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Add a stand still toggle (and help for macro).


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Add a stand still toggle button (and command) just like the `/combatmode`, the skill would hold character in place while running macro.

Also, please add a complete description of all possible macro commands to the in-game help for macros.

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59 minutes ago, A87 said:

Add a stand still toggle button (and command) just like the `/combatmode`, the skill would hold character in place while running macro.

Also, please add a complete description of all possible macro commands to the in-game help for macros.

/attackstand is like holding Shift + Attack shortcut, so they already have a start with normal Attacks and /useskillstand for skills... if they can't make a "stand" toggle, would be almost as good to add commands for /forceattackstand  and /forceuseskillstand

I found some new commands looking at in-game presets, then I found this  https://l2wiki.com/Commands  which has more commands than the Hi-5 DB I'd been using before that.

Edited by Teribeth
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But why do you need to use 3rd party sources and unofficial info to learn more about the game?

If that's the official source of info for L2 and a site where all the changes are documented then, make it visible in the "B"-key Bulletin Board at least.

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It is Official information maintained by/for NCsoft's Licencees in EU/RU region, so it is not 100% accurate for us... lots of stuff from their severs have been nerfed or completely removed here. We used to have a sub-par library section before they migrated Forums, and overhauled the website, now for any past/future NCsoft info you need to translate the Korean official site.

When you open in Game Help, Alt+X > click Help button... expand "Intermediate Player Info" and List of Commands is the last subject in the section.

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When you open in Game Help, Alt+X > click Help button... expand "Intermediate Player Info" and List of Commands is the last subject in the section.

This has no important information that makes real difference in the game play. It doesn't even have  a command to turn on/off auto hunting on the list (which I've forgotten and am looking for too).

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Button Z starts and stops auto hunting A87. Also looking into your Button Setup options ingame could help you figure out what Button is for which Action :D 

Little Advice from me. If you join a Good and Friendly Clan. Your Clan members should/could maybe help answer you most questions. 

Some of us have been around for Years and i guess know a bit more about Game Mechanics than 70% of the Current Playerbase.

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