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Everything posted by Connex

  1. that would be everyones wet dream! im up for it! where do I sign up!?
  2. only for 10 hours/week which is sad.... i;d like to live there 24/7... back in the day, every clan had its own catacomb! or you could go dusk last minute and have ALL THE CATACOMBS!
  3. it all comes down to gear, you dont just need +10 heavy or light armor. There are many more items that contribute in choosing the right gear. For example, if you are aiming for R110 armor, go for light, the element defence increase negates the pdef difference, get a R110 sigil and stack more element defenses and on top of that add Tersi lv6 on each piece, ( sigil too), that right there is 1200 pdef x 6 = +7200 pdef and 6% pdef extra on top of that, in exchange you get 10% reuse from the light armor. From there on, the number of different items available is rather big so is the answer if we do not get more context. You see, a question in L2 is not that simple, I can literally write an essay on different setups/builds or how to min/max you dps but we need more context before writting that essay!
  4. it all comes down to how prepared you are for these types of events.... Maybe i'm just hyped that I was correct :P..... @Nawdur I do not thing they will be "bound"/non tradable
  5. the event has not even started and you are complaing already? why? Apparently they are going through some changes, if you haven;t noticed it then you are not paying attention or just come here to complain. There is a notable activity on the forums by GM's, there are new GM's, there is even an announcement about the 19th anniversary being delayed, there is free Greater Rune Stones for a week ( yes with a certain chance) and on top of that as @Nawdur mentioned, its an advance. we have been having a bunch of events since the beginning of the year, do not be ungrateful!
  6. from the little russian that I do NOT know... Basically out of the text description on the video, its a 10 hour weekly instance for different levels 105/110/115
  7. I dont wanna brag about it... Or lets just say that I do! Sometimes you have to listen to what olders players have to say... just saying! https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/26414-blessed-exalted-armor-packs-limit/page/2/#comment-184229 Lets all enjoy the free greater rune stones!
  8. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/26805-my-eyes-are-bleeding/
  9. this is too vague of an answer and generates a lot of additional questions, please give us, class /lvl/gear and XP area that you are able to do this.
  10. So you want a new server for what? For a bunch of f2p players that run around in blessed exalted sets at best? No current player will reroll to that server, those whi join, will most likely not spend anything for obvious reasons, so what exactly do you want the new server for?
  11. You have absolutely no idea what are you talking about. plain +10 is not better, both have 450 element, blessed exalted has 15% pve dmg and since he is starting out, gambling billions to get an augument on the weapon, is just not worth it at this point in (his) game.
  12. The game now is p skill power/crit dmg, however since you have "basic" gear, going p crit is an option as well BUT, do not expect to aoe, its good for single target, has ok dmg output but thats just it. you can transition slowly by investing to items that are common between the 2 builds i.e. p atk/ element and then switch at a later time to p skill crit. also, change the augument from the weapon whil the augument stones are cheap 470-500m each, you need to max out the stats for your build, that skill crit dmg is worthless...
  13. if you dc and get a new IP every time, this is not the launchers problem, its your ISP. If you have a dynamic IP, then if they mess up from their end, you get a new IP, if on the other hand you get DC'ed and its the games fault, logging back in, would not require a new verification cuz your IP would remain the same.
  14. i run multiple machines with 3 toons each, some are even from 2014, others newer, with either win 10 or 11 and I get no crit errors, just an occassional d/c here and there . However I run nothing else on them, is it possible you run other things that might interfere with l2?
  15. have you cinsidered playing candy crush? i heard there in no pvp there...
  16. percentage seems too high.. unless that 30% are the mentee's, yes there are plenty of people that either refuse or cannot afford it but the vast majority of the players have blessed exalted sets and before you say anything, yes some of those setes were obtained for free when DK was introduced for the first time. There is no progress without ncoin, you can avoid paying prestige till 110, but you will need to get your adena somehow and pounding mobs all day long for 0.1% a day seems painfull... ( although this is not Ncoin per say.. its money towards the game)
  17. i have written a pretty extended answer for that topic but i will rewrite it in case people missed it. back in the day it was pay to play you had more than 1 account and the progress was so slow, you would need at least 3 to 4 accounts which is $60 a month, a lot of hours and the right supports and classes to be able to play, even if you were a support, you would still need a spoiler maybe a crafter or a town alt etc... Even with the slow progress, people that never stopped playing, would keep up with updates and now are at the top 5-10% of players. I am not here to justify ncsoft, at this point I am not sure there is turning back ( i wrote content for approx 24 videos, that I will not make at all due to how the game is atm) but what I can tell you is this, if you add 50$ in the game per month, and buy the right items with the right class, you will be able to play, it will take time but you will be able to play, the sad part is that the game has moved on, there are so many updates that people have missed that those that return no longer know how the game works and the way the game is right now. I cannot suggest a number to do it, cuz I know that not everyone can afford it, but will say that you could "invest" a good amount upfront to gear a character and play... consider that money "lost progress" or something, just trying to give a point of view here not force people to do it. People remember the good old days and think that getting to 110 is easy, or you can progress with just exalted or blessed exalted set which is not the case for 99% of the DD's (or the enchanters). The worst part of all is the people that still play, have no problem paying for something but the absurd rates make it worse than a casino. Personally I am at a point where i do not open boxes at all, i rather buy the ncoin, sell boxes and get the adena. False advertising ( or items missing from the drop table), low rates, crappy events are what lead people into quit, demoralise and lose interest, the reply from @GM_EVA is something I have not seen for a while. I am not sure if he/she can do anything to improve the situation but I guarantee you that players are starting to lose patience, and im not talking about the f2p players who mostly pump up the server numbers but the ones that pay a substantial amount every month both for prestige/destiny on multiple accounts but for loot boxes too. Most people get the slower progress, the more you improve your character BUT what has been going on with GRS in unprecedented, they could have instroduced a new item to make it more rare or 1% craft, but not being able to learn the 110/115 "good skills" is plain stupid...
  18. well im GS.. i would not say no to another GRS to learn my 115 skill, which is 10% damage but every archer needs at least 1 for the 110 skill... Eviscerator is huge too, 10% crit damage/pdef/mdef , DK's need 110 skills etc.. the issue is not for the new skills but for all the skills that matter. Im fine with the scarcity of drops, and how the game works, im also fine with taking a bit to learn a new skill that was just introduced, this is not the first time it has ahppened, but you cannot learn skills that have been out for 4? years or so.. taht is plain stupid, they could have introduced a "new" item for the new 110 skills
  19. there are a million other stuff to fix and you worry about sorting the soulshots? it only happens in that category so "its working as intended"
  20. did you reply to a 18 month old post with the most inaccurate reply ever? refurbished PC's is a good way to run more toons, they are about 110€ per PC but what do you earn from the exalted quests? I could understand having a total of 4 pcs, running 3 toons on one, and on every other pc 3 (mentee) toons for each one of them, sell the pantheon passes and profit ( its about 5 days 1-105 if you run eviscerators, so 6 toons, per account, 9 total mentee accounts, 54 toons per month and every toon is generating 600-700m, so that is roughly 35bil per month, you can squeeze a few toons to do oly and get like another 4-5bil but after the first 2 months, you will be burned out... You could get that 35bil, buy gem energy and try to get ruby lv5 but it would cost you more than you make to "try" and get 55bil and that is a big if. you'd be better of getting a 2nd job for a month or 2 and buy what you want, trust me its exhausting. Mystery shots can be crafted by any dwarf, dont need lv110 or the recipe, I used to craft with my dorf tank at 106
  21. will the progress of the Tome make or break your character?
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