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Skill certification


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Hello guys, 

I have a question, i switched my tank 103 (HK==>ET) and i hesitate to reset my certification:


Subclass Skills

P. Def./M. Def. lvl 4

P. crit rate/M. Crit rate lvl 4

Atk. Spd./Casting Spd lvl 4

Dual Class Skills

Max HP lvl 1

Dual - Light Protection 


I hesitate to go MAX hp lvl 4 in dualskills. I need advise :)

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35 minutes ago, TenebrisFilia said:

Subclass Skills

P. Def./M. Def. lvl4

P. Evasion/M. Evasion lvl4

Atk. Spd./Casting Spd lvl4

Dual Class Skills

Max HP lvl4

This. If you use a sword or tauti you should already be up there in crit rates so better take the evasions imo.

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4 hours ago, __SpOO__ said:

If you did not have that good PDef whats the point going to full HP? I have not best, but and not bad PDef on my tank and I still prefer to go HP 12% and P/M Def 6% on dual skills.

Higher hp means more tankability. In combination with a high con make the trick ;). More hp means more healing from healers so more survivability. Def you take from armor, talismans, diamond, seduction. Full hp for pve and open pvp. Def only for olympiad. 

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Well, I am surely not one of the top dog tanks around NA and not good in all game mechanics, but with like 128k HP atm this witn a rose and Prestige Pack I easily can tank on open field AF and GC lower mobs without healing almost all of the time. Can tank and a whole room in Altar, with heals of course :D

Some time ago while I was still with a +8 Blessed TW set and bloody weap 3SA I got 150k HP cap, but I find it better with like atm +10 bloody set and no HP cap reached :)

So as I wrote I am still using from my dual skills half HP boost and half of P/M Def one. Not sure if it is right or wrong, but that suits me at least for now.

Not really sure, but prolly at some moment stacking more P Def could be better instead of pure HP. This can be proved right or wrong from some of the best tanks we have around and writing in this forum.

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9 minutes ago, __SpOO__ said:

I find it better with like atm +10 bloody set and no HP cap reached :)

With a +10 bloody set there is not really matter what dual skills you put it. Armor set make all the difference :). But for tanks that have lower gear from you like +8 or +6 sets hp is very important.

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On 1/14/2018 at 11:48 AM, __SpOO__ said:

Could be, not arguing here. So maybe putting half of each HP and PDef I made a good choice... :)

I'm not saying your choice was wrong, if it works for you then it's all good but in general, stacking HP and having the right element resistances is a lot more important than p/m.def itself imo, especially if the tank has a bad set, Example of a tank with noob items: 12% of ~50k HP will net you way more than 6% of 10k pdef or 5k mdef. Hope you understand what i mean :)

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