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Everything posted by TasteOfSoulS

  1. Jup if they don't add it the black market farmers who bought prestige will make a lot of money
  2. Never said i was quitting, but i guess next 6 months will be chilling in town or just for exp :)
  3. Hi, The top-grade ruby and red cat's eye from the event were a great way to get them for a decent price. Please do the same event for mages @Hermes @Wissp We need some love aswell...
  4. Wait, you don't even get 1 guaranteed cookie for 80 ncoin?
  5. Thanks for saving my wallet again! 3 months without spending. Looking good!
  6. Last year there was an exp event? Where is it now? Just give us the server setting boost...
  7. Why the hell is there no exp event tho.. we are waiting for it and you give us this crap.
  8. Just don't buy anything from this "promotion". Make them close the servers or give us a better deal lol...
  9. True, 40 is to much aswell but the bullshit price is expected ofc. But this price is impossible. And dont get me start on the 10% gamble craft: Average of $4500 dollar for 1 topgrade red cat's eye. Jokers
  10. I dont even understand why they would want the price at 160ncoin. If they make it 40ncoin 10 times the people will buy them
  11. Atleast give us an actual promotion so the whales can keep this game alive ffs.
  12. They dont even take the time to check the ingame prices to see if the ncoin price is realistic.
  13. @Hermes @Wissp Make better events please, it shouldn't be that hard to added items this server needs.. Nobody will buy these chests because half of the rewards are worth nothing...
  14. I can't believe im actually defending NCSoft but this was a good event..
  15. If you just keep investing in the shop a profit is guarenteed, end of discussion. Just throw everything in and sell what you get. The profit is x3... every time
  16. People really complain about the weirdest things. The shop gives out more adena (in item value) then you put into it. If you had 3 accounts ready in week 1 and went till this day you should have made around 300b if you auto run on all accounts. The buffs were timed from the start and you had 1 month of free buffs on top of the 1000 you get for free from cursed village, you knew this before investing adena. So why complain about this when you have everything else to whine about. - No cloak after update - Pi drops - Top tier items cost 1000's of USD - etc etc etc Pick a lane people, this was the best free event we had in years.
  17. Why did you invest 11k into the game without looking into what upgrades are usefull? A +30 weapon is nice, but it doesn't do shit if you leave the rest of the slots empty. I can solo varka without investing 11k and im not even a DK. If you have empty slots or +0 items just invest in mid grade gear first. Field of silence should be posible without investing a dime...
  18. Now watch them introduce the new cloak after the event ends
  19. Impossible cloak event keep increasing the price
  20. Hi NcSoft, For me free events are the only thing that drive this game, I always loved the free events provided so I can have a small boost in revenue. I loved the click raffle to get some free 1b items by clicking at the last second. But now this aden event is the worst event i've ever seen, i have 1200 scrolls and will have enough for the rest of the event, but this is all i'm gonna get because the chance at anything else is to low. At this point you might as well give us the buff from a herb that drops from mobs because now I have to collect all the dice and roll to get the buffs. I remember when we had aden event on l2classic we had free enchant scrolls for everyone, which was worth a lot to us. You don't have to give everyone top-grade jewels in a free event because nobody is expecting you to give those out for free, but consider adding some rewards in the range between 10m - 1b and increasing the chances of getting those. (For the record, i opened around 50 boxes and got nothing but scrolls) - Freya ice rose / Dragon glowing / Honey dark beer - Crystal of dawn / Forgotten spellbook - Artifact fragments / Artifact crystals - Star signs Thanks for the free event but this is a pointless tedious task that has 0 rewards.
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