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Why Do We Have Restoration, but No Way to Transfer Bound Items?

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@Hime @Juji

This is a legit question.

I have one of the older agathion charms that I would like to transfer, either to another character on the same account, or to one of my other characters on a different account. Can this be done, and if not, why?

When I think about the logic, this should be possible. Support should be able to move older items that are no longer available, especially if it's a rare item that still has efficacy and use, but won't be sold ever again in a future promotion.

And it wouldn't require much work. Unlike Restoration, you don't have to check history, or see if I have available token. It also doesn't have the kind of impact to the game or economy that weapon restoring does. I'm guessing it can be done by support with minimal steps and effort: See agathion on dormant character, copy/delete it, go to receiving character, create/paste agathion in inventory, log off accounts, done.

I'd do myself if you'd just set up the Dimensional Merchant with that functionality. I'm sure other players feel the same.

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At the VERY LEAST they should make ALL obsolete L2Store Items Dimensional(such as Older Agathions{Zaken/Soul Avatars/Joon?etc} or Power Shirt, Elemental Shirt, Shiny Shirts now that we have Dragon Shirts... still waiting for upgrade stones) even better allow you to re-pack low enchanted to +0 tradeable box, re-pack +7-9 to +7 tradeable box and +10 to +10 tradeable box... or ADD more in-game upgrades; like the Agathions have gotten, for the other obsolete L2Store Items.

However... I do believe that most Bound Items obtained through discontinued In-Game systems should never be transferable in any way(Quest Rewards, ToI/Ketra/Varka Farming, Luxury Shop Agathion Charms/Hats... etc) Several more Anniversary gifts should be dimensional... like all Balloon Stick of %color% and most Agathions/Charms; BUT not every Anniversary gift, some NEED to remain bound to A Qualifying Character)

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They can make it very simple. If the item was purchased through the L2 store, or obtained through an event, especially a paid event, then 99% of the time it should be tradeable to another character. If they want to exclude La Vie En Rose jewels and other items that already have a way of reboxing and transfer -- although expensive as hell -- fine. If they want to turn this into a cheap paid service, I'd be ok with that. If they want to limit how many times you can buy a transfer ticket in a year, I'd be fine with that, too. But at least give us the option.

Right now I have a Taurus Agathion charm with BR sitting on a character gathering dust. And why is that character gathering dust? Because the Devs made changes to the class that made it all but excruciatingly painful to play at high levels. If they can screw us over like that, then they should bend over backwards to help us transition to another class. That includes letting us transfer everything that can be moved to the new character. 

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