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Please make it harder for ad spammers?


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  • Characters bellow level 25 should not be able to send PM's to people who are not added in their friendlist.
  • For god's sake remove ability to create macros with text messages, I know it sucks but I'm sure it's for the best.

    I just wanna read an actual chat, not a billion "www buy adena huhh, good game bro" messages. Do I have to mention this also ruins your targeted PM's??
    Blocking ads doesn't do anything, this is ugly for real.

    Tree of Savior did a good job stopping RMTs when they got raided by bot swarms, they actually cleaned the game from mad sellers (although RMT will always exist in any game I just want people not trashing the game with ads), they also used data science to understand the market and "spy" on transactions, but I'm not even suggesting this, I just wish things were a bit harder to someone who creates a char and sits in a town clicking a macro button all day. I think everyone can relate to this.

    I don't know, I could suggest plenty other things that could be good against ad spammers but the devs must want to stop this in the first place, the chat is absolutely dead in towns, just go to Gludio and see for yourself.
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3 minutes ago, Gazob1 said:
  • Characters bellow level 25 should not be able to send PM's to people who are not added in their friendlist.
  • For god's sake remove ability to create macros with text messages, I know it sucks but I'm sure it's for the best.

No, it's for the worst.

The game doesn't start to be social right at 25, and ad spammers don't even need to use macros.

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17 minutes ago, Arinulis said:

They will just come back. One gets banned, 10 take their place.

That's exactly what I'm trying to suggest, harder to "come back", if someone gets banned, they would have to dump a lot of time into grinding a new acc to spam again, it takes a lot more effort than just creating lv1 accs and spamming all day everyday, that's it, I'm not even saying "pls stop bots", I know this is a forever going problem but if they didn't spam ads at least it would be fine for me (and probably everyone else, I just wanna read chat in peace).

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