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Posts posted by Tool_of_Society

  1. 5 minutes ago, FoxFire said:

    I've been playing Nioh for the past two days.  Also downloaded Scarlet Blade...a lot more fun than you'd think.

    Going to try out the new patch tonight when I get home from work and make my decision.

    Oh it's stupid in ways I never dreamed possible. It's almost hilarious in it's ineptitude and tone deafness. The botters are going to do great though so I guess good for them. Meanwhile I'm clicking every single buff on every single person in my party because none of the buff macros work now. Bonus points they couldn't even bother to give the BD or SWS a bone with auto song/dance usage either lol.

  2. What does combat mode even mean? Nothing is explained anywhere. The patch notes were utterly useless as there's nothing in there that you wouldn't notice in the first 4 seconds looking at the UI.

    Also the UI design is utterly terrible. I tab into a client and I can't tell who it is until I click to move adn see myself. The autocombat thing loves to sit on top of the menu/map/character/blahblah on the bottom. Since I couldn't even see the map button I actually thought the map function had been removed. It's like they were trying to copy some terrible mobile game's UI which prioritizes flash over functionality...

  3. 1 hour ago, Karesz said:

    The patch is just the tip of the iceberg, a significant number of the players who comes to play classic comes to find the "old magic". The feeling when you only runs 1 client in full screen with sound on! Chat with clan, level and gear up together, fight for raids and sieges.



    Instead of that, we just do something like:

    "Lets start the full party afk macro farm somewhere, cannot die because of penalty, cannot use shots because of cost, well whatever maybe it will be better later."


    The framework (server settings) not support the oldschool feeling, however most of  the players do not have the time to be a "hero" anymore either. We just do some multi-window farm simulator.


    About the adena question, choose one:

    - Very little adena drop and income, longer and more controlled inflation.

    - Normal adena drop and income, faster and more insane inflation.

    The only time I played with one account was in the closed and open beta. That was enough to teach me that I needed to buy at least one more copy of the game so I could level up with an attached buffer. By the time 2005 rolled around I had five accounts that I manually played with just the old school macros. I only had two machines then so I had to do some alt tabbing on the main computer. The secondary machine ran the OL and SE so I only had to alt tab on that machine once every 20 minutes. THis happened because I decided to go SPS when the game went live and I needed a mana battery and buffs. The SE was the first account and the second was for the OL and things snowballed from there as I realized the SPS was excellent at PVP but terrible at PVE/leveling. Despite that "handicap" I was able to use full shots and still make money to gear my accounts up back then..Which I can't really do now....

    The death penalty has always caused issues with parties. The biggest being that people didn't randomly party because they were too worried about losing XP. You could only get into parties if you knew the right people or had proved your reliability prior (a nice catch 22).

    Inflation is only an issue because NcSoft refuses to spend some money to fund effective means of combating bots. It's typical NcSoft short sighted behaviour. Why spend money now to insure income years from now when you can just keep the money and list it as profits!!


  4. 1 hour ago, Degusjr said:

    It's a sad day when all I read about is people playing afk.

    Yeah well that's what happens when a game developer keeps cutting out content. There's no real point to actively playing as the gold farmers have RBs worth doing on lockdown and some of the others are bugged/buggy...There's only one siege and none of the forts and other things that smaller clans could do. There's clan arena but that's an once a week thing. AA and the old 7 signs stuff is no longer in the game nor are some of the areas. Pets were removed. The manor system was removed. On and on it goes...

  5. 1 hour ago, Psychocat said:

    Mobile market in general has ruined a lot of games especially in Asia, where companies get insane money from gacha. Why bother caring about the balance of a game, content and customers who play for free™or will only issue a one-time payment at best to purchase the game, when there are people willing to throw thousand dollars in gambling to get an item that will boost your stats to insane levels? L2 Classic is just an experiment to see if the western market is ready to embrace the mobile gacha system in full. 

    Eventually NcSoft will run into a wall as there are far too many choices on the PC platform to stick to an old way out of date game that requires P2W style spending to compete. I can spend 15 bucks a month and get a far better gaming experience in WoW classic. I've resisted so far because I rather enjoy making macro parties work optimally and then there's the nostalgia factor. Although NcSoft's insistence on giving us a gutted version of classic certainly limits the effects of the nostalgia factor...

  6. 9 hours ago, Psychocat said:

    I think that the saddest thing about this patch, aside from the complete silence from our producers, is that normal L2 gets a lot of stuff while L2 classic only gets the new auto hunting system and stuff getting deleted from the game. We really are the low man on the totem pole. 

    Yeah NcSoft is the only company I know that actively removes content from their game every major patch. I don't even actively play the game anymore because there really isn't much to actually actively engage in. Run my farm groups 24/7 only stopping to do a clan arena boss and then back to macroing...

    I am worried that NcSoft korea is getting drunk on the mobile market (their biggest source of income bar none) and are trying to work classic into that direction....

  7. 17 minutes ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    3 piece plated leather bonus set with heavy doom glove/helmet is good enough to get the De into 8x. Outside of leveling where a lot of running is involved (which would be silly to do) the PL set is more dps than blue wolf heavy. Since destroyers have so much HP and have to sit at lower HP for maximum DPS the pdef difference is irrelevant. Going all +str my DE still has 2x the HP of the SK tank  :P

    My BH ran the same setup until 8x too but I had to switch to blue wolf heavy to deal with the physical AOE damage areas. TK should be just as effective as the SK at keeping aggro so something to consider if you haven't already.

    I couldn't get my edit to go through properly due to some packet loss on my end so I had to make this post as a continuation of the quoted post above.


    The lock will be a good choice with it's debuffs and it's cheap DPS. Binding cubic earned it's keep when I was able to use it to catch a red PR that was causing issues in Cruma for some of us. The actual PKer was only a few levels higher but he had all kinds of speed and could get around corners before skills went off. The summoner DPS based groups don't even use shots and still do very well. My best leveling group uses a SK WK (WarlocK) ES and BH for dps. the BH's spoil is particularly useful in one spot and the patch will of course hurt that :( I have a friend who is working on a summoner group with two PS instead of the SK/BH to see if he can make the tank pets work in the 80s. It'll be interesting to see how that goes.

    For some reason people still tend to claim that SwSers are only for PVP but personally I find them very handy in PVE. Hunters is obviously very good for PVE and I find song of renewal to be helpful too. The rest is really helpful for surviving the silly damage that starts happening in +8x content.


  8. 4 hours ago, FoxFire said:

    I was the Sieghardt/Sayha Eva's Templar Hero for 14 months.  I'm well aware of how things work.  Destro has a Guardian Sword and dorf has a top C 2hand with Othell and BD has dama*dama.  My damage is still respectable but my party is much more robust than most.

    3 piece plated leather bonus set with heavy doom glove/helmet is good enough to get the De into 8x. Outside of leveling where a lot of running is involved (which would be silly to do) the PL set is more dps than blue wolf heavy. Since destroyers have so much HP and have to sit at lower HP for maximum DPS the pdef difference is irrelevant. Going all +str my DE still has 2x the HP of the SK tank  :P

    My BH ran the same setup until 8x too but I had to switch to blue wolf heavy to deal with the physical AOE damage areas. TK should be just as effective as the SK at keeping aggro so something to consider if you haven't already.

  9. 17 minutes ago, FoxFire said:

    The debuff the dorf puts on mobs is basically a free Hex, too.  My current party consists of a TK, SE, Warsmith, WC, BD, Destro, Bishop...also raising a SWS, and Warlock to add to it but they're not high enough, yet.

    Those 7 auto-ran all night in FotG with no issues and they're only level 60-62.

    My group easily hits the debuff cap without a low dps warsmith taking up a slot. I was auto running patriots at 53 with no issues with my latest group for about 4.5-5m xp per hour.

    I have four party compositions at or above level 50. My highest level group consists of SK BH De PR SwS BD WC EE Bish which are 8x.


    EDIT : My highest level warsmith is on the live server and has been around since prelude and is 100something. I haven't logged into that server for a couple years now.


    EDIT 2 : The WS should definitely be out DPSing the TK which has even worse dps. TKs are defensive tanks with very little in the way of offensive capabilities. A warlock in blue leather with something as basic as cmg with kai should wreck the WS's dps when it's added. THe De should be already doing well beyond the dorf unless it's running around with a one handed mace or something equally silly.

  10. 3 minutes ago, FoxFire said:

    I mean I run with a Warsmith in my party and they're probably the ones that do the most damage because of the golem.  Really hoping that the auto-hunt changes will let us assign auto-buffs to party members and then the Warsmith will be pretty great in a party.

    That's quite sad if that's the case. You really should look into gearing the other dps properly and how to setup their skills/macros. I tossed my warsmith long ago because it wasn't keeping up with anything not even the tank. The pet does allow it to do better than you'd expect but it's still miles behind real summoners with basic gear. Granted my WS never made it to 80 so I can't compare at the highest end but I can tell you in the 70s it's a bad joke.

  11. Please just remove dwarfs from the game and allow those with one to auto reroll to an actual useful class. There really is no reason to bring a dwarf along anymore. Their dps is abysmal, they are no longer useful for carrying or crafting shots, their crafting is basically useless, and now magically NcSoft has managed to make spoil even worse.


  12. As I leveled up I found myself unable to afford shots on all my dps so I rationed down the number of DPS using shots. Once I hit 80+ I found myself only able to afford shots on one of my DPS. Even then I was only barely covering the costs with no hope to save up adena to buy gear upgrades. I was forced into running a second party in patriots to raise funds to upgrade gear and pay for extra shots. With these changes I'm definitely no longer paying for VIP on the second party and I'll probably just let the VIp fall off my mains as there's no point to gaining xp faster when I cannot afford the gear I need for the higher levels anyway. If I had known these changes were coming I would of re-rolled my fortune seeker into an Elemental Master for dat extra DPS on the cheap. Since ncsoft has managed to find a way to make spoil even more worthless than before. I do have to congratulate them on that as I hadn't thought it possible.

    At this point I petition they remove the dwarf class as they serve no purpose. Their existence just confuses the few new players the game gets a year...

    Post patch the optimal PVE party is basically a tank (assuming the DE summoner pet doesn't tank well enough) two healers a wc and a bunch of summoners because running shots is too expensive and BW leather on a summoner with a CMG is "good enough" for 80s...

    EDIT : My favorite part about this is how NcSoft continues to remove content every patch. It's like they don't understand that patches especially "big" hyped up patches like this are supposed to actually add stuff to the game. Things to do things to earn things to spend in game time doing...

  13. On 1/2/2020 at 9:51 PM, FoxFire said:

    The best possible thing for them to do is to open up more areas that are super-dense mob spawn with no aggro/social from level 20-65 that drop nothing and no adena...or reward you points to get shadow/untradeable gear for your toon.

    As it stands, there's an even larger roadblock because there's almost no good places to auto-hunt (NOT adrenaline) after Cruma until you can go to places like WoA/GoE/etc.

    The Koreans have always had the auto-hunt feature and the Catacombs/Necropolii were specifically designed for this...and they took them out along with the AA for under level 65 and, even then, that AoE in them is absolutely brutal and broken in the current version.

    I still don't know why they removed the common gear that would bind to your character. Having bind on pickup gear helped alleviate the gearing issue without feeding a bunch of gear into the market place. It's a pretty standard part of online games these days.  One of my big gripes about the live server is the difficulty in getting gear to even participate in somewhat end game PVE. I don't even mean competing with the top 1% credit card warriors just the standard PVE stuff that most players never get to do because their gear is not good enough.

    I have had a hard time understanding some of Ncsoft's decisions in relation to lineage 2. Specifically why they removed game content that was present in the original classic from their "classic experience". They removed all the cool pet stuff. The AA necro/cata stuff. Even the manor system (you know the seed and harvest stuff). I'm sure if I sat down for a bit and looked at some screenshots I could remember more. They have all this content that they actively removed for no apparent reason. All these things that could be used to make the game experience more fun, rich and interactive. I used to AOE necro/catas on my dorf to farm symbols for the seven signs stuff. The competition of dawn vs dusk and the ability to make a decent income off the drops/AA added depth and options to the game for active players. Nope can't have that poof. Common items gave people the option to gear up a bit cheaper if they wanted.. nope can't have that... etc etc


  14. The level restriction is an attempt to keep the botters from mass exploiting the events (at least slow them down). Without a level limit the dude running the ROA bots would score huge.. Then there's the other mass botters who would also benefit as well.

  15. 18 hours ago, Nasaratsu said:

    Dude, have you SEEN them?
    This is not just auto-hunt, it's 1000+ bots fully scripted to walk, teleport, recharge, rest, teleport out to refill SS, and before the no Exp loss, they even had a automatic de-leveling script to kill themselves and keep hunting on low level areas. This is a MASSIVE operation that is killing any hope for new players.
    ALL ZONES from RoA to Ivory Crater and Sea of Spores, possibly even higher (that's where I gave up) are filled ENTIRELY with pony bots and summoners. As mostly melee solo I reached a point where I could not hunt a single mob, because there are SO many (and they are so strong) they kill the mobs as soon as they spawn and you can reach it.
    This is a serious problem and the admins are doing nothing about it. Don't get me started on adena bots pming you everytime.
    I gave up for now, possibly not coming back if ever this is fixed. They let the server die and don't care because of high level p2w spenders.
    So don't be a smarty pants.

    THe ones in ROA are particularly problematic because they take all the spots which then blocks newbies trying to do the newbie chain quest. Best you can do as a melee is to buy a bow and pray... The other areas aren't as big a deal as there are better places to level than ivory crater and sea of spores has room.

  16. 1 hour ago, Elpy said:

    I purchased a decent sum of NCoin a few hours ago and haven't received an email confirmation or any NCoin yet. This isn't the first time for me to purchase NCoin on this account. I don't remember it taking this long before... How long does it normally take for you all?

    Well I've never bought Ncoin off their site during the holidays so I'm not sure how much effect that has on it. I do know that there is always a delay for me up to a full day. Usually it's available the next day which is annoying. So I buy my Ncoins on amazon instead so I can get instant delivery.

  17.  During the early days of NA classic I was running nine desktops with one game client on each desktop because there were no auto repeating macros. I used USB num key pads I bought off amazon for $8 ea to control each client. I only have four screens so most of the clients were being played blindly. Was averaging one captcha a day inbetween all the bot report yelling. I'm sure Ingwaz knows that struggle :P

    With the current features it's almost trivial to do in comparison to the early days.

    I'm open to answering questions too.

  18. 21 hours ago, Nasaratsu said:

    I'm reviving this post because I don't want to make a new one but SERIOUSLY, this bot problem is out of hand, specially now with the christmas event... Ruins of Agony is impossible to hunt, there are hundreds of them on EVERY. SINGLE. SPOT. You are lucky one of them die and you get a spot. It's a never ending stream of pony bots. Now with the event is even worse!!! Gorgon Garden behind Giran is now also impossible to hunt for any melee, also crowded with bots in every spot that kill stuff extremely quick.
    I'm trying to hunt materials and just level in general and even later areas, like death pass and hardins academy, hunting over-leveled mobs, they are spreading like a disease.

    I'm nearly giving up on classic altogether. If any admin reads this, please for any respect you have left for youserlves and this community, DO SOMETHING!

    I got lucky in ROA with my bishop in that some of the really far back areas were empty or mostly empty. Blasted through that quest asap and never came back. Last time I was there things were far different as evidenced in my post above.

    Indeed the gorgan garden area is over run with bots and auto hunters using mostly ponies. If you're melee you're going to really need to use a bow, shots, and pray/try for the last hit.

    Hardins academy and death pass are just not viable for anyone not running a bot right now. I did the quest by sitting in  the middle of one of the open area spawns with auto hunt on casting. The bots are running everywhere there so they do at least keep the respawn stirred up.

    If you'd like to contact me in PM I can provide personalized assistance.

  19. 11 minutes ago, JohnStamos said:

    @Tool_of_Society I know what the events say. However, the 75 bosses on our server spawn at 02:00, and we kill them right away; they don't spawn again until 02:00. If they were on 50% spawns, they should spawn again at 14:00(ish), but they do not.


    That's why he's complaining that they were bugged.. I don't get your point.

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