences.

I believe, GMs just protecting these scammers.

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On 23/04/2019 at 5:12 PM, NinaChucholina said:

I believe, GMs just protecting these scammers.

They don't. But they have zero knowledge of the game and even less ability to be online or to be in support to check each case by case. So since they aren't capable of doing anything about it, they suggest you to not take your eyes of your screen while you macro. Which is a good advice anyway.

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What do you want to tell? If current GMs cant support the online public services which their employer NCSOFT provide, who can then?

Service without support is very close to absence of service.

NCSOFT supposed to find someone who can support these services or stop them.

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