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We need new Leveling Guide !


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Hello everyone! as the title we need new leveling guide. the quest guide in L2wiki.com seem not work anymore. i'm lvl80 and i cant do nobless quest, Dual class...and many more quest has been changed their requirement , so im abit confuse! by now im lvl80 and have no idea what to do next....can someone show me another website that have newly leveling guide or what i can do at lvl80 to reach lvl81? 

Thanks in advance!

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Get to 81 lvl, go and do quests in Dragon Valey, port from Giran, you will see NPC at portspot, there you take quests.

Get to 85 and awaken your character, quest you take from Talking Island - you can simply google that.

At 85 you change class and learn all new skills. If you play solo you will have problem xping after that. You either need to find others and make pt, or xp an ISS and buff yourself.

After 85 you can open the map and LF the proper zones for your lvl, or just google for information/ask players in game. 

You can find a small clan, many fellow players will gladly help you with more information.

If you really want to boost your play and efficiency - look for information on Macro Xping, do your own research about it. There is a lot of info about it.

Last but not least, depends on what you expect from the game - when you get to 99, you can boost your char pretty significantly by using the L2Store and getting proper gear (100-200$ - 12-24b adena ) as hobby is not that much, you can get set+weapon+basic epics!

Do now get into enchanting events/promos without the knowledge!

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On 10/10/2018 at 2:07 AM, Ezulan said:

Hello everyone! as the title we need new leveling guide. the quest guide in L2wiki.com seem not work anymore. i'm lvl80 and i cant do nobless quest, Dual class...and many more quest has been changed their requirement , so im abit confuse! by now im lvl80 and have no idea what to do next....can someone show me another website that have newly leveling guide or what i can do at lvl80 to reach lvl81? 

Thanks in advance!

Lvl 80 - Lvl 81: Ketra Orc Outpost (mages) or Silenos Outpost (fighters)

Lvl 81 triggers a quest letter to go to Dragon Valley. 

Lvl 81 - Lvl 85: You can do the two quests for Dragon Valley and then remain there until you are Lvl 85. 

Lvl 85: You'll do your Awakening quest.

Lvl 85+ you will go to Aden and visit NPC Penny and Haruph (orc next to Penny) to start Adventure Guild quests. 

Side note: If you had a mentor while leveling up to Lvl85, you will graduate and get a Mentee Certificate. Turn that in to Mentor NPC to get 40 Diplomas. Hold those diplomas until your 30-day free R-grade Twilight gear is almost up (armor, weapon and jewelry). Then use your 40 diplomas to get one Imperial armor set, one Imperial weapon, and one set of jewelry. You should have 3 diplomas left over that you can use to buy R-grade soulshots.

Good luck!

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