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Posts posted by Tool_of_Society

  1. 1 hour ago, mixa said:

    Just make a 3 Elemental summer as DDs, the rest bd, swd, wc and SE (or bish). It's rather effective setup.

    I'm sure it's effective at something but it's not as effective at everything compared to other options.

    Yes I'm pretty stuck on the concept of needing to know what the OP wants to do before being able to give them the "best party setup" run down.

  2. 1 hour ago, Wawa said:

    Thank you for the replies. And how do you play with multiple account? My launcher said I have to close my active launcher to open another one. Thank you

    Close the launcher and start a new launcher. I have mine set to auto close and they usually close properly. Sometimes I have to go into task manager to end the nclauncher task but that's super rare.

    You really should create another account because a buffer/healer will be super helpful for leveling your BD.

  3. 9 hours ago, Neesir said:

    It's not that i don't know the law, or anything related to that, i just stated a fact that comes since 2004/2005, since i play this game that i've always seen a lot of automated characters. It's a lot of time to acknowledge a problem and address it accordingly.

    But yes your point makes perfect sense, they get much more money from other markets and other platforms but still they fail on what is the most important part as being a game producer company, the costumer. If they really care about them, this game, Aion and every game they have would be much more successful.

    Every online game has people using automated programs. Lord knows even blizzard has failed to stop them.


  4. 14 hours ago, Neesir said:

    NCsoft and NCwest specifically failed to understand the west market, it is a failed policy. Your solution seems very good, world bosses instanced so everyone can experience it, it would make a smaller gap between top and bottom players and overall make the game more enjoyable, but how to monetize that? Truly free with everything in game would take away the money from the company but would increase the player base, that's a conversation that they have to get eventually, the company depends on profits and if they fail to deliver to the shareholders they will close.

    The bot problem over the years over here is still a big part of the problem, and it leads to rmt, at this point i think it is undeniable that the company somehow profits from this, or they would make it harder for them.

    Any solutions?

    Warframe, path of the exile and a whole host of other free to play games are turning very good profits without resorting to the crap that Ncsoft pulls. The key is simply building good will among their community. Meanwhile Ncsofts answer is to use long tedious grinds to force people to buy store items while offering straight up pay to win items in the shop...

    I agree this isn't a new problem for Ncsoft as they always seem to fail to understand what players want. Aion sold more than enough copies to be a legitimate wow killer. They screwed that up with their insistence on grinds and ridiculous RNGs as "content". Not to mention they never bothered to clamp down on bots which is typical for all their games. This refusal to fix obvious problems until it was too late doomed the game.

    Trying to directly profit from RMT would cause a massive amount of problems for NCsoft. What you're accusing them of is highly illegal in both Korea and the USA. I'm tired of this accusation as it shows a shocking lack of knowledge about both laws and the financial income of Ncsoft. It wouldn't be remotely worth it to take a small cut of RMT for the amount of jail time and fines they would be facing when discovered. Considering how horrible of reviews workers give the companies in the usa and korea you can be sure if anything like that was going on there would be whistle blowers galore reporting it to the governments involved. All that for a tiny amount of money when they make billions off RMT on mobile alone.  They don't make it harder because that would require an investment in their game. They would have to actually hire more staff and have them active which costs money and that's money that can't be counted as profits. That's historically been NCsofts problem as they try to rely on cheap ineffective "solutions" for dealing with botting (gameguard etc).  That's why they do stuff like adding level minimums for chatting instead of paying someone to spend 60 minutes a day banning spammers. That's why ncsoft is focusing more on mobile because with a minimum amount of money invested they create geysers of RMT/MT to flow into their pocket. That's why the mobile market is by far Ncsoft's biggest source of income right now.

    Like I said earlier if Ncsoft wanted to put a dent into the botting problem they'd actually make the game worth playing actively. Dungeons with Bind on equip or even bind on pickup gear would help newbies and vets alike while keeping botters from exploiting it. As it is now I have to grind for hours on end just from one PVP death and that's boring. It keeps me from PVPing and actively playing the game. I had the most pvp ever in game during that event when they disabled xp loss on death. Nothing since has been as fun or busy as that time frame for me.

    At this point I only continue to play the game out of nostalgia and the thrill of optimizing my party's AFK capability.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, mixa said:

    This has been discussed years ago, nothing has been done on the matter. I'm rather confident nothing will change now.

    The dragons and whatever other epics worked well in the old days, but since GoD came, these should have been instances so everyone can actually see that part of the game and benefit off it.

    Same goes for the raids in game, these should be available to everyone, not just a few nolifer rmters.

    And before some vegan comes to tell me that I've done that too, yes I did but I didn't farm every single raid every day that spawns or care if I lost any. Not to mention the huge strain from camping them every day and the sheer boredom that's involved.

    Dunno why I'm wasting my time posting this though, lost cause.,

    Lineage 2 has turned into something super odd in my perspective. It's litterly the only MMORPG that I have played where the developers seem determined to prevent people from experiencing it's content. The developers have consistently removed or limited content over the years.Classic is a fractionl of what we had in the real classic era and the developers are fine with that. I haven't logged into the live servers for some time so I'm not sure if that's still the case there.

    • Like 1
  6. There are a few ways this can occur. Sometimes just switching away from the auto attack client can cause the auto attack to break. The solution is to switch to another client make sure things are working for at least 3 mobs then move on.

    Another way this can break is that when there are two lineage 2 clients overlapping sometimes commands from the top/active window can click through to the window below which can disrupt the auto attack on the hidden window.  I've managed to rotate the camera on multiple lineage 2 clients simultaneously via this "bug".

    Then the last way I've observed has no real explanation. I've had auto hunt just stop on it's own on an unattended machine without any form of input (no mouse swing even). It's super rare but it does happen.

  7. On 11/18/2019 at 10:11 PM, ppower said:

    the problem is in

    your internet provider isp

    make a claim to your internet company

    I can litterly drive to the data center in about 5 hours and I've been having disconnection issues ONLY in lineage 2 for at least the last 48 hours. All pings to the east and west coast are super low and no packets are lost. I am having no issues with any other online game or service. Clearly something is going on with their network or their ISP's.


    Early this morning CDT I gave up playing because all inputs were noticeably lagged and I had a couple D/ces over the course of an hour. I left my characters fishing and every single one of them d/ced between 12pm CDT and 4pm CDT.  I am just now logging some characters in with the hope I can stay connected and do something...


    @Juji I can't speak for anyone else but I haven't bothered to send anything to tech support because I've gotten a few too many copy paste responses in the past. I just assumed it wouldn't matter... I can provide you with all kinds of data if you want/desire.

  8. 3 hours ago, Wilma said:

    I think you a wrong. The biggest group of PK are bot defender. (Or macro group defender as you like.) They don't kill own bots and kill all other group. I don't know if the defender word good for this group.

    I think PK connect to adena making, not to game experience.

    Of course some PK player enjoy, if making loss to another gamer. I think this is smaller group.

    Those only exist in a few areas like Cruma tower. The vast majority of leveling areas do not have those. AT least in my experience on TI and giran. Your mileage may vary.

    PKing has always been used by gold farmers...

  9. On 11/21/2019 at 1:57 PM, Juji said:

    We are trying to narrow down the disconnections. Can you please submit a support ticket with your information about it? Thank You!


    Giran was lagging so badly for me that I actually made a post about it on the classic forum under the weakly update topic. I was pinging other servers across the USA and the results were all excellent without a single packet loss. It's clearly not my connection. I live about a 5 hour drive south of Dallas... Within four hours all my Talking island accounts disconnected too.. I'm just going to give up playing unless this can be fixed.

  10. On 11/22/2019 at 8:26 AM, Darkesttunnel said:

    Yes too many simple things that can be addressed to improve the game immensely.  Also 50-90kk for 1 cloth!  That is pathetic!  Please do something to fix the economy like cloth event, blood crystal event, evolution stone event, etc..  It can't go on like this!  Bring back the daily quests where you can earn Evolution Stones!  Make Blood Crystals more accessible in L2Store or event!  ...And please, please, please do something about the cloths! 



    I don't get the point behind the need to have hard to obtain items (blood crystals) on top of large amounts of CRP to buy clan skills. In classic getting clan skills was vastly easier. It was bad enough they removed the related quests but this whole blood crystal thing is just ridiculous.

    I'm mostly okay with the cloth thing as it basically props up the B grade market and to a lesser extent C grade (depending on your server).

    ALl of that is small potatoes to the server lag problems we're experiencing now... I just gave up on trying to play on giran for the day as I'm experiencing delayed responses to input and client d/ces. My pings are all fantastic...

  11. On 11/22/2019 at 7:39 AM, bkilla said:

    maybe l2 isnt for you ever think of that lol?

    I will forever support pk and pvp thats the sole reason the majority of this population still plays. Now its not the the same as it used to be... but its still good. I used to pk characters all day back in c1-3 with my perma red pw, and go figure ppl qq'd just as hard then as you are now.... nothing will change. 

    I would support PKers if most of them weren't heavily involved in killing regular players to keep them weaker than the "l337sauce" PVPers... The second biggest group of PKers seem to be the bot defenders...


    The thing is almost everything involving PKers was vastly different in C1-C3. You weren't able to use summons while mounted to kill people at absurd ranges. You weren't able to nearly instantly teleport to anywhere while in a field. You weren't able to use towns/NPCs like you can now.  Do the town guards even attack PKers anymore? I've seen some run past and nothing happened. It's stupid easy to PK now compared to back then and that's where most of the complaints stem from.

  12. On 11/20/2019 at 6:52 AM, Ventrue said:

    Maybe they should add an alternative low level area for live players .. a place that you can't AFK

    this area should have:

    • terrain objects so bots get stuck
    • sparse/random mob spawn
    • SOCIAL/AGRO mobs

    mby with this all the QQing would stop

    Oh lordie that would be hilarious if I didn't think you were being sincere....

    Bots don't care about terrain objects. It's called "pathing" look it up..
    Sparse spawn is annoying as hell for players trying to level...
    Random what? random doesn't matter unless there's a chance a super high level mob will spawn which would be dumb because mob spawns are already sparse and no one is going to go there to kill it because you can't even ask for help at low levels...
    Social/aggro mobs already exist and are heavily botted..

    The QQing will not stop because people love to complain. Your suggested changes would be easily adjusted for by the bot programmers. If you design your game to be fun and rewarding to actively play then you'll naturally see fewer bots. THis won't happen in lineage2 because it relies on Korean RNG and heavy heavy grinding for everything that isn't straight P2W. Lets be real here. Most people aren't willing to spend hours of their life mindlessly grinding to make up for their one PVP death. Not even back in the day which is one of many reasons why bots a thing even in beta...

    I did kind of enjoy the grind to an extent when I had friends to chat with which is why I rerolled on to the classic servers. The mindless nature of it almost has a zen like quality to it..

  13. For the first time in a long time I've been experiencing some disconnects over the last 24 hours. I'm only losing one or two accounts at a time and it's spaced out over hours.

    After I awoke to three disconnected accounts I started running pings on my main system. I have been pinging near the NA servers (I live physically close to the datacenter), a west coast server (non L2), and an east coast server (non L2). Not one packet has been lost over the last 12 hours but I have had 4 different accounts disconnect in that time frame.

  14. 56 minutes ago, Favela said:

    I think thats the issue newer accounts using cards because ncsoft puts a stupid restriction on accounts and doesnt allow you to buy ncoin. so people use ncoin cards to get around it. somethijg isnt right. everyone ive talked to used nc coin cards on their accounts recently and recently got vip.

    Putting large sums of adena and/or high level items on a freshly made account can be seen as "suspicious activity" and trigger a temporary ban. I've never had this happen but I have seen it happen a couple times to others. Contact support and be polite when asking what happened and assuming you're not laundering stuff you'll get your account back. Yelling, insulting, and threatening won't get you far.

    As for the OP we only have their side...

  15. On 11/3/2019 at 8:25 PM, Ingwaz said:

    You are better of having a toon macro farrming 24/7 in RoA for adena. You will get it quicker like that. Theres ppl farming for that for 2 weeks straight and didnt get it..
    A bot in RoA will get you the spellbook in 2-5 days depending on gear.

    Assuming the person who is running the bots there doesn't PK you constantly....

  16. 22 hours ago, Godfall said:

    All things I'm very aware of, so no my idea is not "terrible", it's a simple suggestion. 

    Maybe the limited accounts thing is pushing it a bit much, so ya I get what you mean. I still stick to what I said that I think there needs to be a change. Will it happen? Very unlikely. But I think a large amount of us can agree its current state is a bit ****. 

    Your "suggestion" of limiting the number of accounts per IP is terrible....

    There is no surefire way to limit the number of accounts someone uses. You can at best slow them down. The three clients per machine limit being the most effective for the effort. Otherwise you're going to need people to use a state or federal ID to create an account and employees to double check etc...Which creates a massive amount of potential liability and other problems.

    To play on a chinese server (the game shall remain anonymous) long (+10 years) ago you needed their version of a social security number and people in the USA were just generating/stealing the number to create accounts to play...

  17. On 10/31/2019 at 11:09 AM, Godfall said:

    lol! True, but usually in that case it's limited to IP address. I'm just giving examples to "force" people to party/make friends/clans. So that activity/community is higher/better. 

    IP address is unworkable in the way you intend. It's fairly common for many people to be using the same IP from the perspective of a web/game server.  Here's a link that will get you started on why your idea is terrible.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation

    Of course I could still get around that by setting up each machine on a proxy since lineage 2 isn't really that sensitive to lag and autohunt is done server side.


    You can only force people so much because it's just a game and people will just move to a game that is fun. The carrot approach is by far better but is also harder to achieve.  Hell the reason I've stuck with this game is because of the old school boxing that I started back in closed beta. If I can't box I'll just move on to a better run better setup game.

  18. 12 hours ago, Godfall said:

    Likely going to get some blowback from this topic but I'm curious to know how many of you/us would play a server like this?

    No VIP System

    No Macro Looping

    1 Client only (Monthly Sub $12.99 USD so NC still makes money)

    Events that are farm based only. No Ncoin purchasing to play L2casino (lol)

    L2 Store only consisting of maybe some cosmetic stuff , soulshots/hp pots and maybe something like a variety of mounts. 

    actually feel like this would be a good thing for many! I'm sure that they could just make 1 server like this and people can choose which way they want to go. 

    What you guys think? I'm probably dreaming, but I'd be williing to bet that would bring back plenty of people. 

    1 client only lol. That's impossible to enforce. Even if you try to limit one client per machine I have 9 desktops and 1 laptop that can easily play L2 :P You can buy machines off ebay for $50 that can playing a full screen lineage 2 client with no upgrades.

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