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Lineage2M & LineageW


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LineageW is their new release, with an updated storyline. I think 2m is more 3d in comparison and probably a rehash of one of the previous mobile versions?  Only logged into M briefly. Played W a bit more, but doesn't feel like a proper MMO to me personally, too much auto playing.. or maybe I am just too old.

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2 hours ago, Rhtc said:

LineageW is their new release, with an updated storyline. I think 2m is more 3d in comparison and probably a rehash of one of the previous mobile versions?  Only logged into M briefly. Played W a bit more, but doesn't feel like a proper MMO to me personally, too much auto playing.. or maybe I am just too old.


12 minutes ago, Kurisu said:

w is like diablo, isometric, l2m is like 3rd person

l2m is more l2 based nostalgic, l2w is more dark obscure lineage 2 version  i like it but i hate so much the lag ._.

Thanks for explaining it for me. Is L2W released in NA or do people from NA have to vpn to play it?

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Lineage W not released in the west yet, supposed to be out soon though, maybe early 2022.

If you want to play from NA you need to download client from a link, I found one in the Lineage W reddit. Then log in a region 1 server(anywhere game is already live, Asia and middle east). No vpn required but I found the logging in part being buggy at times requiring multiple attempts... Saying that I cant even play on NC west servers tonight, lag is crazy even if I can pass the nc launcher login :(

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