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S-grade R-grade The Seraphim Eternal Krishna

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S- Super grade?  S80 super-80, S84 super-84?

R- Royal grade? there once was R90 grade but many new players never seen that.  Just R, R95 and R99 now.

Seraph standars for Seraphim, the highest ranking of all the angelic beings in the heavens.  They are also the guardians of the most prized and cherish the Ark of the Covenant.

Eternal I guess at the time it was created, must have meant the highest of the most high - God himself or gods if you are polytheistic.

Now how can anything be higher?  Krishna is a type of god that is widely revered and respected in the ancient world.  Talks of flying palace or Vimanas originates from ancient India where Sankrit text describes weapons that has the "brightness of a thousand suns" - that can only be nuclear bomb.  Many of the sky conflicts seen and depicted looks like Ancient Greek mythology comes to life.

Anyways, back in the days of D-grade, C-grade, B-grade and A-grade it's pretty straight forward.  When S-grade came out, no one really knew what it stands for, people only guessed.  I'm curious after 14 years, why not ask around if there is an official reason for those letter designation?  And what do you think they stand for?

Edited by GhostintheShell
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Seraph and Eternal are armor grades. So the R110 armor is Leviathan and not Krishna (this is for weapons).

The S can count for Super like you said, or Special. And the R, just simple a new way of grading things after GoD. 

Same way that Bronze, Silver, Gold wasn't enough to define ranks in some games, and they added Diamond, Platinum and so on. It doesn't need to have a meaning, just that they need to keep upgrading and they need to find new rank/grades for it. They might run the whole alphabet one day xD

L2 Lore can be found here, but no info about why recent things are named as they are: https://l2wiki.com/Lineage_2_Lore

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