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+25 R110 BOW, so easy to enchant


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Hi all, 

on server naia, aden square every 2 weeks i see 1 bow +25 R110 clean  (w/o used ticket for restore), so easy to enchant nowdays? Oo since ppl sell it "just"for 600b-900b?

Check image below:


There's 2 options:

1: someone got trick or cheat with ladybug 

2:gm weapons? :P

What do you think? Pheraphs it would be better to investigate that :D


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Dont be ridiculous, its not like he enchanted it with low investments, into it. Yes he enchant to  +25   however we talking about capital of 600 billions.  Noone says that og look man i  enchanted +25 bow with 30 bilions in my pocket. No this never gonna happen.  Those weapons require certain amount of scrolls which costs money.  Does enchanter risks ?  Yes  ! does he make money ? probably Yes  possibly No.  But since he sells and repeats the I bet he makes some adena profit. Noone stops you do the same. 

You simply never tried do any tests or research how to make it and whine here when see someone succeeds to +25 guns  .  Meh people.... 

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