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Kruma lvl.65-69 floor, so why does anyone bother?


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once dinging 66 i finally checked out kruma after spending most of my 60's auto farming war torn plains.

good news is kruma 65 is less crowded if you don't mind looking around for a room (not being aoe botted)

bad news; you spend 2x more time & shots per mob for the same avg 300a drops as you do in plains,

so why would anyone bother here - players tell me subjugation rewards are RNG poor and mostly lame,

and besides... we have Davianne still running now - that you can cash in daily after only an hour or two.

my guess is every subjugation 100% for whatever lame rewards it gives would take me days on auto farm.


so the only benefit to cruma is to some AOE build or party that can survive it's dense mob crowding,

assuming you can even find a room that isn't already busy with players and farmer killing pvp a-holes,

some idiot was trying to kill me (had blessing on) while i was chatting with him that i'm not a bot - wtf.

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17 hours ago, Shalille said:

The rooms let you keep melee chars (or a party) together without wandering all over.

I forget which version of the software it was - but one of the botting programs that was out there long ago let you draw a region on the map and your toon wouldn't wander off. This is not an admission of anything. ;) I just knew a lot of botters so I learned stuff from them. The ban hammer would come to town every now and then and I'd hear my friends in vent all bummed out. But, they just started right back up again!

And now - botting is "legal." I just find it funny NC capitulated to the gold farmers. It's kinda similar to what WoW did - they made it so the game gave away so much gold, you wouldn't need to buy from farmers. The selling of tokens for in game gold was the final nail for some of those folks. But now, there are "services" where your toon gets dragged along in an instance and you get loot. Blizzard decided it could very easily get a lot of revenue very quickly by beating the farmers at their own game.

It's just amazing what ends up happening in games like these that are social and ultra competitive.


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after farming kruma this week,

i figured out why some rooms are dominated more by pvp clan.4's than others.

i noticed many of the areas they "let you" farm are mob respawn buggy.

for example i was in a well spawned hallway, and came back to check on my auto attack

only to discover the respawn go offline for nearly an hour before it resumed as normal.

there are also a lot of wall range errors that impact auto attack...

my bow would favor mob down the hall, instead of mob much closer near some wall

it was a weird thing to witness, but i'm sure there are all sorts of map errors around.


i discovered the hard way that subjugation is a weekly cycle,

as i foolishly racked up 40% sunday only to see it vanish today 🤯

personally i think it's unfair that any class.3 can still farm the lvl.65 levels.

all this does is encourage bored 8x PK'ers to troll where the lowbies need to farm,

or to guard their own class.2 farming bots.

IMHO they should turn off the elevator and only allow the NPC to let class.2's in

any class.3 still with teleport waypoint  or was offline from there

would then get bounced back to ground level and kept out forever.

it's bad enough they troll all the plains, we could use a break from 8x's in this instance.

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