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Vitality Maintaining Potion


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Hi, great to receive the GM buffs in Fantasy this week, they were a real boost.  However, since the 12hr vitality boost ran out, I'm unable to use the vitality maintaining potions and my vitality is almost down to zero, with no way to replenish...... anybody else had this problem?


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check vitality use item count when you mouse over your vitality bar, if the number is zero then submit ticket to support for reset as Juji drained it by accident during the GM event

and yes many more folks have this issue, your not the first to post about it here

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I did that, it says 0 vitality items can be used..... however, since I received GM buffs I haven't used any vitality pots, as they're greyed out and not usable.  I do know that one of my clannies received a very kind 12hr birthday buff, as they too experienced the same problem.  So currently I'm xping with no vitality and no way of using vitality maintaining potions :(


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