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Attribute Attack / Defense on Mobs


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Hi, a simply doubt, the mobs have an Attribute Attack in their buffs, for example "Wind Attack", ¿this mob have a "Wind Defense" too?


In their buffs only says "Atk Attribute" , in the past i know when the mobs had an Atk Attribute, their had these exactly Defense Attribute too. But looking their buffs now only says "atk att"



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I change attribute on the weapons for the mobs in the XP area I'm in , currently alligator island and noticed better damage output on chars so keep a stock of attribute change cry's only change if your going to be I one spot for 3-4 lvl's  , 106/7 - 110 lvl 

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23 hours ago, Combatmuggins said:

I change attribute on the weapons for the mobs in the XP area I'm in , currently alligator island and noticed better damage output on chars so keep a stock of attribute change cry's only change if your going to be I one spot for 3-4 lvl's  , 106/7 - 110 lvl 

Hi mate , cam u explain what attributes u get before and what attri u have now and what attri is writed on these mobs where u farm ATM?

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I had holy on all weapons then changed to the opposite of water ,  wind I think it is , the mobs in alligator island are water attribute att  ,  I can't remember we're I got the attribute cry's from but I logged in all the chars I ever made and they were in wh of a lot or then so collected them all up for the chars I'm using now 

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3 hours ago, Combatmuggins said:

I had holy on all weapons then changed to the opposite of water ,  wind I think it is , the mobs in alligator island are water attribute att  ,  I can't remember we're I got the attribute cry's from but I logged in all the chars I ever made and they were in wh of a lot or then so collected them all up for the chars I'm using now 

🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 ok bro thanks !!!

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On 6/28/2023 at 5:52 AM, Combatmuggins said:

I had holy on all weapons then changed to the opposite of water ,  wind I think it is , the mobs in alligator island are water attribute att  ,  I can't remember we're I got the attribute cry's from but I logged in all the chars I ever made and they were in wh of a lot or then so collected them all up for the chars I'm using now 

Just to clarify, elements and their opposites...

HOLY       <---------->     DARK

WATER   <---------->     FIRE

EARTH   <---------->     WIND

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