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Posts posted by Tool_of_Society

  1. On 1/17/2020 at 5:01 PM, AsiNomasPo said:

    Mats and crafting items have 0 value
    mobs drop 20 - 50 -100 adena and i spend double in kill just 1

    tell me, what is the secret. external Adena trader, buy l2 store items and try to sell, so fishing is the final solution?

    The secret is to run a bunch of bot trains in the same area so you can amass adena. Meanwhile the legit players are screwed as their income has been cut significantly while having minimal effect on the bot parties. The adena sellers are going to love this patch.

  2. The only thing I can guess as the motivation is they are hoping that it will force people to craft so they can then sell to the npc. That somehow it will force a market for those items to magically appear and the invisible hand will make everyone rich...

    Personally I'm just going to dump the junk at random areas as it's not worth my time to try to craft so I can sell to the npc for a minimum amount...

  3. 12 hours ago, Degusjr said:

    I hate to say it, but I think Teddy is right, that is a awful lot of work for the Dev's, they would basically be making a new, custom update.  They should of stuck to their guns, left the level cap at it's original 75 I think it was, and never implemented the macro, that's not classic, and not needed.  Get everyone max level, open all the castles/forts, lower death penalty, fix the raids, active rewarding quests/dailies.  Give people things to actually do while playing active.  That's classic, not crying your BD won't dance then assist while you sleep.  

    p.s.  I'm gonna mention to the president to raise minimum wage to 25$ an hour, I'll get back to you with what he says.

    5 posts and 6 hours later Juji responds with confirmation they have a new patch with auto loop macros. :P While I'm still eager to have right click to report/block again or the ability to see my debuffs on my target this is a good start. Enough to keep me around for a few more weeks before the really TERRIBLE UI gets to me. I seriously cannot believe how many steps backwards this "new updated" UI is. In every aspect it's an inferior User Interface...

    There was no original cap only an inability to gain xp due to monster levels and extremely steep xp requirements (aka only botters were doing +75 back in the day).  Macros have been in the game since day one of closed beta in korea. To try to write us all off as "crying about BD's not dancing while asleep" is to ignore what is actually being said. Either your agenda is to write the macro complaints off as babies crying over nothing or you're just not paying attention. The removal of looping macros was stupid and unneeded but what really got me was the complete removal of basic macro functions that have been a part of the game since day one.  For example assist macros don't work and when combined with the removal of the ability to mark opponents means PVP/PVE is vastly changed from how it has been for 15 years. There are a dozen other examples of macro functions that were removed for no reason.

    I really wish I still had my screenshots from closed beta NA :(

    Indeed the real classic had a lot more stuff to do as I've covered over and over in prior posts.


    p.s. If minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would be around $12-$14. If minimum wage had kept up with the productivity increases of the American worker it would be about $20.

  4. 9 hours ago, Juji said:

    Yes, the other issues have been sent to the Dev team as well. I posted in other threads about the missing Blessed Soulshots, missing 5th hot bar, and the ability to see buffs/debuffs on your target. We have a list of more than 15+ issues for the Classic Server that is waiting for a response or follow up from the Dev team. Once I have confirmation we have fixes or changes coming, then I will post about it.

    It is not a simple fix to add back a feature to a system that was designed by a different development team. Once our Dev team has it ready and tested, then we will plan for an emergency maintenance to implement.

    The silly/frustrating thing is that the live server's UI is vastly better in usability. I would argue the older UI was superior visually as it is far more effective at presenting visual information. The classic UI fails at the most basic task of a UI. You know relaying information efficiently to the player/user via images. Then there's the whole bit about me not wanting to play a mobile game on my PC....

    I do like the character select screen. Unfortunately after the first log all classic character select screens are bugged for me.
    Oddly enough the character select works fine when I log into one of the live servers.


    EDIT : Oh and for god's sake get them to re-implement the right click to block/report functionality....

  5. 4 minutes ago, nutcase said:

    No way because I have paid for my 50% exp rune

    I have 100% runes I'm letting drop because I'm putting my "money where my mouth is".. If they see a big drop in numbers that will get their attention and force a change.

    Besides if things  stay the way they are I won't be playing much longer anyway so the runes don't mean anything.

  6. 4 hours ago, mixa said:

    It's probably time to think about changing the game, that is what I meant. You just stretch-repeated that with some additions.


    I don't really play l2 anymore, mainly because there is nothing left to play really.

    I want Lineage 2 to be a game I play though and I'm working here on the forum towards that goal. You could argue I'm falling to the "sunk cost fallacy" if you want as I have spent vast amounts of time and several thousand dollars in this game over the last 16 years. I just would like to get a few more years out of it.

  7. 23 hours ago, mixa said:

    Oh boy, if you have work, wife, kids, etc.... don't you think playing games is the last thing you should do. This is mostly poor excuse for handless nabs that just want to run on auto and avoid putting any effort.

    I'm terribly sorry that you are in a position where you have no free time for leisure. That's a very unhealthy lifestyle and you WILL see negative results from it if you aren't already.

    The rest of us in the adult world know how to schedule time and part of that scheduling is optimizing downtime for yourself. I cannot speak for the others but personally I refuse to spend the few hours of downtime I have each day on a game where I need to spend 100 hours to get anywhere. Well that was prior to the gigantic nerf to income so it's probably closer to 1000 hours or more. Not on a game that has so little in the way of actual content. I'd rather play a few matches in warthunder hop on world of warships play a few matches there and then maybe a vermintide II match.Lineage 2 does not exist in a vacuum and if it demands active play for little in positive returns then I'll just dump the game completely. You should be concerned about this because if the server population drops below a certain point the market will crash and eventually the server itself will be closed.

    The macro system allowed me to invest time without actually investing time being there. So while I might only play a couple active hours a day I'm getting 22 hours of extra results so there's a world of a difference (basically a "force multiplier"). I'm not really sure how much time I'm actively putting in as I can do a variety of things around my house while keeping an eye on the game accounts running. Then when I'm caught up on my daily schedule I can spend time doing the few content related things the game has. Emphasis on FEW....

    EDIT : TLDR : If the choice is between living life as a responsible adult or playing a 15 year old game with little content that has seen content removed consistently for a year now people are going to choose life (most people will). The loss of real players will greatly hasten the demise of the game.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    Juji said he'd talk to the devs "tonight" on thursday. The lack of anything on Friday has me thinking the devs just said NOPE. If we hear nothing on Monday then we're really in trouble.

    Juji If you're looking at server numbers I'd like to point out that my 18 accounts were logged in to check some stuff but I'm not going to be actively playing until the changes are reverted to what live has. Heck I might leave 9 in to test something overnight. I definitely will NOT be buying anymore NcCoin on those accounts if this stays.

    My edit took too long to go through so I'm going to have to correct something here. After a brief moment of rethinking the possible scenarios I decided that no news might also mean that the people Juji talked to had to bring the subject up to higher level people. That could cause a delay of days in an answer of yes or no. Nothing on Monday would probably still be a bad sign but I won't be super worried until Tuesday.

  9. Juji said he'd talk to the devs "tonight" on thursday. The lack of anything on Friday has me thinking the devs just said NOPE. If we hear nothing on Monday then we're really in trouble.

    Juji If you're looking at server numbers I'd like to point out that my 18 accounts were logged in to check some stuff but I'm not going to be actively playing until the changes are reverted to what live has. Heck I might leave 9 in to test something overnight. I definitely will NOT be buying anymore NcCoin on those accounts if this stays.

  10. I can't even post a proper response because I can't stop laughing at how naive OP is being...

    EDIT : Okay got ahold of myself.

    The autohunt feature is done server side so it's a simple thing to see who is running that. The auto repeat macro function should be obvious too because they could easily have the game client confirm in a hidden way that it's auto repeating macros.  Of course I'm not sure on the auto repeat macro function doing that as it would require a little work on NcSoft's korea's side and god knows they aren't likely to spare the money/time to do that. NcSoft isn't one to invest in a game unless it adds a potential source of income like an ingame cash store...


  11. 6 minutes ago, FoxFire said:

    And also remind them that this is supposed to be Lineage 2 ****CLASSIC**** and not look like a ridiculous mobile game with the way the new HUD interface is.

    This update has made it clear that Ncsoft wants to change Lineage 2 classic into a mobile game that can be played on the PC. The removal of basic functions and the UI being the way it is makes perfect sense if you want to port it to phones. That's why right click to block/report doesn't work now because you can't right click on a phone. Also you can't run a game in windowed mode on a phone so that's why the UI gets so janky/terrible when you run in windowed mode.

    It's sad but I wish they'd add an option to auto hunt so that it ignores all the useless drops. There's no point to picking up the mats anymore... Just don't want to miss out on the once a week decent drop...

    • Like 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, Juji said:

    A request has been sent off to the Dev team just now to add back the auto loop function for macros. I will share a status update as soon as I hear back from them.

    Also while you're at it could you ask them to put the right click to block/report gold spammer back into the game? It would also be nice if we could see the debuffs on our target. Also if they could move the auto hunt thing off the menu bar that'd be helpful as once you click auto hunt once you can no longer click map and whatever is to the left.

    This update is a terrible joke in all ways. Removed standard functions of the game while messing up the UI itself and making it less functional. It's as if no one actually play tested the changes at all...

    EDIT : I see what is going on with the UI. If you're not running at least full screen 720p then auto hunt will sit on top of the menu icons int he bottom so you can't teleport use the map or look at mission name with a click. It is absolutely unacceptable that we cannot adjust the UI in anyway to fix these terrible choices. This is a huge step backwards in all ways.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Juji said:

    A request has been sent off to the Dev team just now to add back the auto loop function for macros. I will share a status update as soon as I hear back from them.

    I'd still like to know what the combat mode option is supposed to do. It doesn't seem to effect anything when toggled.

    • Like 1
  14. Something I do find amazing about this patch is how no one is even trying to defend these changes. In the past when NcSoft has made dumb moves you'd find a few NcSoft apologists trying to justify the dumb move. This patch is so stupid even the apologists can't defend it...

  15. 5 hours ago, Juji said:

    The Auto Loop Macro system was removed for Classic in all regions. The skill shortcut bar has replaced the functions of the macro loop except for the delay. I am going to discuss with the Dev team tonight on whether they can re-implement the macro functions or provide something more beneficial for the support classes (buffers).

    The skill bar is nowhere near a replacement for the macro functions. Not when you have to click each individual buff just to complete one buff cycle. God help you if you have anything other than a WC because you're going to spend most of your time just trying to keep buffs up.

    How about restoring our ability to see debuffs on our target?

    How about restoring the UI to something functional? You know where you can see all the information you need right away (character name cp/hp/mp). You know like before where the auto hunt function didn't obscure critical elements of the UI like shortcut buttons for map/equipment etc?

    How about not penalizing live players heavily just because it might slow down botters a tiny amount?

    How about fixing macros so I can assist my clan's tank properly when we're doing group content?

    It goes on and on....

    The worst part about this is that NcSoft Korea doesn't care if the game dies because of this patch. They are too busy sucking up dat mobile income to care about doing PC games properly... Yeah if you didn't notice the mobile UI style in this patch now you will..

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, husk said:

    He is totally right about that. I was actually wondering when the first ppl figuered that out.

    He is not right about the dmg difference though. Soulshots do 15% less dmg than Blessed Soulshots. But still, that is a huge difference. And looking at this server atm this doesnt make sence at all since there is barely anyone playing a figher class in high end pvp.

    Tbh I expected them to raise the dmg of normal soulshots but they didnt. I made tests before and after the maintenance.

    So @Juji and @Hime

    Was that really your intention to nerf every fighter class?


    Juji and Hime are most likely just trying to survive these poor decisions made by NcSoft korea. They have no real input into any of this.

  17. 8 minutes ago, TeggyO said:

    My only thought is that maybe now the botters will REALLY stand out now and they will be banned.  But then no one would play so I'm 99.9999% wrong on that one.

    Don't hold your breathe. Even at the height of the game in the pay to play era when there were no repeating macros or auto hunt bots were still rampant. They weren't quite as bad but there were still blatant trains in all the good leveling areas. It was a mini-game to find the high level "l337" PVPer's botting areas...

  18. 4 minutes ago, TeggyO said:

    You are going to lose a lot of login numbers with this auto hunt change.  People spent a lot of time leveling several toons using the system legitly and even invested money in their toons to get them geared by buying/selling frintezza/blizzard boxes etc.  Now the the system fundamentally changes and they can no longer play all of their toons together in some semblance of harmony without being at they keyboard most of their waking lives to progress from 81-82.

    I can tell you one thing. I'm not going to be motivated to play when i buff with my warcryer and come back 20 minutes later to see my 4 man groups exp has gone up .002%. 


    Heck I'm at my computers most of the time and I don't even want to deal with clicking each buff individually on each character every 20 minutes...

  19. 4 minutes ago, FoxFire said:

    I thought they specifically said that songs/dances could be auto'd now?

    So there's no way to do auto-buffs at all?  Wasn't that the entire point??

    Nope couldn't get my songs or dances or WC buffs or EE or Bish buffs to auto cast except the self buffs. I tried rebinding on the hotkey bar and messing with the options but it refused to work. It doesn't help that the UI is a train wreck.

    This will be the final nail for me unless something changes or new information comes to light. I'm not going to click song/dances individually every 5 minutes AND each buff individually every 20 minutes. That's madness for a game that requires hundreds of hours of sunk time to see the xp bar move.

    Meanwhile the botters will continue to do everything just as well as before.....

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