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way of wandering knight not working?


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I recently made a new char lvl 85 and went to herphah in Aden to continue my journey. 

He asks me to go to the "adventure guide" and go on with my quests, but when I click "quest" at the adventure guide, he tells me I need to be lvl 85-99 to continue this, I am 86 atm, could anyone (dev) tell me what is wrong?

btw, main class, not sub (if it would be of any importance)

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The problem you are talking about is one we are aware of. The respective administrators are informed.
However, we cannot yet give a statement on when the problem will be fixed.
Please be patient.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019/5/31 at 10:08 AM, EmperorLeto said:


The problem you are talking about is one we are aware of. The respective administrators are informed.
However, we cannot yet give a statement on when the problem will be fixed.
Please be patient.


This is big problem for new players, no brooch no greater jewels, not fair :&

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On 31/5/2019 at 4:08 PM, EmperorLeto said:


The problem you are talking about is one we are aware of. The respective administrators are informed.
However, we cannot yet give a statement on when the problem will be fixed.
Please be patient.


Same problem here, and quest says its 85-99 lvl and im almost finishing lvl 99 so wont be able to complete this quest and all the others that are closed cause i cant complete this one, wich means i wont be able to get the brooch, the belt, and all the rewards stuff ... so be pattient is not an option unless u saying me i cannot lvl up as fast as i want or can ... i need a solution or a compansation after i reach lvl 100 getting the rewards im missing cause u have a fail u are taking so long to solution.

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On 5/31/2019 at 5:08 PM, EmperorLeto said:


The problem you are talking about is one we are aware of. The respective administrators are informed.
However, we cannot yet give a statement on when the problem will be fixed.
Please be patient.


Please be patient :P one month later still nothing. I m pretty sure if the problem was to buy something from l2store would been have fixed asap and now we only that dev is working on that.

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On 5/31/2019 at 3:08 PM, EmperorLeto said:


The problem you are talking about is one we are aware of. The respective administrators are informed.
However, we cannot yet give a statement on when the problem will be fixed.
Please be patient.


What about Fortuna instance?

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