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lineage 2 box LCOIns useless


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11 hours ago, VanillakillaB said:

can u add something to buy with them?

now they literally useless


11 hours ago, AliceInWunderland said:

Buy some and then sell to the Dorf's at the top of the stairs in Aden. You've just bought something useful. ;)

Alice has one way to use them, another is if you pvp you can use them for 100% Rez.  Clans love you lots if you pay them daily to help the clan lvl.  Basically everything in the L2 store you can get with lcoin there are a few exceptions.  The main use for them is sell them so you can buy 300 magic tablets when you hit lvl 76 or heaven forbid you hit 80 and you get blasted with another 60-100 million adena cost for skill upgrades.  I think some Raids require them for participation, but I could be mistaken.

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14 hours ago, VanillakillaB said:

can u add something to buy with them?  -  now they literally useless

agreed... i've been holding on to a 3333 code for weeks as i can't think of anything worthwhile

other than buying two L1000 from players with adena so i can at least get that L5000 sayha pack.   

everything i'd actually want is in the NCoin shop for real money - which i don't have cash to spend on.

IMHO both shops should offer far more pack similarities.

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