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A huge map and few hunting areas

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hello good morning I am on this server since 2010 I have seen many changes in the development of the game I understand that it goes to a type of capitalist game where if you want to progress you have to mortgage your life in this game or cheat and put your 100 partys bots into hunt all the time
I have also seen that there are many deserted areas of players since they have concentrated the majority as a flock of lambs so that their frustration and despair make them more vulnerable to buy adena to improve or nccoins
Now I only go in no longer to mount partys I have to go hunting to farm weapons or armor I enter to leave my character in the car with his box and his mind to go do sports or work
It is supposed to be a game of search and manufacture of equipment and pvp and that has made me very sad as a player of a great game
Anyway, I'm just saying that if the game is already designed for lvl 110+ players, it doesn't make sense that there are still lvl hunting areas. 40 50 60 70 Eliminate them and put more zones 105 106 107 108 109 110
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I'm doing now my third exalted quest, the best place I found to do are the Desert Quarry and Beleth's Magic Circle, but all spots have people, I tryed Phantasmal Ridge (that's supposed to be for my level) but the mobs hits 4-5k on me. So, I'm supposed to join a party, but no one want melee, only AOEs, so I have to do it with by my own with my boxes, but where? In the last update they had a chance to change it, but what they did? They had put more things that we need to get to be more stronger (as if in the game don't has enough stuffs that we need to it).
I hope they solve it fast as possible.

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People have been complaining about this for 1+ year now there are only 2 spots per level range to go to.  

85-95 1 spot Alter of Evil

95-99 Bloody Swamp

99-100 Blazing Swamp/Wartorn Plains (Has been 1 spot for 1+ year until last update)

100-103 2 Spots Beleth Circle / Desert Quarry

103 - 105 2 Spots Phantasmil Ridge / Enchanted Valley

105-107 2 Spots Silent Valley / IT Crater *SV Only has like 15 spots / IT Crater has so many there running/jumping around hard to even kill*

Thats just to get to 107 back in the day there used to be like 3-5 spots per level all over the map, you used to be able to explore and see all of the map leveling up.  This really is a joke how BIG the map is and over 3/4 of the map is UNUSED when it back in the day all of it was used!!!

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7 hours ago, D3vilBuffer said:

People have been complaining about this for 1+ year now there are only 2 spots per level range to go to.  

85-95 1 spot Alter of Evil

95-99 Bloody Swamp

99-100 Blazing Swamp/Wartorn Plains (Has been 1 spot for 1+ year until last update)

100-103 2 Spots Beleth Circle / Desert Quarry

103 - 105 2 Spots Phantasmil Ridge / Enchanted Valley

105-107 2 Spots Silent Valley / IT Crater *SV Only has like 15 spots / IT Crater has so many there running/jumping around hard to even kill*

Thats just to get to 107 back in the day there used to be like 3-5 spots per level all over the map, you used to be able to explore and see all of the map leveling up.  This really is a joke how BIG the map is and over 3/4 of the map is UNUSED when it back in the day all of it was used!!!

There are actually spots around the world map where you can hunt, but no one goes there because of the Exalted quest progression and because those mobs don't give much XP, or adena. Take some of the hunting areas near Orc village. You can't even port to the specific areas anymore. Some of the mobs are in the 99 - 103 range and they're just sitting there waiting for someone to play with them. There's usually not another player anywhere in sight for miles.  While some of these mobs may be harder to kill than at BS, Beleth or Phantasmal, the fact remains that these are mobs that they could have added to the Exalted quest to make thing easier on everyone. Same goes for the mobs in Cemetery, Giants Cave, etc.

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