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Everything posted by FoToMoTo

  1. Yes, at least something "real" usefull promo with Destiny Pack its just very funny to put also Enchanted Scroll: Blessed Bracelet in this promo @Juji can you consider to permanently add Ice Roses to L2 Store?
  2. Dear GM’s, Can we ask for any info/updates what is going on, what is your pipe line for comming months? Condition of the game is on terrible state, its force people to solo play style, no more oportunity to farm anything in game, never ending issues with server stability and patch quality. Continue that way will make your biggest fans, spenders, farmers quit once for all. Please write us more information so we can keep a hope that L2 will be great again FoTo
  3. @Hime @Juji Guys any news about? Looks like rank buffs still not working.
  4. Both prestige and rune up, so far almost 30h farming and even not 1 Crystal drop (enchant scroll over 100 :P)
  5. Hoho nice idea i think most ppl still playing are "old" players My jurney start 2006 on Teon (C2/C3 as i remember), funny time like 3 months farm to get 3 mill adena for D grade dagger some old players remember reeling/pumpking ! 1. Where you're from : Poland 2. Char name and class: FoToMoTo Othel/Yul 3. Original server : Teon 2006, current Naia 4. Level and % today : 105 - 1% / 104 - 15% 5. How many times did you quit and come back : Quit once for long time after X ally fallen and Sillent Horrors win the game (the truth is that NC up max level to 90) Back to play in 2016 at first brooche event - worst timing ever
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