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Posts posted by Draecke

  1. 3 hours ago, pappaPhat said:

    you all are acting like children like please go to your own timezone naia and play simple if its because you guys cant handle the pain from naia you came here well deal with it this form / post in asking to move it swords are crazy on the est i have a life and kids i take care of but i still make it to swords and play so shush 


    server transfers been turned off for a long time, from before cursed weapon system or even swamp so nope not a good argument.

    regardless the most simple solution is like I've been saying the whole time and that is make a hard split on the player base & enforce it, all NA/CAD/SA players to Chronos and rest to Naia - problem solved.

    @Juji this will stop the drama about bad quality of life timings behind the cursed weapons / Olympiad / swamp etc. and removes the need to bring back server transfers as a service, nobody really wants another vote on what the server times should be which is basically the only other alternative here.

  2. 12 hours ago, Rodah said:

    While I acknowledge sword times are bad for EU players, I completely reject the suggestion that ANYTHING on Chronos should be changed in order to better accommodate them (you).  EU players are already GREATLY benefiting from playing on the NA server.  They get all the benefits of a thriving in-game economy which only exist because the MAJORITY of Chronos players are NA and they purchase/sell NCoin (and NCoin items).  And, whether they admit it or not, Chronos offers more activity and PvP than Naia.

    Don't believe me?  Go take a stroll through Naia.......

    Yeah, thought so.   

    respectfully disagree there with you as it seems you do not know the country of origin of most of the big traders that operate on Chronos Giran ;)

    also simple fact but Chronos has actually more active Euro players then Naia server so what are you trying to say here ?

    bottom line is that NCWest knows very well the real breakdown of their player base and go reread what the point was of my first post, instead of trying to compromise messing up both servers just enforce a hard split - migrate 1 way ticket all NON NA/Canada/Latins Americas players from Chronos to Naia and visa versa from Naia to Chronos and be done with this whole discussion.

    trust me Naia will welcome that approach and none of all the snowflakes crying here & ingame can say anything against it cause hey Chronos is NA only right ? as @Feels would say put up that Fence around Chronos to keep them Euro's out :P


  3. any l2store item aka which was paid for with real money is not something they can lightly remove so this discussion is theoretic at best

    if it was about items that are purely coming from ingame means they could do so yes

    anyways thanks for bringing up this topic cause we can certainly use a flash sales of cloak enchants & spirit stones!! @Juji

  4. 7 hours ago, Mystikal said:

    Isn't that what Chronos is for?

    Everyone else playing on the Chronos server who doesn't like the server event times should leave. Bye bye, gtfo. By the time they restore server transfers you could have started a new character and rebuilt all of your wealth on Naia again. I joke only a teeny tiny bit when I say that. But it's been a loooooooooooooooooong time since they stopped server transfers.

    it was sarcasm cause majority of the Euro players still active on Chronos has been playing there from before Naia was created, a simple fact most Chronos players know.

    also everyone know very well there are still more non NA players on chronos then the other way around so NA players qqing when the actual real majority of the active players on Chronos speak their mind is hilariously tragic like the management of this game :)

    bitter truth et all aye

    or is there here anyone here that really believes if @Juji would make public the player base break down by IP/Country NA will have more then 50% of Chronos server population ? :D


  5. just put all NA/Canada/Latins Americas players in 1 server and everyone else in the other

    watch how Chronos looses a huge chunk of their player base but it's for the greater good and Naia will absorb it all np so let's get it done already!!

    no need for server transfers, just a 1 way ticket.

    looking forward to this @Juji, you can do it!


  6. 7 minutes ago, Juji said:

    The 6,000 Celebration Event will still end and the coins will be deleted. Only the server boost settings will remain.

    Juji ppl actually wanted to know if the items they got with those celebration coins will remain ingame, I think yes cause they're all with an expiration timer but feel free to confirm


  7. 33 minutes ago, Juji said:

    Servers are coming up now! We ran into issues with the rollback, but the network changes were still implemented.

    We will be monitoring the servers for further latency delays and I have also temporarily spawned Dandy for the weekend. Tersi will be up for the next 2 hours!

    Apologies again for inconvenience today! Additional discussion is needed for extension of the server settings. 

    thanks, things seem to be normal atm again but server is still light so please keep watching and looking forward to extension or 3 days of 100% party xp bonus <3

  8. welcome to NCWest were it's very common to see bad translations :)

    anyways what you mention here has always been like that aka 10+ years and as it's just a bad item description you're unhappy about would it really make it so much difference for you if they rectified that ? the bonus effects will remain the same and you would still have bought it if it had listed the correct effects as regardless how you look at it it's the best boost you can get.

    btw just to clarifiy 1 thing here in case you weren't aware but drop & prestige rune effects are shared over the party, meaning that if you're in party with chars that do NOT have also drop & prestige rune the net boost effect is lowered accordingly - this is why you see players in game asking for other prestige rune users to group with when they farm adena (stronghold etc.) and want the current party XP bonus boost

  9. I'm fully aware Naia's market is bad and I could say the same thing about the swamp situation on Chronos cause you don't play Chronos you don't know how bad that is aka there are ppl waiting on Chronos for server transfer so they can xp in Swamps on Naia

    no joke ;)


  10. kinda missing the real point I was trying to make that all Tyrs are pretty solid nowadays

    btw the top lvl evi's / tyrant got that high cause they farmed nonstop and were already top levels before the melee lag nonsense, their build was the cheapest in game but the melee lag forced all top Tyrs to change to skill damage set up which is significantly more expensive..

    before the melee lag I was in the top 3 of highest levels on the server, that lag nonsense made me quit xp for almost a year and I did end up changing everything to skill dps eventually over time.. still in the top 20 of highest levels of chronos

    with right for their class same gear all Tyr's kinda are equal now although some are better for pve (Tyrant/Warlord) and others for pvp (Titan/Doombringer) with a properly played duelist & meastro sitting in the middle - now put super gear on any of these classes and they will be strong at both obviously

    the current disparity in levels among all active Tyr's is caused due to only recently they got good to play again, the current highest levels Tyrs (113+) were all ppl that loved their class and kept playing it even when they were told their class sux and Yul/Mage is best and they should reroll..

    for example there's no doubt about it that if say a certain warlord, let's call him Ando, spend the same time farming in the open fields as he did roaming the streets of Giran he would have been in the top #5 highest levels too right now

    to summarize: play the Tyr class you like the most and just roll with it, for the good & bad days.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, TDxDan said:

    Doombringer sucks. your better off running a Dreadnought or Titan. best Tyrr classes atm

    i started without nc coins for gear. i am 109 and doing just fine with ingame adena income. screw gifting others with cheap ncoins for LOL adena amounts

    well on Chronos the top Tyr's that are 115+ are Duelist / Evi & Tyrant so there are more options, not sure why u listed Warlord cause none of those are 113+ :)


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