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Everything posted by SafeStash

  1. wisp wouldn't dare to explain the reason why they needed another server restart
  2. There is no way in hell they will say why you better off not looking into their business plan
  3. I hope you take into consideration the issues with connectivity random people encountered for the last 5 weeks or so, which miraculously disappeared as they appeared and provide a little bit extra as compesation. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25799-lag-disconnection-issue-survey-your-help-is-needed/ Thanks!
  4. If it's not much of a trouble, I am looking for more than just that, as I am trying to compile a comprehensive guide. ARTIFACTS: Fighter: 1/2/3 Protection: 1/2/3 Support: 1/2/3 Balance: What would be your full choice of artifacts? thanks in advance! cheers
  5. Thank you Bevs, What about artifacts? what do you suggest?
  6. hahaha, Dragon claws is another laughable subject. With the amount of lv.1-2-3 DW they have been giving out in events, they forgot that 50 Claws for a lv.1 upgrade from fragment stage, costs nearly as a stg.2 Dragon weapon full price. They event-ed this games version SO much that actual content is violated by all sides and made irrelevant. A new player asked me "how do I get Dragon weapon? it seems all people carry one" and I thought that the reasonable answer would be, hunt dragons, bla bla bla only top clans can do it, bla bla bla, but then it hit me... You wait for some corporate greedy person to want to buy new car, and then the make a ingame event so that you get one, maybe. pfft....
  7. What about the travesty of this situation? https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25799-lag-disconnection-issue-survey-your-help-is-needed/page/2/#comment-179224 The lag may subsided without any explanation, the same way it got here, but the loss of 3 weeks time during exp event and runs running time did not pass unnoticed. Will it be any compensation announcement informing also what caused the problem?
  8. This, and also the fact that from lv1 until lv3, you can fail so much in combining that purchasing lv.1 from store seems like the MOST stupid idea EVER. Id prefer getting monthly subscription back, rather than this weekly failure of events we are getting with prices that try to compete with the adena inflation ingame. And it is really sad that we do not have any sort of communication with the guys running it. Hell, even politicians amonth the most corrupt countries listen to people more than NcSoft listens to us...
  9. Yea, it says there, that craft skills requires to be a maestro unfotunately.
  10. some of them are also for sale in ah, which the price of them is quite nice, compared to the amounts of ether you need...
  11. Thanks for your prompt reply @iHyperlite! I was also wondering if you have ever dug deeper into the limits/caps or break points of p.skill Crit Dmg / p.atk Crit dmg accumulation we can get. Does it always provide additional damage or does it have diminishing returns? How much element should we run with? Likewise, is there a breaking point? and last but not least, P.Skill Crit Dmg VS P.Skill Crit Rate, is the latter a stat we should have a minimum of ? Thanks again for the tips buddy!
  12. @Hermes This is getting out of hand. I have contacted support as well this matter and they are so not interested that they just copied and pasted the support text from Blade and Soul game... They didn't even care to read what I had to say. Can you kindly look into this matter a bit more seriously? Subscriptions are cancelled until you resolve this and I expect to be reimbursed for this lack of service.
  13. Or maybe include a legitimate way to obtain them ingame, by idk, playing the game and not just the NcStore...
  14. Soooo, you wans even cheaper dragon weapons for everyone. the upgrade of fragments is indeed not a good way to obtain a stg.1 DW, but it wasn't supposed that every little mentee runs with Dragon weapons. It used to be something hard to get. I personally like the way things are at the moment.
  15. I dont think so. I have a totally different ISP and one who doesn't share with the rest of the companies. What you claim, also doesn't explain why one client out of 3 lags, the other dcs and the last one plays almost normaly.
  16. @Hermes I dont want to spam on the thread that you gather information, but dude this is getting out of hand. Random disconnects, code 7, unplayable game, deaths in solo instances, delays of more than 30 seconds. can you comment on this please as it is extremely annoying and it doesn't happen to everyone.
  17. Unbearable lag here, anyone else? It has been 4 hours of non stop frames and delays of 5-30 seconds in actions.
  18. @socketka, I couldn't agree more. But have you ever thought the chances paradox? Sometimes, doesn't it feel that a 45% success rate in game is "designed" to fail? Also, as attempt reach infinity, the % chance should be almost close to the actual percentage, meaning that out of the infinite attempts on a 45% chance you should see results of close to 45%. I tried it with combining blood red soul beads. 45% chance to get to lv.1 and my results after 200 attempts were no were near that 45% couldn't care less for that, but it feel "rigged"
  19. @iHyperlite hey pal, great tips here, however, did you by any chance missed the Necklace analysis? I know that skill cooldown and skill dmg would be priority, but which ones would you suggest (beside god's which are hi end game) Also, revelation skills? like Disparition, undying and Berserker, which ones would be your choice for pve/pvp? Cheers
  20. Adding to the conversation about daggers, after the lated patch/update, Dragon wepons can get 2 normal soul crystals as well. since (October 2022) PS: Not trying to correct @iHyperlite, just making sure anyone who reads old threds, is a bit up to date with changes. Cheers
  21. I urge you all that experience lag or connectivity issues, to visit: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25799-lag-disconnection-issue-survey-your-help-is-needed/ and post your issues. Kindly respect the format that Hermes is asking, so we keep it spam free and informative, just in case this works and we are saves from lag. If you don't know the timezone or any of answers to the questions, just say "IDK" and provide as much as possible in a civil manner. Don't put in more than it is asked for, like comments or QQ and we might end up with a solution. Something changed in the past 3 weeks and we need to find it.
  22. They are giving the % on each attempt, while you attempt it. But there is no golden standard in this. No one can assure you that if you start with a +0 that you will end up with a +10 with X amount of adena. It's all a adena gamble, some win, some loose and the house always profits.
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