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  1. Jup if they don't add it the black market farmers who bought prestige will make a lot of money
  2. Never said i was quitting, but i guess next 6 months will be chilling in town or just for exp :)
  3. Hi, The top-grade ruby and red cat's eye from the event were a great way to get them for a decent price. Please do the same event for mages @Hermes @Wissp We need some love aswell...
  4. Wait, you don't even get 1 guaranteed cookie for 80 ncoin?
  5. Thanks for saving my wallet again! 3 months without spending. Looking good!
  6. Last year there was an exp event? Where is it now? Just give us the server setting boost...
  7. Why the hell is there no exp event tho.. we are waiting for it and you give us this crap.
  8. Just don't buy anything from this "promotion". Make them close the servers or give us a better deal lol...
  9. True, 40 is to much aswell but the bullshit price is expected ofc. But this price is impossible. And dont get me start on the 10% gamble craft: Average of $4500 dollar for 1 topgrade red cat's eye. Jokers
  10. I dont even understand why they would want the price at 160ncoin. If they make it 40ncoin 10 times the people will buy them
  11. Atleast give us an actual promotion so the whales can keep this game alive ffs.
  12. They dont even take the time to check the ingame prices to see if the ncoin price is realistic.
  13. @Hermes @Wissp Make better events please, it shouldn't be that hard to added items this server needs.. Nobody will buy these chests because half of the rewards are worth nothing...
  14. I can't believe im actually defending NCSoft but this was a good event..
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