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Elemental Summoner Best Buffer?


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You need acumen for the aoe pony. So not SE or EE. Also not Overlord because you both need to be in a clan. You are left with PP and WC. PP has bers, WC has lifesteal. Since you can heal your pony, PP is the best choice imo.

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1 hour ago, Tzeo said:

You need acumen for the aoe pony. So not SE or EE. Also not Overlord because you both need to be in a clan. You are left with PP and WC. PP has bers, WC has lifesteal. Since you can heal your pony, PP is the best choice imo.

What about Empower and mp recharge?

im lost!

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after 40 if your pet mp is empty ---> summon new

after 40 is your mana is empty ----> summon recharge pet

you can go as mage + recharget pet

you can go as melee and if pet die summon new

You can buff your pet empower and emp 1 you can buy with fishs from fishing, so the pp is the right pick

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