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How does summoner works?


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Hey guys,

i would like to ask how does summoner and his pets works? Does skill Sharing Equipment transfer benefits of for example sets? If i have set +10 does my pets got +10% p.def?

IF i have pve set that give me +pve dmg and - pve received damage does my pets got this bonus too? Or ruler belt?

I guess main weapon is retributer but is there any room to try another weapon for example bow? Or retributer is the only way :D

Is this class playable for pve until like 110 ? How does summoners perform after 110?


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In short, summoner does not work, it's a broken class.

Longer version in relation to specific questions youve asked: sharing equipment does not transfer any set benefits, only pve attack from the weapon (in theory), but in practice I did not see any different on my wynn with and without using this skill. Use only retributer. Summoner scales horribly, the higher lvl you get the worst you perform, I got mine to lvl110 in great pain and I was not able to kill anything with a +12 PVE retri. Had to drag my maestro for assist everywhere I went to be able to farm.

My advice: don't bother.

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Fala pernambuquinho!! Cara... eu jogo de Wynn e tipo, não está tão ruim assim não! Estou 110 e tenho alguns gears, agora claro a classe realmente esta abandonada, as Marks não estao com força pra abaixar o hp dos mobs, e no pvp, se o adversario tiver muito item, as marks nem funciona!  É uma classe que precisa de muito equips igual a um Archer e Tyrr. Mas eu vejo muito dagger 112+ upando la em fields of mirros e demora igual a um Wynn.  Não chego a limpar spot, mas fica faltando uns 3 mobs ou 4. Mas não desisto da classe, um dia os GMs vao olhar para os Wynns igual que fizeram com os Tyrr maestos.

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Summoner have the hardest character to play. So if you new In game, You can start with him, He easy plays as start game, Untill 107 lvl. But next you confront with hardest in game building and game style to deal sane damage as other classes. So I not recomend to start play with Wynn if you not ready to total abstract your mind.

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