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Summoner Summons not working with HP


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As the highest level summoner on NA I would hope you take my opinion with its weight. 

The summons are hitting harder but there are no details to their stats(please make this available) .   Also the HP of the summons does not change because they dont get buffs anymore( they share the stats of the summoner)   .  This is a problem when I have 2 million HP, my pets will have 118k,   If I have 50k hp, my pets have 118k hp.   Since this update came out this week, I hope you can fix this quickly and I dont have to wait 6 years for another fix.  :) thanks 

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-pets have locked LOW HP
-the single heal has a HUGE reuse heal, 5 min, it was 1 second before.  Fix this. 
-the attacking of summons when the target dies it keeps attacking even if it stands up without pressing anything 

3 SECONDS FOR PET TO ATTACK !!!! there is a very long time for pet to attack once you push the button. ( this could be part that it has no buffs nor pots  all of which gives attack speed) 

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22 hours ago, Ishmila said:

-pets have locked LOW HP
-the single heal has a HUGE reuse heal, 5 min, it was 1 second before.  Fix this. 
-the attacking of summons when the target dies it keeps attacking even if it stands up without pressing anything 

3 SECONDS FOR PET TO ATTACK !!!! there is a very long time for pet to attack once you push the button. ( this could be part that it has no buffs nor pots  all of which gives attack speed) 

Confirmed, and they are slow. 

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I bought alot of your gold coins to make this work, relatively speaking of course. But can soemone please look into a few things. Its kind of a wash if the speed of attack is delayed and slow, at least at my level.

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Guys. Sometimes i get buffs on servitors, sometimes not.. Without buffs, they are very weak, they get smashed by monsters very easy. And like you say, the heal has too much delay, its useless. So please talk with Koreea and sort this out.. 

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