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Everything posted by Lean

  1. Dual iss for prophecy buffs rly? Same buffs with 5m duration? So you keep swapping into your dual every 5 min? LOL The point is: There is no joy using a dual class you dnt LIKE just because what you really need is grind those certificatios ASAP.
  2. Thanks for the quick answer, I still haven't selecy my dual class because of these questions. So, basically, dual class is dead? For example, I am yu, so may be better choose yul as a dual class, just to get the lvl and skills fast right. I don't see any joy in that, just repetitive things, but that's okay, we have to play the game they want us to play, right? thanks again for answering me so quickly.
  3. First of all I would like to say that I searched the internet and found nothing regarding what I am going to ask about the new dual class system. I would like to know if the Main class gains passive dual class skills, for example: Main yul / Dual othell Or the only skills that go into the main class are the skills you buy with certification?
  4. I was wondering to knw if worth buy, dungeon entrances like strong, cocktails, partycakes, this tipe of thing. Thanks for the quick reply
  5. Wich ones of the l2 store items are the most used in general and tradeable, i want sale they for adena. The high end players can help me figure this out?
  6. Lean

    Yul Sagittarius

    Any advice for a dual class and certification? Last time i play l2 was on gracia. Tyr is really good with archer? Some one say to me make a tank. ?
  7. At this time no one get something really god from the box?
  8. Thanks, sorry about my noob questions, i m new here and my luck usualy is bad.
  9. D i can trade the suspicious safe? If i dnt open they will disapear from my bag?
  10. wondering if i get stronghold entrances with the 20%¨sale plus 100%xp event and try to sale those, or go for open some boxes of the suspicious but not sure if ll be good rates or not.
  11. It is worth do 30 shots on the suspicious safe box?
  12. Lean

    Blue dinasty

    Thanks, its loooong time i dnt play l2 so i dnt get this updates wich provide us the appearance stones. in case i get the armor after using the stone right? Cause i see some ppl selling these stones on some private stores. Wondering if i can buy it and keep on my stash until i decide to use on my yul or my tank. Another question is when i "open" the stone i can use it without merg with my currently set just for the look but without any stats from my gear or in order to use the look i need put the appearance into my set. Just in case i could look fancy just in town while i dnt get better gear and save the bless appearance scrolls for latter and dnt waste they on weak gear. Thanks again for the patience and answer me.
  13. I believe you are referring to visa electron and not election, and yes to use these functions, the card must be international and enabled with the issuer for use abroad. it would be simpler if the company enabled the package on the partner site where it already sells ncoin. wouldwould be easier
  14. In fact, at least for me, I don’t have access to an international credit card, nor does paypal help since I live in Brazil and the transaction is international, even with paypal to make the purchase, my card registered on paypal has to be international, which doesn't make sense to me, since if I had an international card I would buy the prestige pack directly through the game's official website. They could put a way to enable the prestige pack on the partner site that sells ncoin (hypegames). On this site (provide by the lineage2.com) i managed to buy the ncoins but it is sad to spend almost 4k ncoin to have something similar to the prestige pack (destiny + adventure) and still missing that 300% who could be combo with that 2 packs above.. sry about my english, aint my native language cant speak very well. I just want to support the game i love so much.
  15. Just want to add even with a paypal account i cant purchase the prestige pack because they need a international credit card to do that. Plz, enable us to support the game..
  16. Dear developers pease enable us (brazilians) to buy the prestige pack outsite the oficial site, cause (speaking for me) i dont have international credit card, dnt have the paypal and either any friend with the international credit card. I was able to buy ncoins from the redirection site hypegames (oficial BR redirection site from oficial l2site), but there only have ncoins, i can't find the prestige pack there. i want buy it but i can't... So said that the close to prestige pack i ll have to spend 50 dollars and wont be able to combo prestige plus destiny pack. Please allow us to buy the prestige from the redirected site were we already are able to buy ncoins. Thanks for reading
  17. It is possible to select a blue dinasty heavy armor appearance and use it on a light armor? Like a yul using light set but with the appearance of blue dinasty heavy?
  18. Lean


    Does it possible to trade the blessed spirit shot event ( the one they gave to us when start the game ) for normal SS?
  19. Hi guys, i just started on the chronos server, currently i'm reaching level 101 with a level 100 iss for the second box, i would like tips on what to buy at the l2 store, which would be more useful for me to develop within the game.
  20. How can i pop up this window? I see on youtuber they can start and reset the counter. I dnt manage to find the hot key to do it. Any one can share it with me?
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