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I just started and I litterally have nothing, the game changed so much I have no clue about most things. However as in any game these days im willing to spend a few a bucks in order to play. My question is: is it worth to buy that exalted armor bundle thing and scrolls to make it +10? or are there better ways to spent 50$ as a new player? and if so woot are there? I dont trust those RMT things that players keep spamming about... but ... lets be honest i might have to resort to that at one point i guess..

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Definitly on start exalted bundle is a perfect choice. Also make a quest path for exalted to get common jewels and exalted weapon. All this should be enaugh for you to go 110 lvl and slowly make adena from farm/trades to get better gear in a future.

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Don't buy adena, buy ncoin and sell to other players CAREFULLY, and I can't stress carefully enough.  These servers are full of low life's and scum, don't learn the hard way.  Get in a nice pve clan and ask lots of questions.  For a beginner, the blessed axhaulted bundle is very nice, gl, and have fun.

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