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New God Accessory Event


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My eyes are bleeding after reading about this new event..

With a rough calculation, I understand that you need 590 Bottle of Luminous God's Soul +  1 secret book and several other items to obtain 1 gran kain necklace stage 1..

For this you will need at least 12 x Hardin's Magical Bag (x50) , which cost ~ 1,100 USD... Provided that there will be a low chance to obtain a bottle from the bag, of course you will need much more than 12 packs, probably something like 120 packs, having in mind that you will get around 5 bottles in every 50 bags.. So the total amount for obtaining 590 bottles will be ~11,000 USD...

And of course, there is only a chance for obtaining the necklace.. So you might give 11k USD and you can end with no jewel...

I don't know but it seems that these prices are blown out of proportions, even for this paytopay game... Or someone is just joking with us.. Or i hope that my math are wrong...

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3 hours ago, m0da said:

My eyes are bleeding after reading about this new event..

With a rough calculation, I understand that you need 590 Bottle of Luminous God's Soul +  1 secret book and several other items to obtain 1 gran kain necklace stage 1..

For this you will need at least 12 x Hardin's Magical Bag (x50) , which cost ~ 1,100 USD... Provided that there will be a low chance to obtain a bottle from the bag, of course you will need much more than 12 packs, probably something like 120 packs, having in mind that you will get around 5 bottles in every 50 bags.. So the total amount for obtaining 590 bottles will be ~11,000 USD...

And of course, there is only a chance for obtaining the necklace.. So you might give 11k USD and you can end with no jewel...

I don't know but it seems that these prices are blown out of proportions, even for this paytopay game... Or someone is just joking with us.. Or i hope that my math are wrong...

You crystalize certain epics for the bottles, getting them from the bags is a bonus. I'm sure some ppl already made a jewel or two.... or full set xD

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14 hours ago, mixa said:

You crystalize certain epics for the bottles, getting them from the bags is a bonus. I'm sure some ppl already made a jewel or two.... or full set xD

Yes we can crystalize 2 valakas necklaces to have a chance to obtain a gran kain one... And we all know how the chances work with Korean random.. :D

This company has a strange sense of humor...

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1 hour ago, m0da said:

Yes we can crystalize 2 valakas necklaces to have a chance to obtain a gran kain one... And we all know how the chances work with Korean random.. :D

This company has a strange sense of humor...

Yea, well, that's whole other story though.

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It of course does not cost 10k dollars. Do you math again. Of course spending 10k dollar for top pvp isnt that strange things for korean/japanese servers. I know people from there - they are very few and server is empty though. There I know a few people who spent actually more than 100,000 dollars - not 10k dollars. Trust me. People who pay will still pay till the end skeletal bone end. 

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they are not blown out of proportion.

There was a guy named starco once who spent 4k US dollar on la vie rose brooch jewels. He got no lvl 5 jewel out of that.

Seeing as the god jewels are very powerful id say its only right for them to be that much more expensive. Relatively to the rest of the game

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15 hours ago, Fleur said:

It of course does not cost 10k dollars. Do you math again. Of course spending 10k dollar for top pvp isnt that strange things for korean/japanese servers. I know people from there - they are very few and server is empty though. There I know a few people who spent actually more than 100,000 dollars - not 10k dollars. Trust me. People who pay will still pay till the end skeletal bone end. 


14 hours ago, Bable2 said:

they are not blown out of proportion.

There was a guy named starco once who spent 4k US dollar on la vie rose brooch jewels. He got no lvl 5 jewel out of that.

Seeing as the god jewels are very powerful id say its only right for them to be that much more expensive. Relatively to the rest of the game


For the calculation i did the assumption that only NCCoins will be used and that 5 bottles can be obtained every 50 bags.. If someone has opened 50 bags, he/she can enlighten us about the actual amount obtained.. However, i don't think it will be much different...

And this amount, even if it is the half of it something like 5k, it's not for a top pvp item.. It's just for a stage 1 necklace which is actually the equivalent or a bit better than a blessed valakas one.. For the top item, someone should reach at least stage 3, which shall be done with triple the amount and the chance mentioned... So for reaching stage 3, someone would roughly need 3 times the amount of stage 1 and should be more than lucky to achieve with the company's chances.. This is to me the most expensive item ever, even compared with the brooch jewels which were already insanely expensive..

And i know that people are spending thousands of dollars in the game.. But even these people will say enough is enough at some point.. Noone likes to be scammed or milked like this... 

We should all step back and understand that this is a game, and games are to be fun, not cash deposits..

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I did the math on the adena cost it would take to go from 1 to 6. On just one necklace, it would cost approximately 415-420 billion in mats to get it to level 6 (at least at Naia prices). Extremely expensive? Yes... However, NCSoft is trying to make more content for the top tier players. It keeps the game alive longer by making it harder to obtain. Do you really want everyone running around in R110 and God jewels 3 days after they come out? There would be nothing left to work for.

It's out of my price range, but at least it keeps players on the servers and the game I enjoy playing alive longer.

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3 hours ago, OneDayDelete said:

I did the math on the adena cost it would take to go from 1 to 6. On just one necklace, it would cost approximately 415-420 billion in mats to get it to level 6 (at least at Naia prices). Extremely expensive? Yes... However, NCSoft is trying to make more content for the top tier players. It keeps the game alive longer by making it harder to obtain. Do you really want everyone running around in R110 and God jewels 3 days after they come out? There would be nothing left to work for.

It's out of my price range, but at least it keeps players on the servers and the game I enjoy playing alive longer.

That's maybe the cost if you upgrade successfully on all stages.. You forgot to calculate the fails that will inevitably occur because there is a random chance..

In any case, if that would keep players on the servers it could be good, but i don't think that's the case any more..

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