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Everything posted by gabby

  1. I firmly believe this is NC Soft West and NOT NC Soft. West has screwed the game up so bad due to greed, adding in items that have broken our server, ruined skills landing in pvp, made players too overpowered, that NC Soft has just stopped trying to make adjustments to a poorly managed server. It's THE VERY reason NC Soft West is NOT going to be the publisher for Throne and Liberty. NC Soft has made many press releases stating they made massive mistakes making lineage 2 pay to win in the west and lost 95% of their player base and it ruined L2, yet you don't see NC Soft West making any changes in light of those comments do you? NC Soft West leases the game from NC Soft and will run it into the ground as they see fit. Our best bet would be to ban together and buy out the lease from NC Soft west and have the server player ran.
  2. They aren't answering because they're going to eventually close down the servers. Its pretty obvious.
  3. No andouille it can't. I had stage three duals, lvl 7 wings +10 circlet, top grade jewels etc. and no, I couldn't solo fafurion with ANY kind of efficiency at all. The other servers and are server aren't the same, and the post was about pvp, not just pvp. Please.. go put your gear on an iss and go kill Brevant.. show us all how wrong we are and right you are? Lets see the video... Well all wait.
  4. of course they haven't.. NC SOft West doesn't DO anything. We would have to wait for Korea to make changes and "Hope" the developers see what we post here. The way I believe it works is NC Soft West should be forwarding important topics TO Korea.. but I doubt even that is happening. It wouldn't surprise me if after Throne and Liberty launches if NC Soft doesn't try and push the players from here to there by closing these servers, which would explain the ZERO replies and effort NC Soft West has been putting into L2 this year.
  5. Once upon a time, Lineage 2 had balance, it wasn't perfect, but it allowed for nearly every class to contribute or have some sizeable role in PVP and PVE. I started to remember Fathips, the Prophet from a long time ago, who would survive long enough to kill the Demon swords by mana burning them until they had nothing left... whittle them down and take the sword. He would then (because at that time you couldn't be in party and get outside buffs) would buff himself with the demon sword, and go kill all the raid bosses... as an ISS. I'd say something in this post like, wouldn't it be nice to have that again? Where an ISS could kill a DD in the open WITH a demon sword if they were smart. Or, wouldn't it be nice if classes other than a DD could PVE? I'd say something like it's been nearly 3 years since skills actually landed in the game and that's directly due to NC Soft West putting items on western servers that the rest don't have that have effectively stop skills from working. Normally I'd ask @Wisp and @Hermes to fix this, or comment or do something. But we all know they won't. They only answer things they want to, they don't interact with the player base like they said they would. And this post is largely nostalgic remembering when this game was a game, when it was fun, when I couldn't wait to come home and play it, instead of what it is... A casino with no soul and no one to hold anyone accountable. If Lineage 2 was like this 10 years ago, would anyone have played it? Then again 10 years ago Lineage 2 had thousands of players.. now we have hundreds... coincidence?
  6. Let's hope they remove the cap. having a hard 30% cap is ridiculous when all the other dd's can get close to 100%
  7. The quick reply to the server transfers only confirms one thing. They read the forums, they just choose to not reply to 99% of what we bring up.
  8. @Hermes @Wisp thousands of views, loads of replies.. and not ONE comment from the great and power @Wisp who assured us all that they had a long history of interacting with the player base, and would update us and comment and be part of the community.. blah blah blah.... @Juji was better... and that is a low bar
  9. It's all about more more, more, more, money for NC Soft West for less, less, less, less for the player base. What's new? Get's tiresome doesn't it? just over and over and over, non stop they want thousands of dollars every month at a "chance" and that chance isn't even the advertised chance. Let's not forget the elcyum on the server.. or lack thereof. No one at NC Soft West even knows what it takes to craft items, much less how the game plays, but they've made sure NOTHING in the game drops, which would be fine if they gave it out in events.. but they don't know enough about the game to even keep things stable. If I ran the parent company and I saw a publisher running my game this way..I'd.... oh wait.. that's right.. NC Soft West WON'T be the publisher for Throne and Liberty.. humm.... guess that answers how the parent company feels about it all.
  10. Ok Cool, so if this is "Working as intended" Then nothing is stopping ALL of use from PKing. So... server, you have seen after 2+ weeks That NC Soft West has no intention of even replying to this thread. So Let the constant non stop pking begin! Let's make sure in NC Softs, set it and forget it game, during the "lets get people to log on event", that we collectively go out and pk everyone on the server all the time no stop. It is after all, working as intended.
  11. Well, I'm glad you nerfed BR and Brooch, but haven't fixed the unlimited Pk scrolls, or are even going to think about it for the next 2 weeks. Looks like NC Soft will be more absent that normal, putting up announcements weeks early so no one has to actually care about the player base. CLASSY NC Soft... CLASSY!
  12. I'm really digging what A22H*() people are in forums. If I was NC Soft west I would LOVE this. People turn on each other just to be trolls and terrible to other people, all the while NC Soft sits backs and laughs while people tear other people down. It works the same way in discord... this is the l2 Playerbase, once upon a time it was actually not a horrible place to be .. now? Well... just read a few posts and watch everyone be so nice to one another....
  13. Griefing is when you use game mechanics to restrict another person's ability to play the game, well beyond what is intended, in which the player has no way to counter or mitigate the mechanics. For the entirety of lineage 2, unlimited PK's with the ability to wash instantly has never been part of the game. The new PK city and "jail" they implemented would also HIGHLY suggest that it was not meant to be part of the game. So yes, what players are doing with unlimited PK's and is considered griefing. Players like Fisting time have already spent significant amounts of rep to buy the scrolls, knowing that its only a matter of time before they fix the issue. NC Soft west however seems to only check on the actual mechanics of the game in 2 instances, 1. They odds aren't in their favor to make the most money possible, or 2. Enough of us bring it up in forums and they "grace us with their presence"
  14. They've answered this, it's part of the characters kit. Tanks can use UD, Healers can use CS, and yes Seers can use hide.
  15. It's a NORTH AMERICAN SERVER, get over it, we celebrate Christmas, stop trying to ruin everyone else's enjoyment and being offended by everything cupcake.
  16. It's doesn't change the chance turbo. Learn math and probability. The PROBABILITY if you have a 5% chance, to fail repeatedly is what decreases. If you have a 5% chance, and fail 100 times in a row, then every subsequent chance after that 100th failure, should be an extremely high chance to succeed. If there is a 5% chance it will happen on one try, then the chance it won’t happen is 95%, which is a probability of 0.95. If you intend to try two times, then the probability it won’t happen on either try is 0.95x0.95 = 0.9025 or 90.25% This means the chance that it will happen on one or the other (or both!) of those tries is 9.75% If you intend to try 3 times, then the probability it won’t happen on any of the three tries will be 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.85737, for a chance of 86% So that the chance it does happen on one or more of those three is 14% You see the pattern? The probability of something happening at least once in n tries, then, is going to be p=1–(0.95)np=1–(0.95)n The percentage chance is just 100p. What you want to know is what n you need to get you a particular p. You can do the algebra, but it is actually easier just to use the above formula on a computer and use trial and error. Since 5% is 1 in 20, there is a tendency to say that you need to try 20 times to get one result. This is a mistake. The chance of getting at at least one result in 20 tries would be 64% … so you’d only get that roughly two-3rds of the time. That’s good enough for gambling but it is hardly certain. The number of tries needed for 90% is 45 … in fact, you’d “expect” a result 2–3 times in 45 goes. To be almost certain, at 99%, you need to set out to have 90 tries! This is called math.. it's a thing, to be more specific it's called probability, so before you go out and try to "correct someone" take a breath, stop being an l2 troll, and concentrate on the reality. NC Soft wests rates are NOT AS ADVERTISED. The MATH... this thing I just showed, proves it logically and with real numbers and real probability. Not QQ L2 trolling of telling someone they are wrong. Being a Troll is what they count on because it creates friction and allows trolls to attempt to discredit real issues so NC Soft doesn't have to answer to them.
  17. HIGHLY don't recommend, the L2 Discord server is full the most toxic horrible trolls on the planet. Steer clear.
  18. Let's also remember that the Rules of Conduct, set forth BY NC SOFT specifically state: While participating in Player-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay in the Services, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other users’ experiences in the Services by not actively participating in good faith (e.g., “griefing” or “leeching”). That last little sentence there specifically states that Griefing is against the code of conduct. Pks are one thing, standing above a party and constantly pking them, or coming back every 5 minutes and pking without and recourse is against the code of conduct and the EULA. The entire point of the New PK system was to prevent players from constant griefing, not enhance it.
  19. PROBABILITY works EXACTLY like that. Do not confuse probability and Percentage. This is math, if you doubt it, go talk to someone that actually does probability and statistics. In Typical Lineage 2 Fashion, you are all caught up on trying to "Prove someone wrong" rather than what the poster is trying to tell you. The Rates aren't accurate as advertised. It is a near impossibility, to fail a 5% chance 150 times in a row.... PERIOD. And for those that say "well it IS possible" Yes, for one character once in a blue moon over millions of attempts of years, yes.. it IS possible. What isn't possible is this kind of thing happening ALL the time to multiple people in the game, WHICH IT DOES. So try getting your collective heads out of your butts, and put the effort into getting NC Soft to either Post ACCURATE rates, or have them explain what is really going on. Because as it stands, This is unfair, inaccurate and we as players are getting taken.
  20. It can be, but that means every click after 100, You would have a 99% chance of Succeeding, but you wouldn't, you would fail... 50 times in a row with a 99% chance. Possible? yes? Probable? You have a better chance of being struck by lightning, right after winning the lottery and then having your house destroyed by a meteor 30 seconds later.
  21. While we're at it, Please ALSO remove the Tyrr passive that enables them to heal for a % of the health everytime they are hit. This has far larger ramifications in open pvp and the rest of the game that seers in hide. Also, please have Tyrr CS have a fixed cool down like in Korea.
  22. It DOES work like that, its math. It's not up for debate, that's how percentages work. A 5% chance is a 5% chance regardless if it's 5% out of 10 million or 5% out of 20. What ISN'T up for debate is that the Advertised chance that is shown, is NOT 5%. It never is... Now what you could be getting at is 5% is a server chance and not an individual chance, which would mean that players, unknowingly are paying money to have 0 chance. Because a server chance at 5% would indicate that once someone succeeds, everyone else would fail until that 5% chance cap is "reset" to whatever number they have chosen. In that case, this would be 100% fraudulent as that is NOT what is advertised.
  23. I can tell you how they DON'T work... as advertised in game, based on real random percentages
  24. Its not even close to a real 1%, go to this post, ill show you : https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25973-rates-arent-as-advertised-with-mystery-boxes-here-is-the-real-math/
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