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The New Stone of Destiny (Coming Soon ...hopefully)


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I am getting way ahead of myself, I know, but does anyone know how it works on the Korean servers?

I have a character with a lame Main class, but a fun Dual class. I've been playing the Dual class all this time.

Does the new Stone of Destiny (SoD) let us change our main class only? You keep the same Dual.

Or does SoD split the one character into two different characters, with all equipment, including bound items and WH, going on the Dual Class?

Or does SoD turn our Dual Class into the Main, and the original Main then becomes the Dual, which you can change into whatever class you want using Red Libra merchant?

I have other questions about race, but let's start there. Anyone know how the new SoD works?

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16 hours ago, BlackIce said:

I am getting way ahead of myself, I know, but does anyone know how it works on the Korean servers?

I have a character with a lame Main class, but a fun Dual class. I've been playing the Dual class all this time.

Does the new Stone of Destiny (SoD) let us change our main class only? You keep the same Dual.

Or does SoD split the one character into two different characters, with all equipment, including bound items and WH, going on the Dual Class?

Or does SoD turn our Dual Class into the Main, and the original Main then becomes the Dual, which you can change into whatever class you want using Red Libra merchant?

I have other questions about race, but let's start there. Anyone know how the new SoD works?

My understanding is it's just a main class switch, like red libra but for main, but cant confirm.

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