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Posts posted by Znipo

  1. Ya'll welcoming someone who hasnt even said "Hello"


    Thanks for your unrivaled love for this game, judging by your activity in the forum I am positive you will be a great addition to the team.

    PS. There are still bots ingame

    • Like 2
  2. How is this causing extra stress on the server?

    Can you explain your reasoning behind this or are you only guessing?

    The amount of bots & Macros you see right now is about 1/50 of what the servers used to have, why did it not lag before?


    Idk, I liked that other guys' idea of "CLEANING THE PHYSICAL SERVER OF DUST" alot more than this idea of yours.



    Nerf archer more and lag will stop, change critical hit modifier to 0.75x and watch lag disappear!

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  3. Figured i'd make a thread about this issue thats been happening for the past two months for me, this person have similar issues but thread got derailed into a separate problem by people who can not read.



    So the problem is the longer I leave my character on macro.. the lower my FPS gets.
    The problem only occurs when you keep the game minimized, or when screensaver is active.

    I did not have this problem before (Windows 7), but upon updating to Windows 10 I started having this issue.

    I think this issue is related to Windows 10 but i've been unable to narrow it down, I've disabled & activated every little game enhancer, boost enhancer etc etc but have not found a fix.

    Note: This problem only started happening once I upgraded to windows 10, windows 7 did not have this issue - there was no game patch between the upgrade that could have caused it.


    I've noticed this... every client that gets minimized have their GPU usage set to 0% (macro or not)..
    When you open the client back up, the GPU usage goes back to normal level - so far so good.

    When I do it on my macro clients, the usage of iss+healer goes back to a normal level - even if the game was minimised for 24 hours - so far so good.

    BUT my archer client (actual character killing stuff) remains at 0% GPU usage when I open the client (CPU usage appear to be normal).


    So basically

    Leave my macro on for 24 hours with client targetted (No minimizing and no screensaver) = no lag whatsoever

    Leave my macro on for 24 hours with taskbar targetted (screensaver triggers after a few minutes) or minimizing the client = incredibly slow gameplay, im talking literal 0-1 FPS.

    Forced to restart the client to get it back to normal performance.

    This problem ONLY happens on the main character doing the killing, If I have an iss + healer on macro - those two clients are perfectly fine, only the client with my archer receives the lag.


    Anyone got any idea for a fix?



  4. 19 hours ago, neoHaT said:

    Well @weinerthezon, I need to agree and disagree with you.
    Everything you said is true, But that alone isn't destroying the PvP.

    As you said (and it's the truth) you are part of the Top 1% server. And why do you join with the other Top 1% server?

    You and your staff need to understand that there is room in the game for all people gears/level, just every portion of the server fight where it's fair and fun. Low-gears Vs. Low-gears; Mid-gears Vs. Mid-gears; "Top 1%" vs. "Top 1%".

    Why do not you face this truth and seek the fun?

    Listening to people who are clearly killing the PvP, which is what ncsoft's been doing. This is a bleeping hypocrisy. (Sorry for the offense.)

    These people do not want PvP.
    These people want to WIN. (It is slightly different)
    These people want the "trashtalk".

    These people want to dominate the entire server and does not make room for anyone to have fun, including themselves.

    My clan is Low/Mid-gears. If I take my clan (2-3 pts) to any castle in the game, it will instantly pop up all "Top 1%" of the server to crush and brag about it in the chat. Because this is the fun. That's what matters. CHAT.

    I consider you an excellent player. When you decided to leave MS (for whatever reason) I had a hope. But you and Scoobz made me miss it again. Sad.

    Please, do not tell me that it's Nova's fault. or it's because "the server does not come together". It's very comfortable  to say that in your "Top 1%" position and not have the guts to go get the fun.

    (Sorry, my bad english. It's not my native language, it's just an effort.)


    100% agreed, i have been saying this for years.

    Weiner is one of the few "1%s" that can be respected but you are 100% correct in your criticism - if all of the "1%" players would have stopped flocking the same clan & ally this situation would not exist, it is really simple.

    If the "1%" stayed in their separate clans, they would have alot of PVP & the game would have stayed active.


    But it is probably too late now, too many people have quit and even if the "1%s" of chronos joined/formed 4 different clans there is not enough people ingame anymore.

    The 1%s have already killed the servers, they have driven the normal people away - they got themselves to blame for joining eachother & crushing the lower people.

    I hope the "lol too easy, carpet mode" was worth it :)





    Suggestion to weiner, tag out of whatever clan you are in at the moment (losbandidos?) with as many people as you can & go back to TheFallen, put some pressure back on MS, It will allow the low-mid tier clans to have fun at castle sieges because when you attack MS it will force them out of every other castle.

    Perhaps you were unaware of it, but castle sieges was incredibly active when you were out of MS :)

    It will also make atleast some kind of open-field PvP.

    Just those two things goes a long way to get people to stay in the game, i mean, if you think about it no new player will even think of spending a penny when he knows he needs to spend 10.000 to be competitive - for every new player who thinks that, you have one less potential enemy.

    If there was active castle sieges where the 1%s are occupied with eachother and the low/mid clans are able to roam freely, those new players might actually enjoy themselves & then spend money.

    Just dropping the prices alone will do nothing, you need to give them an incentive to actually spend money.


    Its basically a chain effect, if you set an example & work to get the server healthy, more people will follow eventually.

    Just needs someone to start it, the longer you wait the less chance you have for a fun game.



    Suggestion to NCWest staff, FIX RAID BOSSES!

    No man should be able to solo the raid bosses, you put a bleep shield there for a reason! make it work!

    Put some more account-bound items in the game, allow the new players to do some kind of quests as they reach level 99 and 101 to get them some kind of boost.

    There is no way for new players to gear up! 88-98 raids are impossible for them to kill, 101+ raid bosses are killed by solo players, instances no longer drop items.

    They are unable to farm the high level areas that drop r99 items, they are unable to macro anywhere to make any reasonable amount of adena.

    They are unable to improve, because of your incredibly odd way of running this game.

    Paying should be a means to get an edge over someone who does not pay,  but at the moment paying is the only way to play - think about that for a second.


    Why not make some temporary l2store items?

    7-day dark and bloody runes for people up to level 101, one month bloody/dark set & enchanted weapon that can be purchased once per account and so on.

    Give players the taste of some actual "decent equipment", then put some events back on repeat as weiner said & dump the prices.

    People will have an incentive to spend their money if they know what they get.

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