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Everything posted by what3v3r

  1. @Jujiand what about the phoenix blood? Are they re gonna be add back to the grocery?
  2. Can we have an answer in our question from the forum moderators? You guys show up just to do the typical post (which most of the times contains a lot of mistakes) and then dissapear. We would appreciate that...Took you over a month to fix a bug ( without an apology) but there are more for the new areas, exalted quests etc, and we dont have any report from you if you re working on them or whatever. Also the powder which has added on l2 store cause you accidentally delete it and the phoenix blood (which is useful for many players) added to l2 store temporary the same but you mention only what will happen with the powder and not with the phoenix blood. The game after the update is full of bugs can we have a progress report?
  3. The phoenix blood will be removed completely from the game? Also can you update the list with the known bug issues,so we are aware which bugs you try to solve and if you are aware of them?
  4. Very very true. And always power and money shows the true face of each character despite how they wanted to be presented at the beggining (we are here help not etc etc). Their monthly salary gains all
  5. I ll get straight to the point. When the fishing with the new rods started after a while ncsoft decided to low the proft that you earn with fishing and besides Conguero said to report to him if we notice something that gain to his owner great profit. So here we are the cursed swords that take place 4 times per week. The minimum you get is 5bil per day that makes 20 bil per week at least (minimum) for his owner. At least at server naia specific people and clans go after that with their gang so as you understand the adena goes to specific people each time (which as people say at wc using illegal ways to keep them as topaz etc ). So what with that. Also with so many adena passing from one person each time the issue of rmt comes in surface. So @Conguero maybe you should start checking that?
  6. @Hime @Juji at may 16 you posted the way of wandering knight bug quest, since last maintenance you re saying to us to feel relief because dev team works on that. Today the team still work on that....(maybe press a key button per day?) By the way you know there are still a lot of bugs except the one above if you ever planning to fix them. People keep posting them on bug section but you i m not sure if you really read them since the list isnt even updated after May 16 Posted May 16 This is an updated Known Issues thread. If you do not see an issue listed here, don't be alarmed. We are still working though and adding information to this thread. If you are still experiencing the resolved issues, be sure to restart your client and update via the launcher. Some issues may take longer to resolve as it may require a patch. Known Issues: Way of the Wandering Knight quest is broken. We are waiting for a bug fix build for this issue. Undecaying Memory of the Past quest is broken. Cursed Sword users will show up with no name if they send a World Chat message. Monsters in Field of Whispers/Silence have a short aggro range. Advanced Shader effect setting shows Black Textures on mounts, items, and transformation skills. Turn it off to remove the blank texture.
  7. Please be patient one month later still nothing. I m pretty sure if the problem was to buy something from l2store would been have fixed asap and now we only that dev is working on that.
  8. As i saw in the forum many people have mentioned this. For the other races you can remake a sub and get the new update free set by the game, but the ertheia race cant do that even if someone deletes the dual its already 85 level and someone that had already used the 30day paulina cant have access to that. For the old players maybe you can put that set with 1 adena fee at l2 store(as you had the phoenix blood etc)? So we have the chance to take them in our old toons too?
  9. And what about the mass dc? Its not all the time but since you change the launcher people keep dcing at some windows or all. A few minutes ago happened again. And some minutes after launcher off. It would be better to test whatever you provide us fist. If you cannot support it.... @Hime @Juji
  10. i didnt asked for fake compensation i asked for solution
  11. 1. adventure guild quest, 2. phoenix blood, 3. dye powder, 4. ways to get bres scroll, 5. Missing link exchange fishes @Juji when are you planning fix them? at least the 3 of them happened in the previous maintenance so maybe you can understand what you changed and ruin things you and your team werent supposed to. We want answers not hide and seek like the last time that something like that happened again
  12. @Juji 1. Adventure guild q bugged, 2. Missing link exchange fishes 3. Since you removed bres bsoes from zaken where i can find them?
  13. @Juji Also there is a bug on the buff npc with adventure guild quest where you have to talk to that npc at the very start. Also although you said you re gonna remove the old dishes at middle june you remove the exchange option from the npc already.
  14. Being silly. Dont think so. Well i ll be more clear since you dont seem to get it. If you would still play and didnt basically quit and just sitiing on aden selling your items you would notice that last month many many new toon appeared that try to do the pk scam thing and you wonder why? People upload many videos on how that thing happens so its like tutorial to anyone that is willing to do it. At the start you could say 2 names now its whole list. Even if you didnt knew how to do it now you can and without the drag out of the room. So you cant compare the period you say you were farming with now. I bet 100% that if now you would lose items like many people like you that used to say that. Unless you have something else to keep you safe. Its easy to say anything when you re out of it.
  15. If i am correct mixa stopped playing and started sell his gear before that massive wave of pkers. Back then the only way someone could flag you was with tank etc now its more easy as we all can see. So what are we talking about? Maybe now if he continue play he would lose and his gear and his smile since as he admits he was farming 24/7 without watching his toon.
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