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Posts posted by LordDragnil

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    I know exist people even from this countries - l2 play like hobby.  But personally  I newer not meet. 

    You speak with one of them. But it's absolutely doesn't matter. While we talk, these servers die. ATM, I see zero reason to pay and play here. Most of Naia are pro, most of Chronos are nabs. Naia is dead. Playing with bots is not for me. You should realise that I like this game, but I don't like bots, fools and empty servers.

  2. I don't care here about politics. It's bannable.

    If you do not catch cause-effect relationships.  I have no need to continue.  Why am I playing here?  Because I value my and other people's time. I spent a lot here and gained a lot.  How can I reverse that?

  3. True, it's other. But what is more important? 

    You probably think that all the Europeans want to play on the servers that are in Texas. Nope. Ping and bad service I do not like it. But a lot of old players put the bunch of time and efforts in their characters. They are hostages. Old players play in constant parties. And if one leaves (usually several) then for other interest in the game is reduced. The entropy of the system is growing. I do not login for 3 weeks in the game. There is nothing to do. Before, it was communication, fast parties for instances, some activities. There is no ppl even for party matching now.

    Ban more players!

  4. 18 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    Then i not see any reason why Draeke - from Germany - but all the time cry about Russian friends.  Its 2 absolutely different countries. But he cry - and not first time.

    Anyway... Its not about ban this or other gamer. Mine idea - cannot be exception. If ban 1 from belarus - then ban all - from all block countries list. Then we can see GM's respect rules.

    Since these rules do not improve the gameplay in this way, this list is a manifestation of discrimination on national character. Imagine that many alive players will play the game. How will the bots farm than? NCWest need to take care of them. The policy of concern about robots is...

  5. 28 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    Approx all people from Russian mine problem - they thinking that they are so important... Just start believe - russian community at all there not important. IF i good remember in my clan was about ~10 people from russia, ukraine and other blocked regions . Approx all they was RTM. So why for NCSoft need this pleyers? Give just 1 serious reason. Lets say put pan for all this people from blocked countries  - what will happen? I can answer will be less adena in RTM shops. And people start more use L2 Store. NCSoft will get biger profit and maybe will start lower L2 Store prices. Easy..

    And now mine question (if im not wrong)? @Juji- why @Dreacke - using vpn (if i good understand he from russia or etc) - and not banned?

    olololiol, such Don Quixote detected...

    Even alive RMT players are much better than bots and nubs(read nerds) like you. 

    Many illegal servers have successful RMT economy. How did they achieve this? They are just honest with themselves: time is a money. There's no bots. Only real players can grind adena grind and sell/buy coins of luck. No trade, no economy. No players, no economy. . .

    I bet you just envy them.

    Top players/sides will always RMT. Because they have excess. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, Shoppy said:

     I don't understand why you go into the effort of pk'ing bots in Rift and whatever. Bot lords really don't care, you don't gain anything from it other than you're wasting your resources (adena to port to Aden, soul shots etc.) on bots.

    Look, I don't like a "noise". When I farm I don't wanna see next to me flickering summoners. But when I pk them, real players (real nubs) keeping try to kill me. most of them die in pvp, but I rise pk count in any case. In Aden (and other towns) we have black judge, It's helpful.

  7. I beg your pardon.

    Check somebody classic servers, where if you try to kill bots or (just farm location with some drop), high level pk will kill you.  

    If gms say that they do something, but I see that they do not. What if these pks and gms are the same people and they really "hard work" that way?? O.o 

    ROFL :D

  8. 2 minutes ago, Shoppy said:

    hese bots DO buy NCoins.

    The real way to stop bots, is to make ALL items tradable and items in the L2Store not gift-able.

    You're right. I understand how it works. And why NCWest allow it. But I am right too. I mean that only real players buy NCoins. But how do they like to play with total bots dominating? For me, I don't like. I have ATM 300 pk count on my main(toons have more) due cleaning spots in rift 100, etc. Why I should buy and spend expensive scrolls? For me is OK fight for spots against real players, but it's absolutely not interesting to kill bots. When I see the same bots for 2 months, I completely understand that our beloved gms do nothing. They hunt only for real players. I do not want to say anything, but what if NCWest sell adena into black market by itself? It's looks like that because they do not ban farmer bots and do not ban seller bots. They do nothing. About bot "lords", they might live in any country where is internet. But solid is that they are not affected by these stupid restrictions. Why "stupid"? Is this smart not allow new clients, ban old and hire bots?

  9. 1 hour ago, Skolex said:

    @Argus @KROCERA @LordDragnil Just wait a little guys. Things might change when the impeachment of US-President Trump is finally done or when they will have a democratic President next year. This list of IP-range-Bans is not based on NCWest decision or any contract to Innova. It is the result of political sanctions. NCWest just has to follow. New president - new rules ;)

    That list was before Trump and will stay, if do nothing. It is not OK, when old accounts might be blocked any time. Who will spend money in this case. Why NCWest do nothing when lose player base? IMHO, bots and such policies made crap from top servers. No competition, no sides, no activities.

  10. 6 hours ago, Juji said:

    Your friend was blocked from logging in because Belarus is on the list of blocked countries for our service. We cannot overturn the ban.

    I started to play on Naia before Innova's existence. Many people did the same. Many of them spent their money. Ok, if NCSOFT does not allow to play from that countries list, they must provide service for regional account transfer with gear scallation. Bans without that service looks like a scam. NCWest also, as localizer, do nothing to keep its player base. It's so pity.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Syndra said:

    I hope 3 client max is permanent.

    If they ever like to increase it again they should design a script first so that above 3 clients they wait above 300 queue list. So that those who first login (1/client) will be first. Or give account with age 1 year or older less queue waiting time. Anyway, 3 client max is the best thing this month and I like to say it again ncwest is doing a good job. It was needed long ago and been going on forever. So haters go back to your little cave, I don't support bots.

    I wrote about such a solution 2 or 3 months ago. But nothing has changed.

  12. I don't care about new hardware. Do something with bots. They are everywhere. Queue forced me to the classic. There is the same experience. Bots are everywhere: they farm your spots, they spam you messages... And developers do nothing. Atm, official servers have worse reputation than almost every illegal server.

  13. 11 hours ago, Juji said:


    Our team is still monitoring the server performance for now until we can further increase the queue limit. We are also planning a major hardware adjustment that will require additional downtime, but should greatly increase the server performance. More details on this change will be shared tomorrow.

    I can also tease some of the major events that we have scheduled to start soon on the Live servers:

    • New Artifacts of Power
    • Golden Compass Event - Lurin's Fortress
    • Multiple Server Settings
    • Attendance Checklist Event

    We are still waiting to resolve the latency as you know, but we have not forgotten about compensation and will have a special pack available in the L2 Store next week.

    Thank you again for being patient with us! 

    Seems to me, they mock us.

    1. What if player get disconnected into instance with 1h time limit? Queue?

    2. How much time I should spend with this queue if I wanna get attendance?

    3. I won't pay for lags and queue. GL with your new artifact event!

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  14. 11 minutes ago, TriHard said:

    Account limit is not a solution just stop repeating it and think with your heads, also you are forgetting that it will be another blow for people who want to farm in game for items instead of p2w so you will make the game even more p2w if you put account limit.

    F*** U those farmers. I don't wanna stuck in queue for a whole life. People who want farm in pure p2w game are vegetables. If developers replace them by npcs I won't cry.

  15. 8 hours ago, Sesh said:

    im not sure which server you are playing on, but chronos and naia are NA servers, and im a NA player.....0 lag at all, except for a couple years ago we had soulshot/spiritshot lag

    maybe you should go play on the European server, I think its core or something, and see if you lag over there....

    Maybe, you should gtfo with your super smart tips. Many people, like me, had begun here before you started talk your sh*t at this forum. It's for the first..

    Japanese and Russian servers have no lags issue.

    Boting there also is not allowed.

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