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Everything posted by Connex

  1. I only have one question here.. what did you expect to get?
  2. just put the old ranking system that was added when GoD launched, people get to have their own statues for achievements! worked just fine until you removed it! P.S. I still remember Andilek trying to get a statue but killing lv1 toons! EPIC!
  3. people at 113 can make enough to afford a destiny pack and pay with adena.
  4. cmon man destiny is only to be used with an XP event, jewels are a luxury, you can build a toon to get to 110 just by using maybe a tauti (or in some cases a creation ring) and an orfen soul with pdef. 2k ncoin is ~7.5b ( if prices were the same as 2 weeks ago) you could get: for DD's Pve atk belt: 1.2b orfen soul: 2.5b Ring of creation: 1.5b same for healers/iss and tanks Pve def belt: 1.2b orfen soul - pdef: 2.5b octavis earring warrior: 1.5b artifactbook lv1 + 7 artifacts = 3.8b in the second case its more than that but it is permanent.
  5. you actually needed more than 2-3 accounts at least to be able to farm, if you were a DD you would need support, if you were a support and could not find a DD then you would level one, so at some point you would also add another account, a spoiler to make some adena on the side and before you realised it, you had 5 accounts per month to pay. Thats 75$/month. Plus back in the day you never had good drops at higher levels. You did have raids to kill but that was too much drama on the drops so yeah, much better now! *p.s. if you did not have a few accounts on your own then you would be one of the million players that got 76 and stayed at that level cuz "there was nothing to do".
  6. this is a 17 year old game which began development in 2000? or 2001, it runs on unreal engine 2.5, some things are limited by the technology used in the game, being an old game might mean that it will run smooth on our pcs 20 years late but it also bares the limitations of its technology that was used back then. Please break down the steps for the optimization that is required to improve the servers for the team as well for us, the non tech-savy people.
  7. you know that you do not need a bot to detect greedy boxes, right? I guess people cant really put 2+2 together.... Its like back in the day, any1 that was loosing pvp was accusing the other side of using programs...
  8. Dude, what kind of twisted logic is this? "Professional IT experts are not allowed to play games" , just cuz you have not met any1, it does not mean that people good at their job cant play games or even better, people just do not go around advertising what they do for a living. This or your "friends and people that you know" simply work on farms or something? There is nothing wrong with being good at what you do and play games just for fun on your spare time. Finally, have you considered why there are people that have so good gear and can afford to spend $500 a month? I will let you in on a little secret, they are IT experts and can afford it (I know at least 4 top geared players on chronos ). You do not know if MJ played any games cuz at his peak online games were not a thing, Neymar Jr on the other hand is playing videogames online, again your arguement is invalid. I do miss L2guru when you could roast kids!
  9. its called balancing and it has been going on in online games the past 20 years.
  10. unless you are doing the dailies, which with a good group are 90% afk, there is no actual need to be doing anything else other than afk xping! the war with the mobs is eternal
  11. lol I have 10 year old PC with 2gb gddr5 graphics card and 16gb ram , 100mbps internet connection and I have maybe 1 dc per week and that could also be my ISP, stop blaming NCsoft and fix your ***. inb4 flames!
  12. not sure why you are experiencing this, but I only DC 1 hour after I get PKed . Hyper is from US and well usually these guys tend to have good internet connections, while I did not have any disconnection in a week and I come from Greece which is known for the average-to-poor internet speeds and stability. All I am saying is that this could be something else besides the servers?
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