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Posts posted by NejJim

  1. 4 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    IMHO, idiot is that one who pay for level up, BUT don't have a gear to keep position. 

    Otherwise,  pay for growing is okay, if you have a gear.

    So, first of all, gear up.

    ehm.. I believe Lego meant.. use VISA to get gear... and you clearly showing in that clip that you do, so still confused how this would even be useful guide to lvling?

    Also you dont state much.. you using boosters+200%xp rune.. so basically its not really cheap lvling once the free boosters gone :P

    Imo hunting green mobs would be needed if you dont have the gear, or farming "drops"/adena (basic rule since beginning of L2 :P).

    But you clearly have gear.. so using equal gear on any DD would prob use a more efficient xp spot (at lvl110).

  2. 10 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    man, I just compare with maestro. 

    ehm... then i believe the Evi have it better... the ordinary "buff" is passive.. meaning it will not take another buffslot.

    ONLY when using Gravity Switch you will take up buffslot... with Maestro you will take 1 buffslot regardless what skill you want to use.

  3. 14 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    very uncomfortable old fashion way.. buff/unbuff is the best solution

    ehm.. not that i disagree... but so many other things that could be altered, that has been around longer... cubic summoning for example, no auto options, and have to be added into macro :(

  4. On 5/27/2021 at 7:46 PM, koulos100 said:

    Will you consider making this new skill(Gravity Switch) a toogle,it is gonna be very useful,thanks ;)

    until they do.. you can always use "alt+leftclick" on the buff to remove it.

  5. 4 hours ago, Hellbender said:

    Is it true or not that although you can have a mentor at any level there buffs are only effective at level 99.

    Reason I ask, at level 95 I was approached by a mentor and I accepted thinking I wouldn't have to keep running back to town for buffs.

    No good, after one hour when the NPC buffs expired even thought it showed Mentors buffs I was killed.

    The mentor have to be online.. while it is.. you will have buffs until lvl105

  6. 6 hours ago, Equadym said:

    Go to Pink Libra, click on buy dyes, and then you will know...

    ehm.. rude.. its a simple question from someone new to the libra system :P


    10 hours ago, SonicShock said:

    Hello, I want to purchase some INT+5 dyes from Red Libra Pink. Can I choose to get the INT dyes or will it be a random pick between all of the dyes that she sells? 

    it's random.. you can keep getting the wrong dye batch

  7. 2 minutes ago, Degus said:

    you can send a ticket, they will remove but require you to log out for up to 24 hours, no thanks.  I have 20 hero coin I can not use,  they said they'd take care of it, i logged out a few time for a bit here and there, but you guessed it, I still have 20 hero coin I can not spend and it takes a spot up in my inven. 

    ehm... buy 2x atlas earring scrolls.. and delet those? :P

  8. 2 minutes ago, SayhaSeer said:

    Yes, remove this Mentor System.

    It pull a lot of load onto the server.


    Ncsoft should find other ways, rather then having players creating many accts and putting tons of toons for them to farm Mentee coin and Venir.

    I know many players running 30-40 toons at the same time, weeks after weeks.

    Again... there is a HUGE difference between USE and ABUSE.. now explain to me why ppl that USE should be punished due to ppl that ABUSE????

    So its better they use 30-40 accounts fishing????

  9. 3 hours ago, DorfL2 said:

    REMOVE the useless MENTOR System.

    It will fix 90% of the server issue.


    There are many ways and mechanism to introduce for this.

    Not getting everyone to hog the server by logging thousand of mentees.

    Hmm... I'm using the mentor system, for 2 reasons.. getting clan rep and blessing my earring.

    But if you offer to make this happen for me, i would gratefully accept :D

    Anyway.. I create a mentee, lvl it up to 101. Then i do Castillia + Coal (one run).. log out and make a new.

    Next day i finish the 2 mentees i did day before, by doing Castillia + Coal once again... Now please inform me.. HOW am i putting load on the server???

    And why would I deserve to loose this due to your suggestion?

    What I'm saying is.. ppl do some suggestions that is not really well thought out!

    All you that complain about chars in game.. go check amount of fisher during these times... really decimated.. so those accounts used for other things than fishing!

    So please consider more about solutions than just randomly shouting out "REMOVE" :P

    • Like 1
  10. So.. Went on website to buy some NCoins.. got error msg and had to contact support!

    Sent a ticket.. relogged to my other account while waiting for answer from support. SAME error msg!!!

    @JujiI'm using PayPal and Credit Card (same card connected to paypal btw).. but now i get from support asking about info WHO are paying? Considering I'm using my card to pay for.. me/my brother/my son.. and happened i helped my sister in law (wich all of them i got playing here).. should we expect this kind of hustle EVERY time we want to buy something? Was fine to get subscription, but not buy NCoins???

  11. 8 minutes ago, GhostintheShell said:

    @Jujiis the best and being very patient with us.  Please don't give up on us.  The world is harsh yes but there is still good people around.  :)  lol.

    Considering with all the crybabies around.. i wouldnt blame any of the staff, for throwing in the towel :P

    Although.. just want to say that creds to you ppl that still have the server up. Was really surprised you were and had a chock coming back after 8 year break.

    I figure with the crybabies around.. most effort is put on who to listen too.. and who to ignore :P

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Juji said:

    It would only show "no characters" if the account you used to login was not the same as your regular account. Are you applying the L2ANNIVERSARY17 Code or the CLASSICANNVERSARY17 Code? They are not interchangeable and are server type specific.

    wow.. im really tired that missed that.. so sorry to been troubled you, thx for correcting my mistake :D

    • Haha 1
  13. @Juji So  any advice other than contacting support regarding my matter?

    Tried to apply code, stated i had no chars AT ALL (Empty List for even server).

    Then i went on my other account.. there it said Giran.. where i DONT have anything :(

    So would really like to resolve this asap.. since had plans to buy some NCoins to use.. but how can i even consider buying when this comes up?

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