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Everything posted by 4thcoming

  1. No. Lineage II isn't even close to newer games like BDO and could not pull a market share like that. They could certainly have a lot more players, but an out dated game like just won't suffice. BDO actually beats down nearly every competitor, except it's P2W and lack of content ruins it. That's why Final Fantasy is instead becoming the industry leader. It's not the best combat game, but it's providing real content. Games like Ashes of Creation will likely be a top game either as it lacks a real sophisticated combat system. Also forgot *** Paying excessive amounts to use basic skills. I mean seriously, in many areas of the game you run negative income from playing. I can't decide if that's more pathetic or just sad.
  2. While it may be commonly known that Lineage II has been P2W since it went to the free to play model, I don't think people fully understand just how bad it is. Or what the terms mean. There are plenty of P2W games on the market, PC, mobile, etc. With this business model you can purchase huge advantages, bonus stats, progress faster, and many other benefits. However, lets compare BDO a P2W vs Lineage II. What you can do in BDO is excessively grind, life skill etc and you will be able dominate in PVE and other factors. PVP is still an issue, but the core game is playable. You will progress slower, but you will not face the same issues as a game like Lineage II. Designed to Fail Everything in the entire game is locked down to ensure customers fail miserably without paying. It's not an issue of convenience, PVP, or Sieges. It's an issue of locking down the entire game to ensure the systems will always fail. Examples: *** HP/MP Regen rates highly based upon damage output (Thus you can't even sustain mana properly due to low dmg output). *** Blue Mobs (Level differential) forcing advancement whether you are prepared or want to proceed. *** Massive and unwarranted increases in mob stats with no justification other than to preventing natural game play The solution I'm not even going to ask for these things to be changed. None of these where by chance, they where intentionally crafted this way. I would rather just inform anyone reading the posts of the tactics being used and the difference between P2W and just pure scam. It's a shame too, because Lineage II is one of the few IDLE games on the market with this much content. It's actually quite unique.
  3. Can you address a real issue such as abusing AOE to force players into flagging? It's clearly an exploit as the person flagged HAS NO INTENTION of activating PVP. In fact they can activate PVP while being 100% AFK. Some of the refutes to this: Just don't use AOE is simple to squash. Ok then how about exp boosts or drop boosts also flag your character. I mean you could just NOT USE THEM ALSO. This AOE is an exploit that's chasing away customers, you might want to look into it.
  4. Isn't this really your fault and theirs? Lets take a deeper look at it. This kind of behavior appears to have been happening for over a decade now. The updates are focused on squeezing players and making the free game experience as miserable as possible. So why at this point did you just not expect this type of behavior? There is a simple way to resolve these issues. /uninstall
  5. You are correct, but you must realize what you are up against. The VAST majority of the MMO player base doesn't want to engage in PVP. They never did and they are more sick of it than ever. It wasn't even great when games where more balanced and fair. That VAST majority won't touch a game like L2. So you have the left over trash that's filtered out. That's why you will see so much support for PVP. Even though it's obviously an IDLE game and hardly has PVP let alone the P2W garbage and terrible mechanics. That's why an exploit like AOE flagging has existed for nearly 2 DECADES LOL. The community wasn't smart enough to fight against it, the developers where not smart enough to realize what a negative impact that has on potential customers. The $$$ value in a simple fix to that is absurd, yet no one at the company even gave a damn . It's obvious and common knowledge in the community. I heard it on many streams and other venues. Just talking open and casually about how the PK system in it's entirely (let alone the exploits) is just a grief mechanic for players to NOT to PVP, but to try to ruin each others AFK progress. You need to realize a pretty sizable amount of the player base will do literally anything to ruin the game. This is evident across all games everywhere. Even all cultures and regions. New World is dealing with it now with people exploiting the game. Look at the history of Lineage 2. It's ALWAYS BEEN A BOT FEST with massive cheating. You can NEVER trust any MMO community to regulate their game or be able to cheat, macro, exploit, period. The TRUTH is even upon release people would BOT on (classis style servers) and then go around PKing. The FUN isn't in the work or the game play. The GOAL and FUN of PKING is TROLLING and HARASSING others. To TRIGGER THEM, to hinder them. The actual mechanics are absolutely worthless.
  6. That would be terrible if for example people could just pay money to receive unfair and unearned advantages. I mean that would be akin to duping, hacking, exploiting. In fact many games roll back the entire server when such things occur. Yet it's perfectly fine if it's profitable lol. Enjoy your "fairness"
  7. There are much better methods than this, but the BDO rule applies here. You don't help others in MMO's because they are a competition and other players are your enemy not your friend. Especially with limited resource or PVP games. In fact giving bad advice like what was stated by Mete is the best thing people can do. Additionally, think about what is being said and commonly stated. You "need to spend". These people are promoting spending to progress as if it's a good idea or necessary. The fact is IF you do pay, you will just become a sucker to your own mistakes and lay the grounds for more companies and games to use that same trap. You know what NCSoft marketed the game as? FREE TO PLAY FOREVER!!!!!. That's right FREE. Yet it's literally the most egregious game on the market. I can't name a single game out of 1,000's that's more predatory. You don't pay for convenience or to level faster. NCSoft literally tries to make the game unplayble until you pay for enough power than you can keep up. Don't forget /uninstall is always an option. It's your choice. That's all common knowledge btw. Many others won't be so blunt about it, but everyone knows this is true.
  8. You mean the assumptions like claiming my level or time playing? That you have absolutely no clue about? It's good for you to leave the discussion. You are not capable or on the level to comprehend things at a higher level. For example you put no thought into how an overly complex issue like that would be affect what should be 1,000's of potential customers. In the case of a GOOD GAME potentially MILLIONS OF PLAYERS. Additionally, with the amount of classes it would take a long time to sort through what works and doesn't. The fact IT IS an exploit is not predicated on my opinion, it's based ON OBJECTIVE FACTS such as the circumvention of the Karma System and what a Karma System is intended to do. Just because you can't handle the facts doesn't mean you need to whine about it.
  9. Good strong logic. Because the level really matters. I mean it really means a lot since everyone essentially loses 0.00000% exp with unlimited res bots, and 100% restore scrolls. I mean people should be able to exploit the karma system because......... well some online forum warrior talked trash about Kitty Island. Therefore, the devs shouldn't fix an exploit. It just makes sense. It's a PVP game, so exploits should be part of it. It just makes sense. Maybe if you where not so emotional about it, you could think a little clearer. Just trying to help you focus. I mean what is a company supposed to do when they see a random post (repeatedly like the one posted recently) about a player asking about being killed repeatedly every day. I mean clearly who cares about customers LOL we are PVPers brah! We don't care about other people, or the future of the game lol. They can leave for all we care right? Then we can cry later about how dead the game is, server merges, and the eventual shut down. Cause we are the smart ones. And as for who cares, you do carebear. That's why you keep replying. Show's how much you care. You little caring bear. You should try Fallout or Bless Online since you're into dead games PS stop your whining, man up and PK that person in your spot like the game intended. Or go play Kitty Island. I mean REAL PK without EXPLOITS.
  10. I make valid points, critique when required, and use objective facts. You use emotional tears. Don't forget it. Lets think like you for a minute. Someone just came into my rotation and starting camping over me. The clear answer in this case is to allow exploits in the Karma System. It's simply a good solution because.......... reasons. I moved to the next rotation which was open right next to us. (How lazy and inconsiderate of that person...... the expected attitude from a "PVP game brah".
  11. Makes a lot of sense. The answer is clearly to allow massive exploits to effect everyone and mostly newer players. That's just how you should handle a new class that has an aggro skill. Clearly there are no better solutions. You need to keep your eye on the goal here. To eliminate as many potential customers and possible and sink this game. This exploit is doing a great job on that. Always remember if someone is getting PK'd by an exploit they can always go spend $20,000 to try to resolve it too. Amazing how money solves all the worlds problems isn't it. You could spend $20,000 more wisely though like on a Star Citizen imaginary ship. Oh wait they are sold out lol. Sucker born every minute. That's what these games rely on.
  12. I have not witnessed a single issue of Death Knights just forcing their way into areas. Even in extremely crowded areas. Additionally, there are massive amounts of AOE's similar. Additionally, even if it was an issue, the correct response would be to design the game better or fix the death knight. AT NOT POINT EVER is the solution just to allow a blatant exploit from sloppy developers.
  13. Can you explain what a Karma System is and what it's for? And try not to fall for the bait lol. You will only destroy your credibility by answering it. I don't even know there is a Karma System. It's a PVP game. If you don't want to die, don't log in?
  14. You must be a tough PVPer. Look at you go on an Internet forum. Wow I'm so impressed.
  15. It's a PVP game brah lol. Using exploits to kill people Auto Bot farming I'm all for the exploit. It helps to reduce the population and helps put the game into the grave where it belongs.
  16. You can spend $0 and get 100x as many kills by using the AOE exploit to flag players. It's a real PVP intense game too. With 100% res everywhere and no point....... well aside from harassing's, trolling, and EPeening. I mean if your into wasting your time PVPing in out dated nearly dead bot fest game........ shouldn't you be playing Dark Souls? Fortnite? Street Fighter Moba's? I guess that depends if you want to troll or compete
  17. PVP is fun. You run around stomping newbs by exploiting AOE causing players to flag. That way you can laugh at everyone as you circumvent the entire Karma System. The way PVP has always been. Wolves taking down the Sheep avoiding all chances of competition like the plague. It caters to the minds of children that want to have online power over others. Sad to hear the truth about PVP and humanity? Well the least that can be done is FIX this exploit that existed for nearly 2 DECADES LOL. If you want a REAL story about PVP go back to Diablo 1. People would use hack programs to edit their stats just to repeatedly invite players to a game and PK them. No drops, no benefit, no point. Just the mindless thought process of a PKer wanting to troll others. 100% True story. This exploit is actually helping to keep spots available and less people online to take up resources. Keep that exploit around it helps to reduce the player base. No need to waste $10k when you can use exploits for the same results. Save yourself the expense and get even more kills
  18. That does not work. Players will flag up next to you and your AOE even with [set to monster] will result in you being flagged. It can then spread to healers, buffers etc. This exploit is being used constantly by players running around lower zones. This is NOT PVP nor is it part of any Karma System. It's an exploit to circumvent the PK/Karma system. That system is designed to prevent abuse like this, but until it's fixed (if ever) it will just push players away from the game. The game already suffers from a low population, being out dated by years, P2W, and plenty of other problems. This is just another burden to new players trying to salvage anything they can from this game that already has enough entry barriers. @Jason It's an exploit players are abusing. Sadly the best recommendation anyone can give is go find another game.
  19. Thank you for the response. That's a very accurate assessment. Lineage II isn't much an MMO anymore, it's just a decent IDLE ONLY game. That's mainly due to the fact that most IDLE games are simplistic games with virtually no content or actual game. They are barely more than basic graphics and a spreadsheet. So saying it's a decent IDLE game isn't saying much. As for the P2W all of those streamers are a problem. They fully know how bad things are yet they contribute to the problem then complain about it later. The fact is most companies and especially NCSoft may NEVER release a good product again if this trend continues. They simply have no reason to care, work hard, or invest into making games at all when they can just abuse the predatory business model like everyone else. There is one current solution and it's simple: STOP PAYING these companies. Seriously it's that simple. Educate clan members, talk about it on discord, encourage your friends to STOP, not trying wallet war. If you're personally spending, STOP now. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
  20. Greeting Adventurers, We would like to remind you that harassment of any kind will not be tolerated How can there be an official statement saying something like this while openly advocating and encouraging players to exploit and harass others for fun? @Juji How is this exploit still in the game after all these years? Do you care at all about the health of the game or the reality of this situation? I have NEVER HEARD a single positive thing about this game from ANYONE. Old school players, friends, reviews, videos, it's ALL 100% negative. This is causing players to run across maps just exploiting players into flagging so they can disrupt their auto play. Which is BUILT INTO the game and INTEDED. This IS NOT PVP. This is just abuse. FIX IT
  21. If by working as intended you mean releasing a new class and then driving away customers, then YES it's working "as intended". This is unbelievably bad management from the NCsoft. It already has a bad reputation for horrible P2W and predatory business practices, but this doesn't even produce revenue. This is just slop work at best. Maybe it's better to leave it in game and help push customers away from the game.
  22. A: If it's only "certain skills" that is by definition a defective game design. There is no legitimate reason why one AOE would cause this affect while another would not. B: Choosing to play optimally does not constitute a reason to allow an exploit. C : The karma system has always been in place since release. It's entire purpose it to prevent this exact type of behavior. By definition allowing players to circumvent the PK so easily is defective and exploitative game design. D : Lineage II is not the only MMO to be a complete failure at this. Black Desert Online has a similar defect in allowing 1 sided clan wars to result in no penalties. Lineage II has actually been the standard for doing most things right regarding PVP. The mechanics, not the complete trash 1 shot, P2W, backstab from the front, hero auto win garbage history that is L2. The actual game rules have been solid though. For example you can immediately log, emergency escape, or even unflag in the middle of PVP in BDO. BDO is complete disgrace for standards for these reasons. The least Lineage II can do is fix things that are clearly exploitative. MOST IMPORTANTLY: This exploit can be used with any consequence to hinder new players and just cheese the entire game. You suffer ZERO penalties with a low level 100% rez so you can easily disrupt the game play of 100's even 1,000's of players WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE like being red. It can truly be used to just harass the entire community.
  23. Yes, it's also a Objective issue not Subjective. It's factually broken. Whether your a developer, mod, customer, PVPer, or otherwise it doesn't matter. When posed with a simple question the answer is simple. Should a player be able to unwillingly impose /force a player into a flagged state? There is ONLY one answer. No, to allow such a thing to occur would defy the entire premise of the PVP system. It's bypassing entire Karma/PK system. Any mod reading this should take note this is in fact an exploit that should be fixed immediately. If you care at all about the integrity of the game or even just reducing harassment and trolling, you should be putting in the effort to get this fixed. AOE should NOT impact other players UNLESS they specifically opt to change their target settings to include other players.
  24. This doesn't make any sense. Yes, the original classic game had bot problems and farmers for years. NCSoft was crushed and unable to deal with them. However, that doesn't really apply to Aden as Live & Aden have built in bot programs now. So how are you complaining about botting on servers where 100% of the player base can use built in bots? The Sayha issue is essentially a scam, but the simple fix for that is to not fund the game.
  25. There is an official thread about harassment, vulgarity, and extortion for pking. However, what I came across in the game is hands down one of the worst unconceivable disgusting intentional game design issues across the entire globe. It's actually an exploit that has existed in Lineage II that the developers refused to address for DECADES. How is is possible this even still exists? Lineage II had a rather fair PK system even upon release. You couldn't instantly log out, going red was a risk, it was balanced to some degree. However, the exploit circumvents THE ENTIRE SYSTEM rendering every aspect of the PK system completely pointless. The ability to FLAG other players exploiting their AOE NOT INTENTDED to target other players has plagued the game for years. People used to require players to even sit down while receiving buffs decades ago to prevent this. The fact this even exists in the game today with afk mechanics is unbelievable. I have seen poor systems, trashy games, horrible business models, but this is one of the most incredible invitations to mass griefing and exploitations I have ever seen. If someone wants to go around PKing afk players that's pretty much dumb in itself and anti PVP, but at least it comes with penalties. Abusing this flag issue is purely exploitive and even encouraging harassment. I have target set to mobs, not other players. The AOE should NOT be impacting other players giving them the ability to cheese the system.
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