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Everything posted by Lean

  1. I am on the official server since the end of the return of the cloaks in the l2store and it is clear they have difficulty in making these notes, there is always a lack of information (I start to believe that this is intentional) or the information requires interpretation (I also believe that it is intentional) ... Also for example in that last patch note it says that the drops were adjusted, ok, more or less? What was the previous percentage and what is the current percentage? A huge note but what should be in it is simply not there. Fails, fails and fails, lets drops a event just to ppl stop whine about? That is not right. Ofc imo with is equal as nothing right?..
  2. Now need Full scrn to see all the infor in the armor, very nice.
  3. Who knws, nothing said on the patch notes though.
  4. Yes, the Mentee Graduation for 200 marks now are in oblivion whatching us get rekt.
  5. Great way to start the event, even if it’s nothing new, will they prolong it to make up for it? I doubt, however, removing the quest from mentee where we earned 200 marks worked perfectly, right? So in my view, of a new player, not even one month on the official server, i can already figure it out that when it comes to removing or making things difficult for low lvl / low geared players it works perfectly. Lets hope they do something or even the whalles may keep paying in order to make the services goin on and dnt allow the game get killed.
  6. At least we can disable and set to not show at all, what i want to see how it looks is archers with shields though.
  7. I never get anything from venusta but now, less than half adena, that milion adena for a day = nothing, dnt even pay the soulshots used. About the other "balances" that have nothing specific about their drops, if it is something for more or for less, it makes me deduce with 99% certainty it will be lowered since apparently with each update the trend is getting worse and worse, who knows they will put adena on the l2store in the future.
  8. 2400ncoin and after the purchase you also need contact support via ticket..
  9. Lean

    Tank macro

    I try to find similar stuff but i dnt find anything, just wondering if some one can give me tips about what skills to set one afk macro and avoid to get flagged, wich skills dnt get that flag when ppl get close while i am afk.
  10. Another patch notes that needs interpretation for complete understanding. Searching the quests i didn't find any with the name "Mentee Fostering", why they like to make things so difficult? Do is it because of this and other things that so many people are complaining on the forum?
  11. Mb they have better stuff to do, like put shield on archers.
  12. I would like to know about the abundance mentioned in the patch tales untold. What is being removed? The l2store pack or the talismans themselves? What does Underground mean, mentioned in the part "items removed" from the patch? Thank you for your attention and sorry for my English.
  13. On low gear what you guys believe will work better on a yul? Creation patk skill crt dmg 15% Authority patk crt dmg 15% + confusion 25% creation work with baium soul? mb worth invest to authority and try upgrade it into rulers, or go with creation and try grind ring of oly? Ask'n those infos because many ppl run skill crt dmg these days. Which ne of theses jewels will work with others toons, like a othell for ex.
  14. And mages not being a mellee makes whole thing non sense.
  15. Lean

    Dual class

    I am yul, against every ppl i was thinking to choose a othell as my dual class just because the 14 days weapons. What is the max lvl the dual class can reach? i see ppl saying 105, than 106 and i get the conclusion that can be more high. just asking cause i miss all those updades, and dnt find anything especific about, i can manage to find outdate infos. Should i use dragon bow for 4 days or should i use like a dagger for 14 days? And more important what is the max level of a dual class.
  16. 4.6 days ? and the mages (not melee with more damage than archers) will get 14 days.
  17. Yes exactly what i said. account is different from character! Why the caps you are mad? you're taking the train running.
  18. I'm new here, so I already realize that patch notes have to be interpreted since they are not clear. From what I read this is written 1 on account and at no time is a character mentioned, based on that I think the cube can be transferred to another character of the same ACCOUNT, but the cube items are not.
  19. No no, they dnt mention CHARACTER
  20. I pick the cube with my seller, but i want share to my combat character from the same account, i can't?
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