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Back from the worst time! Bad events...

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Hi @Juji@Hime and all L2 ppl

I can't help coming here to express my total dissatisfaction with this new p2w event ... We need motivational events where with your farm, you automatically get rewards, Aden's game was a success, everyone liked it a lot, in parallel there may be some event happening p2w, but do not leave out the vast majority of players who simply did not choose to buy Ncoins. I periodically spend some NCoins, but for a 100% p2w event I will not do it, as well as the vast majority I believe I will not do either. I agree that we have to have p2w events such as pendant, hat and other p2w, but an event where you open boxes and something can come reasonable or not see anything, I'm sure that most players dislike, whether they are buyers of Ncoins or not .

Thank you.

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