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Everything posted by fademist

  1. u could leave the growth pot too...
  2. 500$ on dk is best investment compared to any other class
  3. the difference is now to make a somewhat good gear u need to pend more than u needed back then
  4. that goes for ur issues too though mean ur class
  5. now go convince ncsoft to remove feohs crt rate cap
  6. and who even cares cares about pvp aspect beside the whales?
  7. thats why youtube is there to search a video from other region freya kill and see the patterns
  8. lol even 2 servers r TOO many with the ppl that have left lol
  9. on that account lets make crystal form has 0 cd... and i have played thee real spoiler not that thing u play now all games have older items that new player cant get...
  10. lets say all class have their issues.. us for the topic that 99% on hide u should welcome it not ask to have it outside of hide us for legacy agathions cant do much if u didnt played or buy them when they put them.....
  11. a yes i didnt see the hilarious thing u mention about mana barrier ..but why u didnt notice the 33% mcrt cap? or isnt good for ur propaganda?
  12. bk then prolly he didnt played cause spoiler had only hammer crush and the aoe stun when use spear
  13. so u want to have 99% resistance even out of hide? ....loooooooooool
  14. u wrote all that and the funny thing u missed the point
  15. isnt that they dont have example..is just that they want to kill all classess with 0 effort and half the gear ...
  16. u hit outside their skill range thats not enough? so stop QQ ..cause if we start with that what othells feohs can say compared to yuls LOL
  17. u shouldnt die from dk or tyrrs? what stoping u to have them outside their skill range? maybe u rnt good enough to kite properly?
  18. to do that kite u need hands just saying
  19. that amazon will be the provider and not ncscamwest
  20. thats the joke of the millenium i guess...
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