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MP Recovery speed.


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It's normal, as far as I can tell. Keep in mind that you recover more or less mana depending on what you're doing. If you're running you recover less, walking a bit more, standing more and sitting even more. So when you're out, sitting is better than standing while you recover.

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On 11/10/2018 at 5:39 AM, AikasseN said:

Hi guys i just want to make sure if the MP recovery speed is too slow or its normal? thank you

idk about u but my shaman 35 lvl recovers his mana very fast! if u arent a healer or mage (who they cast almost non-stop) mana isnt a problem

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usually on low rates mana is definitely the biggest issue in nukers for level up cause people are simply used to "Mana Potions" which is an item that really does not exist.

You need to try to spend less mana leveling up.

For example if you play OL, you should go hybrid using also physical atacks and playing with poyson.

If you have classes like Necro or SH you can combine Body To Mind with Corpse Life Drain to sustain yourself while leveling

You also get a passive ( I guess at level 40 ) with nukers, that if you walk instead of run you recover also MP faster,


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On 11.10.2018 at 5:39 AM, AikasseN said:

Hi guys i just want to make sure if the MP recovery speed is too slow or its normal? thank you

it always was nearly the same. the thing is that on classic there are no herbs, and absence of mana herbs kinda hurts.

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