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Many questions related VIP


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Hello l2 classic community! Started couple weeks ago. So far have some questions

1) I have VIP 2 now. Thinking of VIP 3 and silver coins wich can be looted from mobs. How often they drop?  Is there a difference between VIP 3 and VIP 4 in amount and chance to get these coins from mobs?  

2) if I'm a warlord and do 20-30% dmg to the mobs how drop is counted?  I mean bonus from VIP. Is it devided between all the members? For example I have VIP 2, and others, for example 3 members of a party vip 1 and the rest even no VIP. Do the hole party gets my bonus from VIP 2? 

3) we have a spoiler in a party. The spoil is ridiculously low. How to improve it? Does VIP 2 or 3 will change the situation?  

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22 hours ago, Synergy said:

Hello l2 classic community! Started couple weeks ago. So far have some questions

1) I have VIP 2 now. Thinking of VIP 3 and silver coins wich can be looted from mobs. How often they drop?  Is there a difference between VIP 3 and VIP 4 in amount and chance to get these coins from mobs?  

2) if I'm a warlord and do 20-30% dmg to the mobs how drop is counted?  I mean bonus from VIP. Is it devided between all the members? For example I have VIP 2, and others, for example 3 members of a party vip 1 and the rest even no VIP. Do the hole party gets my bonus from VIP 2? 

3) we have a spoiler in a party. The spoil is ridiculously low. How to improve it? Does VIP 2 or 3 will change the situation?  

Let's see if I can atleast help on some questions:
1) Every 5th - 10th mob drops a coin... sometimes I get more, sometimes less. I didn't notice a difference between VIP3 and 4 on the coin drop rate. :/

2) If you have VIP4 and party with someone with VIP0 you have drop chances like VIP2... so, non VIPs drag you down.
There are other optinons that say the last hit would matter... and again other say lat hit matters only on raid bosses....
But the first one is the one that makes sense the most... the other two could be exploitet too easy.

3) Spoil sux no matter what... even with VIP4 was no difference noticable... cuz the rates are just so extremely low. >.<

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