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Everything posted by PimpMyBow

  1. What did you do to the game again....? Can't keep myself logged in for 10 mins, random lags on 2nd client. Everything was good until this prolonged maintenance....
  2. I spend most of my time fishing! I would like to spend most of my time in Raids, Castle sieges or Oly, but that is unrealistic unless I spend like 10k.
  3. So they admit they reduced the rates lol. Didn't they used to say they get everything from korea or whatever and not touch anything?
  4. I don't know what you guys are complaining about. I already made 2 +16 slayers from 100 scrolls. Seems rates are better this year!
  5. Seems like we will finally be able to switch to dual easier, after like 10 years wait. Also they have non-pvp servers there?...
  6. You might be able to report them or smth, but other than that they won't help you, they feed on people like you. Is it shiny items that attract you or you want to be powerful? Or neither? It's not even a good game anymore bro, just try and stop. You should have some adena left over for decent equipment for lvl up and what not.
  7. In pve they are not needed anymore, so you would think they would be useful in pvp but as you say with so much dmg going on, it makes you wonder...
  8. Would be nice but never worked how it should: Game crashes = reset Change resolution = reset and many more.. After a while it becomes part of gameplay!
  9. You mean sell us dragon claws? You can get some by opening mystery boxes...
  10. Funny not seeing you getting anything, hope others like you had the same outcomes.
  11. It's nice as I've missed a few days over xmas, so helps the noobs.
  12. Every time you try to craft it, it has 10% chance to succeed. It doesn't mean that you will craft one in 10 tries, it could take you 20 or 100 tries, maybe even 1000 if you are unlucky.
  13. Those pots are a concolation prize, you think they would let you keep rose that costs 10kk? Not in this game.
  14. Annoying that if you DC, you need to re-enter and pay 10kk, while if you PR you return to NPC and your time keeps expiring. They are just making everything worse.
  15. Probably means you are new here so can't upload yet or something. Hand icon means we should be nice to you
  16. How can they not realize that if runes were not expiring while offline nobody would complain.
  17. Yeah so DCs started after maintenance for me!
  18. lol lvl 112 and that equipment They still use arrows there?
  19. I agree, I want to go towards ruby 5, but lack of ethers is stopping me!
  20. 1 account is more than enough if you have some sort of life.
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