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1 minute ago, ExiledSoldier said:

I've been trying for more than 2 hours wtf is that...

@ExiledSoldier You are joking, right? Every Wednesday they have maintenance


Game servers will be down for maintenance beginning Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 5am PST / 8am EST / 1300 GMT+1 will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours

With this maintenance:

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This is so funny. xDxDxD

Headline in ALL CAPS - check

An angry message - check

No previous investigation on own part - check

Fits right into this forum community that is way more salty than the vast majority of people acutally playing the game - check


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Thats as bad as people in game asking when maintenance is, right after the system message pops up telling everyone that maintenamce will be soon. Too many people lack the common sence to pay attention and even do a little research if necessary. Unless its something pressing that requires more time, maintenance is the same time, for 2 hours, on the same day, every week. 

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