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Posts posted by Slycutter

  1. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    ok, I've been proved wrong, we all know it's aprox 800kk an hour per pit,  so if you can do 3, 4, 5 pits, and recharge stones, yes, no prob, I can do 2 pits for about 10 mins before I'm bored to death, then I pick 1 and go out side. 

    Degus with the new update I actually played 1 hour active because mob damage been updated and defense slightly so what was 1 shot is now 1 shot and little more to my archer but I digress.  Playing actively and cautious i got 1.1 billion in an hour in 1 pit.  More aggressive few more tweaks to my defense 2 pits would probably be about 2 bil an hour.  I cannot play more than 1 hour actively before I get bored so I would say 3 - 4 billion a day if I push it but /shrugs; still don't get me anywhere near the items I need in game to upgrade my toon I really need bloody R110 armor to increase my elemental defense for PVE more than anything.

    +8 Bloody R110 set or beter with FE is about 250 - 300 billion so 3 billion a day = 100 days of grinding to just upgrade my armor and by then probably even be more expensive.

  2. Yea it is not consider a bug I did give them a simple solution to correct 90% of the problem but it will never happen, even though mechanic already exists in game.

    Just make equipped items not count against item count - already do it for artifacts.

  3. To be honest I just PK players that are xping and annoying me in my areas, he actually went the extra step to flag you lol.

    This is open world game you don't want to pvp go xp where isn't anyone but if you good hunting spots you better either be willing to die or willing to defend them.  Whole flagging thing is amateurish because most DD's can1 - 2 hit people who aren't ready for pvp.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    Copypaste, cuz I am lazy:

    Global gaming software and services revenue grew 21.6% to an estimated $174.53 billion. Mobile led the way, with nearly $100 billion in annual revenue accounting for 57.2% of the market.

    Console content was a distant second at $40.61 billion in annual revenue while PC trailed with $34.12 billion.

    Think about 

    So need wait until someone else will start provide it on PC? Good point. Sir, you're farseer.  🥴


    Mobile gaming is not a "top" end game no one buys a top of line "phone" to play a game.  I know thats a little hard to believe.  Please stop contradicting yourself.  If you like playing mobile games then go play them and leave these forums alone and stop posting please.

  5. 10 minutes ago, LordDragnil said:

    I ask for decent service for 21 century. All modern games provide this.

    Let me see all modern games provide that:

    Call of Duty - No

    Total War - No

    Outriders - No

    Halo - No

    Gears of War - No

    Warcraft - No

    League of Legends - No

    Please tell us a top 10 game that provides that?  Oh wait you can't this is not a mobile phone game just stop please.

  6. I see what this guy problem with clans is... he is looking for instant gratification.  He applied to my clan last night, put in application and sent me a mail.  I pmed him last night no response told him to hit me back when he gets back.  This morning application pulled and joined another clan.  Good clans want what Connex said committed people not clan hoppers and for me that is what you seem to be, you do not make friendships and trust overnight not in a game like this.  However good luck to you.

  7. Which player base should they listen to?  Currently there 4 - 5 of them in this game.

    1.  Ultra rich - can't put enough adena in my account I have more than Scrooge McDuck can I get a money bin?

    2.  RMT Sellers who want you to increase the limit so they can sell and convert more money for adena. (Also some in Category 1 are also type 2)

    3.  Average L2 player - Who tries to keep up spends some money on NCCoins keep getting the raw end of the deal and discourage and may contact type 2 to continue to move up.

    4.  New or player without finical resources where they they see no way possible to ever get to that level of people to even do pve content end game dont even worry about pvp.


    So fyi most of the whales have so much adena they never spend anything on NCCoins they have pople in category 3 buy the chests and use the adena they stockpiled to make more adena and sometimes sell it to category 3 through category 2.

    The economy of current L2 in a snapshot.  If we did a real cost analysis I would say 90% of NCSoft income from the store comes from Category 3 people.

    • Thanks 1
  8. There are clans out there exactly like that.  Not many but here is a hint if a clan is below level 10.... they not going to last for long in L2 no more.  If a clan is 12 or higher means they know what they are doing basically.  My clan ebbs and flows we have times we have no room for new members and times when i feel like im talking to myself.  Constant leadership is what make a stable clan and there is very few leaders that stay with L2.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    What to do little/new clans? How to rise?

    They don't.  Problems is everyone wants to be leader not understanding how long it took us older leaders to get to 10 11 12 clan levels.

    At least now you can raise your clan up just by grinding, I had to do quest get items, and to get level I have to be a castle lord for a few months.

    Thing that hurt for me was stripping away all my clan skills (took us 3 years to get them all) not many clans had full skills, and cutting my clan size from 160 to 62? (I forget not home now) I mean fine you wanted to do away with the academy that understandable it was pointless as levels rose, but the clan structure was nice, gave people officer positions and they felt like there was an actual power structure in the bigger clans, at my height I had over 100 actives and 30 semi active members rest were alts or mentees.  So you can complain about clans but there not as hard to manage as they use to be.  Nevermind I was also an alliance leader plenty of times, even when you could have 12 clans in an ally let me tell you what kind of headaches that was, get together 12 lords to make a decision on anything good luck.

  10. 19 hours ago, McFlurry said:

    an example just for stay in theme: 1h Primeval, mobs constantly deads, 0 drops.


    good luck and enjoy :D

    Prestige?  If not that is the issue.

    I never been to PI and got nothing.  I farm there FoC and sometimes IoS if i got time.  I make a few billion a week in drops doing those 3 zones and dailies.  I do got to say dawn crystals are rare in PI but do get them but in months I been doing not 1 seed talisman enchant has dropped lol.

  11. Depends where you are hunting.  Also very few people attempt to PK me anymore because I don't just take it.  I do pk people who are leveling in spots I want I usually warn them to move on if they killing to slow, if they don't well i pk them.  Ill even B rez them if they come back within an hour before they get logged out if they agree to move on.  As Degus said lack of info on why your getting PK might have something to do with it.

  12. 3 Billion don't get you anything even crossbow lol

    Honestly for a decent bow your looking at 50 - 60 billion for  high end bow +12 limited r110 or better depending on SA's start at 140 billion.  Dont even think about cursed or dragon bows lol

  13. Your race also effects your weapon element. (Not class)

    Dark Elves get a bonus to wind element

    Orcs get a bonus to Fire

    L. Elves use to be water not sure if they still get it (not one of my alts is a light elf lol)

    Most use Wind or Holy on their weapons since very few mobs in game have a resistant to either those elements  at the moment.

  14. You don't understand Goldberg.  I have one clannie that actually can one shot Goldberg.  If my three top dd's are on we can also kill mary reed in under minute.  We pack the raid boss with even lower level people because no min level (its 100 but everyone can get that in a week)  You need a min of 8 people to spawn two chests.  On average we do it with 14 - 16 people and everyone walks away with 20 trillion xp and 600 - 1 billion adena for 10 minutes of their day.

    Also we do clan CPs and at least 2 sometimes up to 4 separate parties a day running through the dailies never mind we are up to two CPS working on 3rd CP in Ketra.  I mean if your a clan leader you can recruit you just not recruiting the right people, we use Discord setup our CP's add people in when there is a hole to fill and help everyone when we can.  Sieges are a let down but do take forts regularly for the boost in passive skill although minor does help.  Forts have their own dungeons with raids you do for extras also most people forget about them.  Here is the big thing we build friendships that when we do our CPs and talk to each other out of game and play other games together, too many people forget the Multiplayer part of MMORPG's.

    I been a clan leader in L2 for 16 years straight (not sure if there is a longer one) and overall and clan leader in other games for over 20 years so maybe you need to learn a thing or two as my clan exists in other games they play together outside L2 too.

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