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Everything posted by Arkidis

  1. When you see changes in Korean version, then we might get something.. Till then, nothing will change and don't believe Hermes's and Wispps's words. If they wanted, they could change everything in a matter of days or few weeks. They could easily include awesome rewards in the heavy p2w promo boxes instead of the crap freya ice roses.
  2. Apart from the "items we need to enjoy mid-end game", here's what else is missing from the game: Quests (solo/party) and... FUN! Right now we see 98% of the servers running around doing PvE, no pvp, no sieges, no content, no fun. Just our character attacking mobs 24/7 and we need months to get 1 lvl. bruh.
  3. Dear @Wissp , First of all, thank you for the free potions. Second, in case you may have not noticed yet, players don't need freya potions and beers, at least for now. The problem isn't the "leveling up system" (tbh it is, but it's not priority) , the actual problem of the servers is that no one has items (except from whales) in order to progress further. Please, next time you post 50 potions that will expire in 2 days, you should focus on giving items to your players that buy the promo loot boxes with real money, instead of giving us the Gran Kain medicine that restores 7k HP while the minimum dmg you can receive is 2million. Thank you.
  4. "Fixing" and "balancing" classes/skills is a very hard job for NC which cannot be done. Their dev team isn't experienced to make this possible so let's stop asking for "fix and balance" about classes and skills. The only thing the dev team can do is to create new loot boxes in Unreal Engine. Nothing else. Plus, they don't have time for adding new content and balancing the game, they need to focus on the new Lineage2M , Lineage2W and Throne and Liberty (if they find a Global Publisher - finally publishers have started to realize what NCSoft really is).
  5. We can see they don't care anymore. Where's Wissp ? This guy said "i love to communicate with you guys" and he instantly disappeared from Earth after 2 days being in forums. I don't see what's the point of creating tons of topics every day or give them endless feedback on how to improve the game since they don't care for Lineage 2 anymore. In every promo box event people keep spending like crazy. Admins, Hermes, Wissp and the rest of the team are afk from site/forum/game but guess what, in 1-2 weeks they will post the new "fail update" and probably red libra and few other crap events and then everyone will be happy (again). The current state of the game is irreversible. The only solution is to make people stop spending (somehow) and let's start mass quit. But unfortunately this won't happen and you know why? Because L2 is like a "drug". You can't quit. Something inside you will make you login again and again and NC counts on this. They don't listen to us, they never did and it's obvious that they've left l2 to die, slowly, but it's dying.
  6. Well said. Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the world's most useless item in Lineage 2 is included in a PAID box. Like you said, the dmg is more than 2million and this medicine won't help ya.
  7. They don't care if we don't login. Whales will do their job when servers are up after maintenance, they gonna buy tons of kaliel boxes That's the only thing NC cares about.
  8. People in 2022 buy high-end PCs (RTX 3090 and more) to play Lineage2. Lineage2. A 2002/2003 game. And then they complaint that the game isn't compatible with Windows 11. Of course it's not. NC has abandoned L2. I don't know when you guys will realize this. They don't care for the game anymore, they care only to grab as much money they can. Korea, EU, NA. All versions.
  9. Korea doesn't care about L2. They have other projects to focus, thanks to the whales of L2 community. Projects like Throne of Liberty, L2M, L2W etc. They try to milk everything they can from L2, that's why they release small updates and few new items.
  10. First of all, NC Servers cannot handle the current playerbase. It seems their servers are located in a basement or idk where, lol. Second, opening of any new server, it won't make it after 1-2 months. Why? Because instantly all the whales will get items, will get levels and the lvl cap will be huge. You guys don't understand that IF ncsoft changes somehow the gameplay on chronos/naia, lower lvl players will progress. The real issues we have is the luck of items, not xp. If we have items on our current lvl we can manage to kill mobs in higher lvl zones instead of staying on silent valley, forest of mirrors etc, while being 112/113+ lol.
  11. @Wissp what @Solaris said and also, players need items to progress and cheap events. Yes we understand that we need to pay but your "promo" event prices are insane. reduce them and make players earn items from events. The more items we earn, the more money we will spend. If you take EU version as an example, they have gear/items for their characters and their prices are 1/4 of our server's items.
  12. Good job. More players must learn from this, cancel their subscriptions and stop spending.
  13. In Lineage 2 it's the opposite. Players know that all the loot boxes they pay for will give them crap items and they still spend a fortune
  14. It's funny how people blame/curse nc and be like "omg worst company ever this is so bad this is a slap to player base omg i am canceling prestige etc etc". and NCwest is laughing, because NCwest knows, no one of you will cancel prestige and all of you will continue to play the game and spend a fortune each month. So, guys, please stop posting negative comments. You have nowhere to go, you will be here forever.
  15. 95% of players can't wait for NC to announce "Lineage 2 is shutting down, forever"
  16. The real issue players are facing isn't the "Chronos is down". The real issue is that they've stopped farming adena to sell for RMT. Do you know what the community is hoping for? A Database wipe
  17. "A patch has been installed to fix a bug that sometimes caused a character to take damage under the "Embody Mana Armor" skill even if he had enough MP. " From EU.
  18. DO NOT SPEND your Ether. Keep them. The next update will include the "book of heroes" (or w/e name NCwest will give) and we will need Ethers. NC is doing a good marketing job, making people spend items and then introduce something new. KEEP ALL YOUR ETHER!! Don't spend them!
  19. The 100% chance is when you compound 2x gems of the same level for Normal (Standard) and Greater. For example if you compound 2x Normal (Standard) Ruby lvl5 you get a Greater Ruby lvl1 and when you compound 2x Greater Ruby lvl5 you get a Top-Grade Ruby lvl1. Normal and Greater gems can go up to lvl5. Top-Grade Gems can go up to lvl10.
  20. There are no lvl0 gems. Every gem starts from Normal (standard) lvl1. You get few free Gems lvl2 and lvl3 from the Exalted Quest, like Ruby, Diamond, etc. Gems are in this order: Normal (standard) from lvl1 to lvl5. Greater from lvl1 to lvl5 and Top-Grade from lvl1 to lvl10. Shiny Gem Energy can be used ONLY when a gem is Top-Grade lvl 5. You have 2 options to compound a gem and increase it's lvl, first you can do it by using 2x gems of the same level (e.g. 2x Ruby lvl4 can be compound to get a Standard Ruby lvl5 if the compound is successful). The second option is by using a Gem Energy (NOT shiny, unless your gem is top grade lvl5). If you compound 2x Gems of the same level and the compound fails, you will get back one of the gems without losing it's lvl. If you compound 1 gem for example Red Cat's Eye lvl4 with 1 gem energy and the compound fails, the level of the gem will be drop to lvl1. The instructions written in the article are very clear.
  21. True. EU is dead, Naia is dead and every day i see less and less shops in Chronos Giran. The mass quit is noticable. People got bored of not getting any items and from the boring gameplay.
  22. @Hermes 95% of players are still with normal lvl3 to lvl5 gems, 4.5% are with greater gems and 0.5% are with top-grade.. You should have pushed the normal gems to the market
  23. @Hermes I really appreciate that you've replied to my topic. I could have written more but i tried to make it simple and not post a wall-text. We know that most of the time you don't have the answer we expect. This is clear and totally understandable and we DO believe in you for great changes in our lovely game called Lineage 2! Your players and YOU (Administrators , GMs) can work together to get Lineage 2 to the TOP of the list again, because right now it's at the bottom. I am sure you read all the topics and you gather the appropriate feedback. You cannot imagine how excited we are when we visit the website to read articles about new events and/or promo store items but then when servers are up after maintenance, we get disappointed because of the rates (loot box rates and enchant rates) as well as the promo events being too overpriced. On the other hand, when 1-2 or more weeks passed and there are no news at all in website, we get disappointed again. Like i said, right now, our char is afk 24/7 hitting mobs and grinding like crazy but we do have high hopes that you will change most of the negative content the game has (if not all). Finally, you should also take into consideration the rest of the replies to this topic by other players as well as on other topics. @BENTEJUI , @AshesOfAdena , @aelian , @Tazzar , @Kissonline , @Helv , @BDeyesthank you for your replies to this topic too.
  24. I am writing to express my opinion about the game and the majority of the players. Please, we need you. Game has become so boring. No content, no items, no events, nothing fun to make us happy when we login.. (i am not talking about the current watermelon event, i am talking about events in general). Usually most of the "events" last 2-4 weeks and we don't want this. Years ago, we used to do massive calls via ventrilo/teamspeak etc, with our friends and have fun in the game but now, every single day we login, do dailies, instances and then logout. We cannot do anything in the game anymore and this is sad because we love Lineage 2 so much Please, we beg you, don't be afk like the rest of your team and make Lineage 2 great again. Do something (like quests, hunting zones etc) that we (players) will be excited when we login because at this time we only consume power energy and the cost of it is very high around the world. Don't focus only on adding new Promo boxes in L2 Store, there are thousands of fixes that you must do in the game. Last but not least, yes, we've seen you reply in topics. This is very positive and it seems you are actually doing a "behind the scenes" work but there's more to be done. When people's money worth something, they will spend more. Also, when people see administrators/GMs reply to topics and they are active players are happy too. Keep that in mind.
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