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Why adena spammers is here 24/7


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3 hours ago, GoodGuy said:

Because they wan't.
See that advice when entering game?
They want you block adena sellers.

How to do that ??? I know just about report button but it not working in the city’s  .... they shood special adena seller report bitton

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Right click on the name in the chat window, this brings up two options. Report for adena seller, or Report for bad language. Either option reports the person AND blocks all future messages.


However, this is only a temporary fix. Since the game is free, they can make new toons and accounts very fast and start spamming again. In fact, they do this all the time. I block an average of 10-15 RMT spammers per day.

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7 minutes ago, Medeoan said:

Right click on the name in the chat window, this brings up two options. Report for adena seller, or Report for bad language. Either option reports the person AND blocks all future messages.


However, this is only a temporary fix. Since the game is free, they can make new toons and accounts very fast and start spamming again. In fact, they do this all the time. I block an average of 10-15 RMT spammers per day.


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